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Everything posted by Mr.Mustard

  1. Well me, playaa, his friend, and bigs is 4. Will be very comfy fit with 4, just make sure you bring your own sleeping bags! It'll fit 2 more if need be and still be comfortable. BTW you are required to take showers at some point before you sleep there. Do we have arrangements for this fat?
  2. Hey I resemble that!
  3. I have a large igloo I can bring...holds ice for 5 days so it should do very well for the weekend. Big enuf for over 100 cans of soda/beer.
  4. Concusion can cause memory loss and do some quiet strange things actually. My brother suffered a concusion while playing baseball. He's a catcher and had on of those increadible home-plate crashes during a game. He got the out and then was second up to bat in the next inning. He batted and scored before the inning was out. Then, several minutes later, he started feeling strange and they decided he may have had a concusion. He was taken to the hospital and on the way there was talking with my dad. Strange thing is he had no memory of the second half of the inning. He remember getting hit and then feeling sick, but not batting. Even to this day he doesn't remember the time between when he got hit and when he started feeling sick. In his mind, it's almost like it never happened.
  5. My advice is get the card graded by a professional company and auction it on E-bay. They go for really good if you have the card proffesionally graded and it comes out as a 9 or 10. If it does have a crease in it, the collectability is almost nil unless it's an extremely rare card which it's probably not. Good luck with whatever you do with it. Otherwise you can save all your cards for your children/grandchildren which is what I've done with all my old baseball cards.
  6. Sounds like you're headed for a career in the military. On a more seriouse note; Don't sweat it dude. If you enjoy being alone, cool beans! I really can't stand people in general. I find that most of the population is blinded by selfishness and/or greed rather then taking a good look around them and actually trying to make a difference. Just be who you are and you'll be much happier in the long run. There isn't anything wrong with you, rather it has something to do with the people you know.
  7. Mr.Mustard

    Diablo 3

    I shouldan't have clicked again: Your item is: Creamy Ben Wah Balls of the Primate 12 - 13 Damage Hit causes monsters to become disgusted -1 to evolution This deffinately belongs to DLM.
  8. Mr.Mustard

    Diablo 3

    Your item is: Dead Saltine of the Octopus 2 - 4 Damage ITEM CANNOT BE USED +6 to arms Cannot be used!
  9. Ok I started to do this nice little post, but I've decided to rip a few "new ones" and do my own bit of "flaming" which I rarely do. This subject and the topics covered within this thread are very close to home and I feel an urge to expound on them severely. No it's not a sin. It's niether wrong nor right, teen pregnancy is not an anction, it's a state of being. The decisions you make after the fact can be deamed wrong or right, but the fact that you're under the age of 20 and pregnant is the way it is. And yes in the past it was teen pregnancy, but during a different era and in different cultures. That is a very broad scope, but yes technically that is teen pregnancy. First off I'm sorry I took these phrases out, but for time I omitted the rest of your statement to get just the jist w/o having to read everything all over again. The 99% figure is incorrect although I'm sure it was used to emphasize your point. 1 in every 4 girls is more like 75%, but I'm sure that number isn't correct either. 17 and the most responsible mother you've ever known? Two questions, 1. Are you married? 2. Is the 17 year old your wife or the mother of your child? I liked your post gOOters, but one question. How can teen pregnancy be deamed a sin dependent on the actions of the teen. Wouldn't the sin be, not teen pregnancy, but the actual actions and decisions during the pregnancy and after the birth? First off teenage mothers don't ruin a kids life. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to accept the amount of blame that adults put on their parents for their disfuctional lives. I think that it's high time that people started taking the blame for their own life decisions and take some blame for themselves. Having been a kid once myself I know that it's the decisions we make when our parents aren't around that affect our lives the most. Although our parents can make our childhood a living hell there comes a point that you begin to make your own decisions, for better or for worse, that are independent of your parents. I don't think that there is anyone out there that is so ingnorant that they don't know how to put on a condom. It's another concious decision people tend to make while in the heat of the moment. Personally I found it harder to actually have sex for the first time than get the condom on. So because a woman has a child at a young age it means she has no more right to a life of her own? Now the mother's life doesn't matter only b/c of her age? Is one life better than another simply based on age? I'll leave you to answer these questions for yourself and hope that you come to a better conclusion. Lastly did you ever graduate from skool? Can you use a condom? No don't give the child a chance. I can understand reason for abortion, but all of them are selfish reasons on the part of the mother and/or father and not the unborn child. The unborn child has no say and no opportunity to prove itself. Although I don't disagree with abortion I think it is a selfish act. Not wrong or right, but simply selfish. Please dont take this the wrong way jeffeboy, but please by all means get hooked on phonics or something that will help you with your grammar and writing skills. I would comment on this post, but the 4th grader that wrote it seams to have alot of insite for his grade level. I urge you to read this post outloud and to record yourself doing it. When you are done, replay it and hopefully you will see how absolutely uneducated you make yourself out to be. Age is a factor in determining whether or not something is a sin? I'm not sure what religious education you've "been in" but I found soul's interjection of the deffinition of a sin to be appropriate and helped him to support his statement about where or not teen pregnancy is a sin. Although he didn't quote you or single you out at all in his originaly post, I have and you're dumb. Resent it if you like, but I think that you rather resemble it. Actually you can't commit adultery unless you're already married or having sex with someone that is. -Adultery-Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse Well not quite, but on another note there were absolutely no gramatical errors in that post! Any Christain who reads the Bible knows that abortion is a sin. There really is no view on when life starts, Biological fact that it starts at conception. I'm not going to quote the conversation between ZD and DJ as it is too time consuming and pointless. If you need a reference you can scroll up. First of the only major difference between wild animals and human beings is that humans are able to adapt their surroundings to fit their needs and desires. Animals don't have this ability, but rather adapt themselves, or die. Control is a nice word for keeping them out of our way and although I would rather a deer or moose be shot and die quickly then get hit by a car and die slowly, in the end it's humans that have refused to adapt to nature and knowingly upset the balance rather than use their vast knowlege and resources to blend in and allow nature to run it's own course. Also the two cell organism is still a two cell organism. Realize that I'm not agreeing with either ZD or DJ and that I'm simply putting things in perspective. If you feel the need to "control" the animal population then perhaps, when it's needed, there should be reason to "control" the human population? The topic moved into accidents the cause miscarraiges or deformaty. Ignorance is in no way an excuse for breaking the law. If you break it, you do the time. As far as abortion goes I offer yet another perspective. Imagine a person on life support. It's really not known if this person will be ok or if they will survive. It is known that if this person does survive that it will have an great impact on someone else, who will have to care for them for years and years b/c they won't be able to take care of themselves. They've been on life support for a long time. The person can't choose for themselves and the person has left nothing behind to let people know what they would have wanted. Does someone have the right to choose whether or not this person stays on life support? Who's has that right to choose? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now imagine that it's a fetus and the mother is the life support. I'm not going to touch statatory rape. I don't agree with the law as it is written today because of the way it blankets young men who mean to do well and doesn't include young women who are old enough to understand right and wrong before they consent. In closing I would like to say to Heartless. Good luck. I understand your situation completely. I was 20 and my wife was 17 when we had ours. We're married now and just celebrated our third year married, although we've been together for well over 6 now. My son, Corbin, just recently turned four and loves guns, cars, video games, and swimming. We have a dog and a snake. We all love pizza.
  10. American liquor: Whiskey, Burbon, Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, among others, but hey you can spell AND say it! Where is that from? Vodka: Poland and Russia (alot of countries now, but originally from these two) Gin: Invented in Holland, but mainly an English export Tequila: Mexico (If it's not made in the Tequila region of Mexico it's Mezcal) Rum: Caribbean Champagne: France (if not in the specific region it's just Sparkling Wine) Brandy: Originates in Holland Cognac: France (Basically Brandy made from grapes in a specific region in France) Benedictine: France (Originally created by the Benedictine Monks) Whiskey: All over the place, although there are a few that stand out: -Burbon: Kentuky, USA (The US gov has defined "Burbon" loosely, so legally it can be made other places, but true burbon is still made in Kentuky and bears the name "Kentuky Staight Burbon") -Irish Whiskey: Ireland (Well duh) -Canadian Whiskey: Hmmm Canada? -Rye: North USA mostly -Scotch: Well Scotland my friend and very different from other whiskeys. What is it made from? Vodka: Most vodkas today are made from grains, but are distinct in that they are without any distinct character, aroma, taste, or color. The best vodkas, in my opinion, are still made from potatoes Gin: Really nothing more than grain alcohol, but flavored with Juniper Berries Tequila: Cactus (The good stuff is made from the Blue Agave specifically. Labled 100% agave azul anejo. Anejo meaning aged) Rum: Sugar Cane Champagne: Grapes Brandy: Grapes is at the root, but is made from distilling wine Cognac: Same as Brandy, just gotta have those specific grapes. Benedictine: 27 different plants and spices from all over the globe. The formula is naturally a secret and known only be the chief distiller Burbon: Must be at least 51% corn. American Whiskey: A blend of corn, wheat, rye, barley, and other grains. Canadian Whiskey: Very much like American whiskey and mostly a product of prohibition when Canada was our illegal drug exporter of choice Irish Whiskey: Also grain, but only half the barley has malted or sprouted Rye: Grain again, but at least 51% is rye Scotch: "Scotch Whisky", but made from cereals, water, and yeast. Now you know not just what you're drinking, but WHAT you're drinking.
  11. Boy what a newb I am. Haven't played D2 in years so I picked it back up again and now it has it's own lingo. Someone fill me in. What is an SOJ and a Windforce?
  12. Ah didn't realize you would be flyin, you could always take a cab which would run you about 40 bucks I'd say from Cleveland to Akron, if it's indeed 30min. and cab fares are comperable to the ones down here in FL.
  13. No, but I go up I-75 from Atlanta to St.Louis then over. Anyways just offering an alternative.
  14. First off I've had one car loan and I'll never do it again. I actually had the cash to pay for the car, but being young and starting a family and all I wanted to build credit and got a loan...then after about 4 months of paying interest on a car that I knew would loose probably 1,000 dollars in resell value in it's first year after I payed about 3k in interest I decided to go ahead and pay off the loan, which doesn't look as good as consistent payments through the length of the loan as far as credit is concerned, but who gives a flying rats butt. Sure buying a new car is great, but paying cash and not having a damn thing to worry about is better. Financing a house and property that will increase in value and most likely resell at a value greater than you paid for is great. Financing a car at 32k will bite you in the donkey l8r when you think abou it, but before you buy just look ask these questions... 1. What is the total cost of this car when I'm done paying it off? 2. What will it cost if I pay cash? 3. How long would it take me save up that cash? I will guarantee that you can save up the cash to buy that new car faster than you will pay it off. Also the price in cars doesn't really go up so if in 3 years you could buy a new car, then you would have a new 2006 Z rather than a 2003 AND it would be payed for! Good luck gooters I know we've all given you alot to think about and try and I know that what I'm typing isn't what you WANT to hear, but you got it anyways.
  15. Catch me on AIM anytime and I'll play some D2! I just started back up again and had to creat a new acct. Got a lvl 8 druid!
  16. I'll be going up from Atlanta in a Mitsubishi Expo. Kinda like a mini-mini-van. So if you can meet me along I-75 somewhere it would save you some milage I think and I believe it's a little closer than St. Louis, plus plenty of room and if you need a tan I got a sun-roof! There's several ways we could work something out I'm sure. If you would want to meet me in Atlanta I could probably talk my folks into letting you crash at their place Thurs. night and go up the rest of the way from there, or meet on I-75 on Friday and go the rest of the way up. Whatever works, you can catch me on AIM at DOHMrMustard.
  17. It's in OHIO! How hot could it possibly get?
  18. This is terrible sad news and he will be sorely missed by all.
  19. Only reason we dont get as good ping is b/c we live in FL. We've far away from everything. Perhaps a Cuban, GD server? Except it would probably be regulated and everyone would have to join Terrorists?
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