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Everything posted by Warpig

  1. Oh man, I couldnt even think about selling my bike I love her too much I could ride her all night long
  2. Of course he found it first....hes the guy in the song......
  3. Yea I hate stupid people liek that...but I dont ride peoples butts, my buddy did that and he ran over a tail pipe laying in the middle of the road and after seeing his road rash and the pain he went through....just blow it off. Most of the time they dont see us so you always have to be cautious. My bike was in the shop waiting on a new shift rod. And it took them two weks just to start working on it. But hell it rides better then ever now, just missed out on some very nice days to ride On a side note My buddy finally got him another bike, so we have been tearin up the streets
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xEzGIuY7kw
  5. well atleast the wife has a good exscuse to not cook now.
  6. I look good on anything dont I
  7. Dang my names Nate too Yea my garage is supose to be right there at the end.....but magically my father in law never built it so i built a shed instead. This pigs too fast for you
  8. Yea I got her out today....after being in the shop for 26 days So I washed her up and put 200 miles on her....she enjoyed it almost as much as i did
  9. 3-0 bengals with the win over pits....can they go undefeated?
  10. Warpig


    wharpig warpig was taken =(
  11. Did ya get a bike yet? Everyone always says start off on a 250.....that is good for about a month and then you actually want some go. I have rode a ninja 250....there a little better then the other 250s in power but still not that great. I started on a 83 750 Yamaha(wasnt really mine but I drove it more then the owner).....then I upgraded to what I have now a CBR600F4....an upgrade to smaller engine size? well the 750 was a two cyclinder...my 600 is a four and it has some go! more then what I expected from it. One thing you need to do is take the MSF course...you can really learn alot from that class....then get ya a bike you feel comfortable sitting on, dont get something that is top heavy or if your short dont start on a bike that you cant touch both feet down.
  12. If ya die first like me, then you wont have that problem....simple fix
  13. I'd be bored too if looked at these sites everyday
  14. I remember when I was thinking about getting 200 posts...seems like it was just a few seconds ago...... it was
  15. you won a dirty diaper great job!
  16. WOW now thats some serious HP Screw the GXP, get a real car like the GTO, or wait for the challenger to come out Or if you want a family car get the charger might look like a family car but there still sexy
  17. The nades make it fun.....Yopu can literally take out a whole rush with 1 nade, I love it! It really sucked when we played aztec but other then that its always fun, Kevlar means nothing and nades are fatal
  18. I am not a ford man....but those ford gt's are freakin sweet donkey cars.....I need to show that guy how to drive though
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