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Everything posted by Saris

  1. Sometimes your mind can play such realistic tricks on you, you can swear that it happened. Regardless of whether you thought you were touched by an angel/demon/ghost, I can at least say that in the morning, or if it bothered you that much, the next day, it should wear off as you pass it off as part of your imagination. This actually kinda reminds me of a few days ago, walking home from work around midnight. The streets were empty, so I kept my head down, listening to my music and not turning, or looking behind me. I walked probably 35 minutes without thinking anything, then all of a sudden it just jumped into my head: 'I need to turn around.' And I looked up to do so, and it literally felt like I was watching everything go dark. So I turned around and there was a dark figure there long enough for me to jump in surprise, and reach up and take out one of my earbuds before it was gone. And as it disappeared, just as I removed my earpiece, I heard a sound that could only be described as a scream. I'd never been so spooked in my life, seriously, but when you sleep on it, you wake up and it's just gone, you tend to shrug it off. I know it may not sound related, but I kid you not when I say I SAW something (though now I concluded it was my mind playing a horribly realistic trick on me). I was so spooked that even at 21 years old, I wanted to wake up my mother or sister so that I wasn't alone, but I managed to make it to my computer and vegetate in front of it to calm me down. Cause if I were to give the full detail, something like this has happened before to me and you have to ask, if I was being braindead, listening to my music, why did I suddenly feel the necessity to turn that one time during my 50 minute walk home? There are people on the planet, that if they saw what I did, they'd be on unsolved mysteries, talking about ghosts and crap. But personally, I don't see it that way, and that's the only advice I can give is to forget it. It happens to everyone at some point.
  2. There was no point in continuing to watch that show without Richard Dean Anderson.
  3. Blizz announced the newest mount for the WoW exp: It fights back! Does 35-54dps, has Rend and Stomp abilities. Also has Awesome Aura that causes all who view it to be in awe. frostfirezoo.com/a-true-bad-donkey.html?q=a-true-bad-donkey EDIT: Rats, owned by the swear filter. Replace all instances of donkey with its proper word.
  4. Saris


    Which one? I thought they were both great, though the first one flopped.
  5. Saris


    The tone of my post sounds really harsh, but it's meant to be somewhat humourous too. The quote I got from wikipedia makes me laugh that three titles in the same series were simultaneously announced for three separate pieces of hardware. In honesty, Final Fantasy barely makes it into my top 5 favourite series, but I still really enjoy the games, especially XII. I didn't like how it departed from the series staples either, but the story, to me, was the best one told so far. As much as FF7 was classic and amazing, playing it now, much of the dialogue is surprisingly cheesy, whereas FFXII was a fully developed and fleshed out world. Being my favourite FF story, I was appalled when they announced the sequel for a rival system, and on a handheld. It just seems really wrong to me, no matter what their reasons are. [And as stated above, I believe it's just because they're cash cows.] As for the new RPGs coming out, those that aren't on PS3 as well [which I already have] didn't really amaze me much except for Infinite Undiscovery. And yeah, it definitely sucks I can't play Halo 3, but I'm sure it'll come to PC too. [besides, I already know the ending, which should tide me over. Wanna know how it ends? >]
  6. Tasers, eh . . .? Then they could pee in their pants rather than on other people's property. I saw one of my friends get tasered after he had a crazy night at Hess in Hamtown [a street with a dozen to two dozen bars back to back.] It was really funny. I wish I had one.
  7. Long, long story short - last night, huge party next door . . . cusses and yelling at the top of the lungs, beer bottles on my lawn and someone trampled our front flowerbed. 45 minute walk home tonight, passed about . . . 90-100 drunks, some walking, some at house parties. Saw one group breaking into a domino's advert sign, saw one guy walking to a neighbour's house and peeing on the front door and must have been yelled and sworn at myself, just quietly walking by, about a dozen times. The crazed rambles included the 'n' word, sexual orientation, everything. Don't know what I want to accomplish by posting this and what you take away from it, but I felt like it.
  8. Saris


    "At the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, three new installments in the series were revealed. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, focusing on Roxas, will be released for the Nintendo DS, while Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, focusing on new characters, will be released on the PlayStation Portable. Another game, Kingdom Hearts coded, focusing on King Mickey, will be released to mobile phones." Why . . . do I have to own . . . every piece of technological hardware . . . just to play the freakin games I want . . .? And if it's not bad enough, you think they could have the decency to not be a cash cow and keep SERIES on the same console. They did this with Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 12 AND Final Fantasy 7! I'm just waiting for the long-awaited remake to be announced for something ridiculous, like the DS or Wii. [i mean this in the sense that the controls of DS and Wii don't make the best of RPGs, so better gfx and processing is favourable. (AKA. Don't flame me for this)] Edit: Final Fantasy 12 - PS2 Final Fantasy 12 - Revenant Wings {DIRECT! Sequel} - DS Final Fantasy Tactics - PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - GBA Final Fantasy Tactics Remake - PSP Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Fūketsu no Grimoire - DS Final Fantasy 7 - PS1 Final Fantasy 7 - Before Crisis - Cell Phones Final Fantasy 7 - Crisis Core - PSP Final Fantasy 7 - Dirge of Cerberus - PS2 Final Fantasy 7 - Dirge of Cerberus - Lost Episode - Cell Phones The list can go on, I assure you . . .
  9. I'm gonna be back for TF2 when I can cough up the cash and my univ. duties dies down a bit - prolly just under a month. Enjoy your balanced gameplay while you can. >
  10. 5 dollars!? That's two months worth of a paycheck!
  11. I generally don't like to blame comp problems, lag, or shot registration on my deaths, but I just discovered I've been dealing with a severe handicap with my broken down mouse. I always knew, when I was on my laptop, with my optic mouse, I went 3:1 alot, no sweat. Then I switched to desktop pc and used a regular mouse - I always had this problem with not being able to turn properly more than half the time, and when I did, I couldn't get a feel for when I was turning too much or not enough. I knew it was because my mouse wasn't registering all my left/right movements, but I figured it was either comp lag, or something slowing down my computer. Well, since I quit, it's only gotten worse, to the point where when I'm moving left/right it will dead stop until I slam my mouse on the table, or throw it right really hard. Just tonight, I finally got tired of it and popped it open to discover that the sensor for the left/right movements was ALOT more tight than up/down - I could spin up/down, but after releasing my finger from left/right, it would dead stop. Well, some terrible plier work later, I've loosened it up and already, I can't understand why I put up with it for so long cause my mouse movements are so smooth now. Thus, for about, the entire last year of my play here (roughly since I joined GC as a paying member) all your kill counts on me are forfeit and all my kill counts are doubled! >
  12. Any anti-apple statements, no matter how farfetched or "untrue" are always good examples of logic.
  13. Saris

    Jack Thompson

    I voted stupidity only because of his methods. Like, when I look at Gears of war and Resident Evil 4 with blood spattering all over the screen with the chainsaws, I kind of just shake my head. I don't find it gross, I don't find it cool, so with all the hassle developers get over it, I wonder why they even bother. Cause you really have to ask yourself whether the amount of violence in a game is really a selling point at all? Both the games in my example still would've been amazing without the excessive violence. But like I said, just completely the wrong way and against the wrong people. I like the Uwe Boll comment, too. I lol'd.
  14. Saris

    Online Gaming

    Diablo 3 will cure ALL that! When it comes out, what's left of my real life goes down the drain! >
  15. Saris

    Jack Thompson

    Self-explanatory. I appreciate his intentions, but he goes about it completely the wrong way. COMPLETELY. I usually don't like to insult people's intelligence cause I'm no Harvard grad myself, but I vote epitome of stupidity. Do I really need to link to some of the things he e-mails to game developers and site hosts?
  16. Saris

    Online Gaming

    Having moved temporarily back to battle.net (no explanations needed for those who have played on it) I got around to thinking about the things I hate most about playing with other people. Obviously we know what we value around here at GC, but what type of player irks you the most? Obviously all of the above can be frustrating, so please select only three from each category. If you hate everything people do, you may select them all, but please try to stick to three each. ALSO, for the attitude category, obviously everything will occur if someone is very upset. Thus, all those below "Rage" should be selected only if a person is actually related to that term by their normal behaviour. They should be pretty self-explanatory. Don't confuse careless with team killer. Example, in CS, someone who shoots through you to get a kill, or throws flashbangs in front of you, let alone HE grenades. The Gosu is owning everyone, leaving no kills for you, and half the time, is more obsessed with playing for himself than the team - example, in CS, not defusing the bomb because it could POSSIBLY grant them a death count. Anyway, post up! I look forward to the results from this.
  17. Wow, that's pretty dastardly. It bugs me when people do this. Maybe they're the REAL reason for the downtime and not the unnamed individual that was discussed in the e-mail. Hopeful thinking, maybe?
  18. While it may seem like you're unwanted, (given the 3 inappropriate posts above) there are more people that enjoy playing with you here on this server than you think, Preacher, so you shouldn't feel unwanted. Though we never chatted together, you were at least one of those player's that wouldn't cause me to leave/be irked by you logging on and you were just a general decent guy to play with/against. It's definitely an unwelcome atmosphere when an admin is abusing their power, especially on a long-time reg. But you have to realize that in every organization there will be people that slip in that do not follow the rules, and those that do, can sometimes slip up. For example, a while ago, I had a rather popular, (and usually kind admin) all of a sudden start tearing into my personal lifestyle for no reason. I didn't even respond once before he went on for 5-6 lines, 3-4 being insults. But because I didn't even acknowledge him, I never had a problem again. So, all in all, the general consensus of GC, at least, is to promote a friendly atmosphere of respect. It doesn't happen all the time, but as others before me have also said, it happens more than not. If you don't believe this to be true, than there is nothing more I can say to have you remain. Though, I really hope you'll change your mind. Frag ya later!
  19. My father and stepmother are both heavy gamers. They're currently playing FFXI, like they have been for the past 5 years - they have over a year of gameplay logged. (I checked my Dad's account last week, ONE character had 300+ days) It's great because they do what they love and are happy with their lives, but it can be frustrating at times. For example, their three children (obviously myself included) went to visit for the first time in three months, and it was their designated "raid" night. They spent from 6:00 pm to midnight just playing the game solid because they couldn't let their party down. Having played WoW a bit myself, I can understand the obligation to show up, but they knew about us coming for a week. Then our sick grandmother turned on a *sigh*.... willie nelson concert and my bro and I would've went out for a bike ride, but it started to pour. It was not a pleasant visit.
  20. I agree with what you say, but I didn't really mean to come off that way. For example, in our last vote, shortly before the elections began, Canadians found out that the liberals had misspent a lot of our tax money. I would've been infuriated if they were voted back in again, but luckily, the conservatives won (by only a small margin, which angers me in itself). It's up to every citizen to allow zero tolerance with right-revoking laws and stealing our money, but it's just my personal opinion, that while the loss of privacy sucks, there are far too many benefits from it. Although, on the contrary, it would seem Microsoft and a bunch of other IT companies think they should police the world. This is one of the few topics that actually fires me up in terms of revoking rights. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=9391 If you actually look at Microsoft's site/any info about trustworthy computing, it can truly be disturbing how much they try to play this off as something that is not only 'good', but it's absolutely AMAZING for everyone out there (just like Vista). And this one ticks me off because people are allowing it to happen. And when it's implemented and people say 'oh crap, this sucks' it'll be way too late. So I know you didn't mean to attack me personally, but I just felt I should clarify what I was saying above.
  21. I don't really see a problem with those. Despite what many people believe to be the contrary, I feel my tax money is put to good use. (Most of the time) If someone has nothing to hide, then there shouldn't be a problem with being tracked. And with the way google Earth is evolving, it looks like people will be able to look in on you, regardless. And a world gov't won't change anything. Instead of international wars, we'll just call them civil wars. Though he is right in how that seems to be the way we're heading, but none of it really upsets me.
  22. Saris

    happy canada day

    You're just jealous that our birthday comes first (on the calendar) Cause Canadians are #1!
  23. Wii boxing with my brother is much better. We box at the screen, then when one starts to lose, they box at the other person, then we're both boxing at each other, then the wii doesn't matter any more and its just plain boxing. It's a good workout.
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