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Everything posted by Saris

  1. Well, I suppose it would be then . . .
  2. Really, the only threads I post in nowadays are the ones that have a good debate going on. The one thing that actually DID peeve me was a thread about family violence that someone (can't remember who) said should be closed, yet it was entirely friendly debate, no one had even made a single comment towards another about it. But there is that issue of when you don't know if someone will take a post the wrong way. So, same for me, if anyone's ever been offended by one of my posts, you've taken it the wrong way.
  3. I can't wait to get published - hollywood is obviously so desperate for ideas my book will be a movie in no time.
  4. I don't think the requirements are a bug. Check your mods, sometimes if you mod your weapon while its equipped, your go over your willpower without having to remove your weapon, so it disables sm of your mods.
  5. I play with my brother sometimes, sometimes I auto party. It's not that the game is hard, I took another shot at it and made it all the way to the Wall, where you have to command the Fist. I was still level 35, killing demons at level 43 - that does nothing for exp. I'm going to try auto-partying right now while there's more people on to see if I can get in a decent group that's just grinding - I'm sure there are many
  6. Wow . . . I so rescind my earlier comment. Hopping into nightmare at first was easy, but after beating up Shulgoth again, I found myself getting violated in every known way by mobs that were suddenly 5-7+ levels above me. My guardian (supposedly overpowered) reached the same level and goes down just as bad. Those giant zombie monsters with the spike balls for hands --- there's like 6-7 of them in a group now, and when they all fire at you at once, if the first one hits and stuns you, well, the following six will take you from full health to 0, end of story. Don't matter how great your build is, how great your gear is, you're gonna die. So, I just grinded tonight from level 32 to 35 on my marksman by running Shulgoth over and over, until I got a unique machine pistol that does 130dmg at 600 rounds/min (that's twice as fast as the standard rifle and its one-handed[my other hand does 160 at 300 rounds/min). I ran back towards charing cross station and I can now mow everything down, unless they get lucky, like in a situation as described above. The only difference is - it's not doing anything. My exp bar refuses to move! At this point, I'm questioning whether or not nightmare is worth doing seeing how there is no end game. My latest skills+my awesome gun mods+owning everything sight is fun, but not when I'm getting nothing out of it. I can't emphasize enough what a wall this is - you tend not to notice while doing the first few quests because they're easy, but after the end of act 1, you'll realize you've gained 1-1.5 levels. There's 5 more acts to go and by the end of it, the mobs will be level 50. If you plan to play this far, run Shulgoth. Run him until you're wearing nothing but legendary and are level 36, no more, no less. Cause I forgot to mention, before logging off tonight, that I made it to Death Sewers again . . . I was killed just by the zombies.
  7. Hellgate is Dialo 2 in 3D with a slurry of bugs and a weaker storyline. They seem to be patching really fast though to get the game working better. Y'all are chumps, btw! I'm already in Nightmare with a level 23 marksman. It doesn't look like there's any large leap in difficulty like when switching modes in D2. It does get harder, but it's a gradual change, so if the last boss is kicking your butt on normal, don't worry. That's gotta be the most disappointing thing about this game - the boss battles. The last boss was kind of cool, and is alot like fighting Diablo in the original D2. I miss running into a really dark room, hearing this loud rumbling noise and this deep, demonic voice laughing and asking '...looking for Baal?' and then some huge, freaking monster lunges at you. And even though the story is weaker than D2, for those skipping the story, I recommend you don't. A surprise at the end may make it worth it.
  8. Sounds like you got really nice parents. I dealt with all of my issues alone, which isn't necessarily bad because it allowed me to build a strong character. It reminds me of how I visited a work friend's house who has two children and we were sitting out back having a bbq. He then took his two kids out before it got dark and played catch, frisbee, basketball and that hook and cup thing (there were toys everywhere) for almost two hours. I even said to him, I'm surprised to see a single father spend so much time with his kids, in which he was only baffled. When I was bored, my parents bought me lego, GI Joe or a video game and told me to go to my room and play. It's two entirely different ways of parenting that produce equally good results. As for the kid, I feel the same way that we just don't have the full story and that people should think twice before flocking to the mother's side. For all we know, she could have struck him first, said something completely unacceptable or whatever. Of course, we are talking about the "Halo kids" here. Don't we want these kids to get beat up?
  9. Quoted for truth. Now days, you can't lay a finger on your kid unless you want something bad to happen to you. Another reason not to expose your kids to video games very early in their life. It always differs in every situation. It's my belief that a constant level of discipline throughout life will regulate their behaviour and not affect their love towards you - AKA moderate spanking. The older they get with a poor level of discipline, the more they need to be put in their place by a good belt up the head, like this kid. But I can assure you, a piece of the very love a child has for you is lost with every overly-violent strike. An adult can get over being punched by a wimpy, teen kid. A child, a teen, or even a young adult will not get over having the crap beat out of them by their parents because they're the powerless ones, in every situation.
  10. If I had a kid that raged that badly over games, he wouldn't be allowed near them - period. If he's too young to be convicted, then obviously he's still a squirt compared to his mother, let alone his father, so obviously the real deal going on here is there is no discipline in the house.
  11. ................... (Slaps Red, white and blue over maple leaf on backpack and heads for US)
  12. I never caught what the hype was about either. My work friend brought it in and hooked it up to our training TV one night and let me do one song. I didn't even finish it before saying it was just DDR with a different peripheral (in which, he flipped out on me). And I like DDR with dance mat. But essentially, I thought to myself, I could learn this new peripheral which doesn't mimic a real guitar and memorize the songs until I know what notes are coming 5 minutes ahead, or I could go play a game that doesn't require memorization, and only requires skill. *And yes, I know it does require some dexterity, but certainly not when you go from left to right and then all over the place in a few seconds, like that video someone posted, until you teach your body's reflexes to do it by practicing multiple times. And if you can do it on your first time, well, congratulations on being God, I guess.
  13. You sound like Microsoft wouldn't butcher their games as much as EA is going to?
  14. Snakes on a plane was funnier. I like this one, though. I played with it a bit.
  15. Looks like Nintendo copied China! Just like they stole motion sensing from Sony!
  16. Saris

    free jamie

    Is it something that can go in a book? Are you familiar with Lulu? Thanks for the link, that site looks pretty handy. I've obviously considered some of my options so far, but I'll definitely keep that one close by to consider.
  17. Saris

    free jamie

    It's true that the money-grubbing aspect of this situation shouldn't draw so much heat because it's no different from some other companies. It is downright extortion though, but its everywhere and we can't change it. *Cough* MICROSOFT PRODUCTS!! *Cough* The only thing that gets me is that it's "You make it-we take it-we keep the profits, here's a few pennies." Kind of an exaggeration, but to someone like me, who probably loves his artwork more than his biological child, it turns your stomach to have someone claim the "rights" to it, and mooch off your hard work and tell you what's good/bad. Everyone who has ever seen my works, and a close friend in the publishing industry, said I would have no problem getting published but I haven't because I HAVE to wait until I have the money and manpower to self publish. [They honestly bug me on a regular basis.] But regardless of why, the fact remains that the music industry HAS been targeted for its outrageous prices, and unlike oil companies that (somewhat) bent to public outcry, all we see is these industries kicking and screaming like babies that they don't want to get off their high horse. Personally, I'd much prefer people turned their attention towards IT companies trying to revoke your rights as a user, and those who would privatize the internet.
  18. Saris

    free jamie

    I'm glad I'm not American and don't listen to American music. Oh, and any REAL artist would say that he's happy his message is reaching a larger audience - its not about the money and those that think it is, are sellouts/posers. This formula actually holds true to more than just music, as well. Just about every kind of art form has people groping at your profits, without really doing anything. If you think the music industry is bad, you should check out trying to publish a novel...
  19. I didn't know people in Canada swam. Normally we don't, cause it's kinda hard. First we have to pick through the ice large enough to fit through, then there's all those walruses and seals and polar bears attacking you. It also gets pretty cold, and our igloos don't do much to warm us up.
  20. Yeah, that definitely helped, now I can make it go either direction. When the leg passes 'behind', you have to imagine its either at 12 or 6'oclock. This'll change the direction. I was originally right, went left for awhile, then back to right mind and couldn't go back until I read this.
  21. Something seemed really off about the way the guy kicks his legs after he's put back together. Honestly, all I can think of is robotics and the separated parts are connected by a powerful magnet, which would definitely hold the top in place, even if a small child or something is in the top half, with a magnet that size.
  22. I'm in first year, Astronomy 1200. I definitely find this stuff cool too. So much, that I don't understand someone that ISN'T fascinated by it.
  23. Saris

    AMAZING site

    http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/index.htm Use the drop box on the right to view the categories. There may be some foul language, I'm not sure. Edit: Yeah, small content warning, nothing too bad. I'm Philosopher, by the way - which makes me pretty powerful! XD Mo is most definitely a Target. The only difference is, is we love him!
  24. http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/applets/Sun_Globe/index.html Man, the stuff in my university class is cool. It really puts the perceptions of the solar system together, because it can actually be pretty confusing, because when you look at planetary and lunar motion from one direction, it looks different from another. You also know that earth is furthest from the sun in summer? Bananas. http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/projects/data/Seasons/seasons.html We're also missing out on half the moon!!! http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/phyjlh/Astr...oonRotation.htm
  25. 23 people in a decade and 6 people just recently. You're more likely to be attacked by a shark. Though it is creepy cause you don't know its happening until the side effects show up. But actually, if people were able to see the amount of microscopic organisms living on their very body, I don't think they'd want to go on living, let alone go in water. Though, I've stayed away from any water not in a properly cared for pool because its just not healthy, and even if the water is clean, you don't know what the heck you could be stepping on. I'll never take my kids to a beach, if they want to swim that badly, I'll buy them a pool and care for it everyday.
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