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Everything posted by *BiGBonES**

  1. Is oblivion a massive version of Zelda from the N64? I'm considering buying this, can anyone offer a review of the baisc gameplay and what you have to do, or are you too busy playing it?
  2. I would love for some companies to spend years and years spending millions to get complete market domination in a variety of different markets, and then as soon as they get it the government legislates to make all of the markets publicly controlled markets Just imagine the look on the directors face
  3. Arsenal through to the final! I'm kinda happy and sad, as if Arsenal win the champions league it means that the team I support will not get through to next years champions league, but at the same time I really want an English club to bring the trophy back home to England for a second year running. If tottenham, my club, do get into the champions league next year, then it probably won't be worth it as at the moment we are not quite good enough to compete with the top european teams, so I guess I just want Arsenal to loose so I can wind up their fans when ever a football debate comes up
  4. I'll probably start a sad and depressing topic in the chit-chat forum so all the people who are not at fragfest can cry together
  5. w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t The package arrived 20minutes ago (therefore good news as I'm on the computer now), and I managed to install the psu into my systen and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the first piece of hardware i have bought that has worked first time without any problems I made sure I unwrapped the packaging carefully as I knew I would have to send it back, and got scared when looking at the box because it didnt seem to have enough 4 pin power connectors for everything I needed. But when I opened it up it had plenty of wires so thats good. I had a scare when trying to connect the big motherboard connector into the motherboard, because the connector had 24 pins instead of 20 pins, and at that point I nearly gave up. But then I noticed that you could rip the last 4 pins off the connector, making it only 20 pins, and once again all was well. Question- Its running now outside of the case, and there seems to be some small type of electrical buzzing sound. Its not a buzzing as such, but just a wierd static type of noise. Is this good or bad?
  6. Yeah you can't take out the pistol around, especially with the new 'warm up timers' being used in the servers. Also having $1337 is not that original, i've seen it in other servers before, and I guess the novelty of it will wear off after a couple of map restarts. pistols ftw
  7. I like the end of your first forum message announcement in legit-proof forums: 'Post hard, go Pro'
  8. http://www.fragfm.co.uk/ A new radio cs mod This was quite fun whilst pubbing the other day. You type 'radio' into chat, and then music starts playing in the game! The music ranges from love songs to heavy scary rock music, I especially like the george michael, but theres something for everyone. The best bit it the DJ, probably the worst DJ in the world but he has some classic jargon that will make you crack up in game. Its a lot of laughing at the guy, not with him, as he is seriously trying to do his job well.
  9. Them guy's have l337 accents
  10. I have a few other funny things that happened, but no one got caught for any of them: - I art lessons the teacher was hardly in the room because she is an art teacher, and lets face it, what do art teachers have to do? Anyway, whilst she was out we were all bored and find these tall boxes/trays fall of chalk around the room. A few people start throwing chalk at each other, and eventually the whole class is in a massive chalk fight. It was quite funny, except when you got hit in the face and had to put on a tough look whilst holding off the stinging pain. - One of the bottom set classes (full of the thick people), locked a physics teacher in a cupboard. I didnt believe it at first, but then the teacher took me on a few supply lessons and I realised he had no control over the class and if you tried to put him in a cupboard he would not resist. Eventually they installed an emergency button in his class room just incase things got out of hand. - Some guy put a notice from the local authorities on a guys bike which was locked to a railing in the school playground. It said it was illegal to park the bike in that particular spot, and was demanding a fine or else a court appearance. The guy got really scared after we all said "you should pay that, because you dont want to go to jail", and he eventually phoned up the local council and complained. Stupid kid (kid at the age of 18) More will come back to me when I see myfriends
  11. but then you get a dead cat causing an even greater smell than the mouse?
  12. <<<------ Eyes left <<<------- That link there To the top left of someones post you will see a name, and if you click on this name, it directs you to that persons profile. Somewhere in the profile, you will see a button allowing you to send a 'Personal Message', or a 'PM'. Click that, type your message and then click send. To view your reply, you will either get an e-mail notification if you enabled that option when you joined, or you can look at the top right area of this page where theres a small link telling you if you have a new message. Try PM'ing me if you want to test it out.
  13. I see the end of cs being down to valve not updating the graphics and fixing bugs, or even bringing out new versions. Generally, games are aimed at teenagers and people in their twenties. Every year a whole new bunch of teenages will start looking around and playing games and then find counter-strike which they will probably stick to due to the magnificent game play. Therefore, as some of the older players get bored of the same thing over and over again, they will drop out but be replaced by the next generation of gamers. This will not work if cs source is never updated to a new version of cs in like 5 years time, because other games that may not have the classy element of gameplay that cs has, will draw in the next generation of gamers by their graphics and engines, meaning that teenages will overlook cs and eventually it will die out.
  14. I could post a link that shows you what all the myg0t players look like in real life, but its probably best not too as (i) their all really really geeky, friendless idiot young teenagers, and (ii) it may encourage hacking.
  15. wooohooo I'm going to be playing in Cal-europe, all I need to do now is find a clan
  16. You should be able to see different links under each thumbnail picture of your images, each link enabling you to copy and paste the picture into different medium. The link with the [/img] tags allows you to copy and paste the picture straight into the forums, where as another one will have html tags which allows you to copy is straight into a webpage document. I dunno where your going wrong with linking your whole gallery
  17. I can't seem to get through to the location containing your pictures. I get redirected to msn home Try www.photobucket.com to host your screenshots of the map, and then I'll check out the candy
  18. Stop having a go at the guy, its not his fault if his spelling and grammer are not his strong point! Give him a break and stop being harsh, upsetting and rude.
  19. I played on a server where players had unlimited ammo and didnt have to reload, so they would get about 5 of them firing and nading cabinets and what have you into doorways, budiling barriers and what have you. It was really fun! *ends pointless contribution to topic*
  20. PSU S-presso I'm totally out of solutions for my s-presso, so I'm looking to buy a PSU to allow me to run a 6600GT graphics card in this system. I've had a big search for small replacement asus power supplies that are more powerful and should fit in the case, but they don't exist. The closest I could find were some Shuttle psus, which don't fit into the current case chassis. I'm aware that this psu won't fit in the s-presso, so I'm going to mod the case a bit, saw out a section of metal and plastic at the back and allow the PSU to somehow fit into the case. It wont look nice, but I'm really not fussed because I just want a machine that runs my hardware. I need someone with the knowledge to check if the psu linked above will actually work in the system. I've never bought a psu, so will it have all the necessary wires needed to plug into the motherboard and other parts of the system? will the power plugs fit into all the correct slots etc? So yes, will this psu work and do what i want? Heres the sticker on the current psu. I'm not sure what it all means, but it might be useful when checking if the new one is comptable with the system.
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