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Fitness Magazines...


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I have had Men's Fitness before and it was OK...but instead of renewing that one, I did Muscle & Fitness this time, which I have always liked (Fatty used to get when we were kids...) but this is the first time subscribing and have been happy so far, although it does get a little too techy and farrrr too many supplement ads.


what do you read?

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I bought this one magazine... forget what it's called but I'll warn you about it. It says on the front cover all the things it could provide you with learning about weights. But on the inside (forgot to look on the inside when buying it) it had pictures of half naked men doing poses I could never do. So always look inside before you buy.

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Min, you used to get men's health too, right?


Heck, this forum is better than most magazines.


Every health magazine seems to regurgitate the same material on a quarterly basis, only reword it with different titles and pictures.


Plus they always throw in the keys to better sex, dating, etc of course. Once in a while you get something REALLY usefull like "How to Read your Bosses' Mind" or something.


Yada yada.....I'd say a half dozen to a dozen people interested in their own fitness doing a bit of research and putting their heads together is far more valuable. And look! You get accountability.


How about a list of sites? Cancel your subscriptions now and let's gather some decent URLs in one topic.


Who's our moderator? That one be one of those long-term pinned topics! :boing:

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Yada yada.....I'd say a half dozen to a dozen people interested in their own fitness doing a bit of research and putting their heads together is far more valuable.  And look!  You get accountability.

I see the same questions being asked in multiple threads though. I just a lot of times don't feel like writing it out again and feel like an donkey if I say, look at this thread and it will answer your questions.


This doesn't necessarily pertain to this thread, just the idea of people putting their heads together to work on this stuff.



And to actually say something lending to topic. I used to love reading the magazine EAS used to put out, can't remember the name right off hand, but after their supplements took off, it kinda went down hill, everything in there is how to do stuff using their suppliments and Bill Phillips new Body for Life program.


Men's Health has always been an enjoyable read for me though.

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