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Everything posted by g@!dEn

  1. Cute Kid!! Congrats you are really blessed. Hope he turns out to be as nice as his Dad has been on CSS. Ethan is a really cool name too. Congrats again. Good Work!!
  2. Hey didn't Leveller join .gc too??? Welcome all, hope to be joining you all soon.
  3. Thats sweet that it was on G4 TV. Hey speaking of servers for a second, do you all think you will get another midwest server up soon, hopefully scopless. I know i should jsut join to get my reserve spot, but with 480 hours on internship work to do and no other income except for 50 a week for food which is not nearly enough, i can't afford it right now and your alls server is the only one i like to play on. Just a liitle question, i would also like to see when the clip of it on G4 TV. And umm fatty if i had a Tivo I would go back or set it up, but i am BROKE>> Figured i would reply to your post since no one else has...
  4. Yep i sure am. Right on the east side of the river, it is easier to say St. Louis than to say Belleville, IL> You like the Blues?? Not to take away from Decoy's forum and his new ride!
  5. This is dispecable!! I hate Terriorist with a passion. I mean they are just bullies. But thank God there has only been one injury. Stay safe over there man! Alots going down and we would not want you to get caught up in any of that, so use you CSS skills and sneak around looking behing boxes, etc and make sure there are no more "bullies" before you load a bus or train.
  6. hey i really need a ride to the grocery store can you come pick me up. I will even throw in some left over change for gas. Nice Ride!!
  7. g@!dEn

    House Pics

    Really nice house reminds me of my parents house that I use to live in. I like the big back yard. Nice job!!
  8. good idea you are so smart!!!
  9. THis was one of the most entertaining topics i have read in a long time. Thanks guys for making it funny and entertaining. i agree with everything you said and everything you stand for, thanks for sticking together and working as a team to get ride of Shekilea (whatever that name was) It shows you all have a tight interaction/bond and rely on each other and are not going to let outsiders really influence you. Yeah i also started to get hungry after reading this topic. Anyone have steak?
  10. g@!dEn

    Lunk's New Ride

    Indeed that is a nice truck. Indeed it is a ford, hopefully it is not made like my girlfriends ford escort becuase that car is a piece of crap. Good choice on the diesel engine but i will stick to my 45 miles to the gallon honda civic.
  11. Yeah that was pretty corny but somehow i found myself laughing at it.
  12. Midwest + css here. Right dab in the middle of the midwest. In St. Louis. And i concure with Kilzugud and M2 that midwest + css will own
  13. That joke was kinda funny. I mean not pee in you pants funny like some of the other ones i heard but it was pretty good. I laughed.
  14. g@!dEn

    No More Rick James

    yes, i readily admit i can be an idiot and miss some details, like pming you. But i am also pretty good at apologizing but not spellin. so sorry i missed that detail.
  15. I have been to my rankings.stats page the last two days and it has not been updated, i was just wondering if there was a problem or if it jsut takes a couple days to be updated. I am not mad or anything just thought i would bring this piece of information up. Have a great day
  16. whudats Posted Today, 03:12 PM DOOD. Welcome to the forums!! luxhello.gif If you really are that bad, play on SCOPELESS. I need all the help I can get!! bigsmile.gif Yes i will be in scopeless probably tonight if i ever get off of work and past traffic. Bubblegum Bandit Posted Today, 03:26 PM Alright, I get to be the first to kinda say it... I'M RICK JAMES _____!! And Bubblegum I am really the only Rick James in this town!! haha Oh and i am doin good just chillen at work. Our common drive is down so we cannpt access any of our work to actually do work so we are getting paid, well i am not becuase of my internship, but everyone else is getting paid to jsut sit here for the day. We have goofed off a little but i have been trying to put some post on here and reply. How long have all you been playing on here. and if you have any tips, i could sure use them. (that is if they are not to secret for a newbie. .
  17. I totally understand, i jsut don't want things to happen where it does turn out like other servers. That is why I like you guys becuase you are way above standards and I jsut don't want you all to compromise that. I have faith you will keep it in tact and get everything situated. Thanks for hearing the comments.
  18. Hey whats up. I am offically about a 2 week newbie to your =GC= servers and today i registered to be on the forums. Just wanted to say hello to all get my name out there. Yes i know i should have a word at the end of my name but i think that it is funnier with out it. Really like how you all do work around here and thought it would be cool to get my 2 cents in. I am usually on during the evening so if you want an easy kill you can find me and shoot me becuase most likely i wont hit you first. So I just wanted to say WHAT UP? and introduce myself.
  19. I have noticed at times that there are players coming on and disrespecting everything you all stand for, from what I understand. I have recently more than before seen people using obscene words and talking down to people greatly. I really like what you all are trying to do, but could you please maybe try to crack down a little more. I know it is hard to stop everything but I have noticed in like the past week that it is getting worse. Thanks for listening and hope this sinks in. I know there are other servers out there and I could play on them but you all have scopless servers, ff on, a good map rotation and numerous other things that I enjoy and I really don't want you all to turn out like other servers out there. So please for the sake or the community try and crack down a little more. Rick
  20. I Love =GC= servers because they are clean and I can actually get some kills on the scopeless servers bacuase I don't get scoped out by some awp. I also love the map rotation that you all have. And after reading all the post I think I have been a victim of all of you numerous times and Vovik, you don't make me mad just frustrated. One day boys/girls I will rule!, and will take you all out but until then I will be getting in the way of your bullets making you feel good about yourselfs. j/k. I enjoy playing with you guys! Later.
  21. Well my birth certificate says I should be 21, but I just don't think that is right. I think I was born in a another realm, kinda like superman. How else would I have a name like this. (note it is not my real name) Still I just don't feel like I am 21. How old is 21 anyways. Did God intend for there to be 365 days in a year or is his sceduling different and I am really 3 or 10045. Also age is how you feel on the inside not what you look like outside. so try a survey where you ask how old do you feel becuase that might give a better example of the playing community in CSS. Just a thought from RICK JAMES. PeAcE
  22. Man! Hope this does not ever hit the popo's station because I will be toast. My radar detector is what I rely on. Its like I have fallen in love with it. (not really) {it is kinda like that nextel commercial where that guy named his phone because he gave her directions to where he needed to be and he says, "Thank you Sandy." and the wife is like you have fallen in love with you phone. It is a pretty funny commercial if you have not seen it. Also my radar detector is named lisa. j/k. but it really saves my butt sometimes. Guess I should keep up on this topic so I can know when to exactly slow down.
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