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Everything posted by ephemeral

  1. yes...making kids...thats pretty 133t... wow 7 knifes!!! thats sweet.
  2. lol i've played w/ you before, you're not so n00by...
  3. lol, fatty, is that the thing that {GpL}TheGeek998's name reminded you of?
  4. does anybody know what all the other ranks are, and their corresponding post numbers?
  5. lol dude, are you serious? EVERYBODY has a bad day every once in a while, and nobody starts out uber, everyone has had to be a n00b at one time.
  6. lol, now that i thik of it, this is WAY more n00by that the little glock-guy up there at the top. WAY MORE.
  7. lol i did that once, except it was with a flashy and WAY more that 3 dudes got killed because of it, and some how, i managed to live. we were on dust2, and we were rushing long A. i tried to chuck a flashy into the double doors while i was strafing, but it instead boounced back and flashed my entire team. oh by the way, t's were also ALL rushing double doors, and somehow murdered my entire team. but i managed to, somehow, run down that little dead end ramp and hide until i could see again, and famas-burst-shot a few before i got disovered. yeah...people WERE NOT too happy with me when we spawned again...
  8. for me, i was on Aztec, and i had absolutely no money. only had a deagle, no kev. i was a t, and all my other dudes either got flashed at the double doors and mowed, or awped from across the bridge, or from the water. i was the last one alive, and i had went rear. went down the ramp, killed this guy who was trying to knife me for some reason...any way, kept going through the water, looked up, and there were 3 ct's that had just finished killing off my team. got 2 head shots, threw a nade, blew up the other guy. his m4 fell RIGHT on me, lol so i picked it up. oh crap...empty mag. so as i'm reloading this tmper comes through the tunnel from the ct side and gets me down to 4 HEALTH. in a panic i whipped around, holding down my mouse. hmmm, lucky headshot...oh well it looked cool. so any way i then camped the tunnel, waiting for the AWPer to poke his head through that tiny sopt in the bridge, knowing that i was gonna die...but somehow, i actually took him out with the m4 from all that way. 5 kills!!! but then there was one guy left, he had a m249 and was obviously a n00b, because he decided it would be a good idea to open up on me from all the way up on the walk. lol he didnt even hit me, he probably would have if he had at least aimed, even for a second.... plink! so yeah, there is NO WAY that i could ever do that again, it was all lucky headshots and n00by players making mistakes. but...its a cool story!!! everyone was like golly gee! gpl, that was SWEET!!! lol.
  9. lol i didnt have enough room in the title to correctly spell everything, so i had to use some abbreviations...any way, i had a request for the most 133t thing ever, so...well say it here! what is THE coolest thing that has ever happened to you?
  10. for me it was this one time in aztec. i had an awp, and there was this total n00b with a glock. well i looked right at him in scope, and for some reason decided not to kill him. i have no idea why, but it didnt click that he wasn't on my team. well i walked right past him, and out of the corner of my eye, i saw him lining up his shot. you know that n00by way that n00bs sit there and aim for like 3 seconds before they shoot? well this guy was doing that for a long time. then, bang...bang.......bang. he did the n00by slow shooting, and somehow i still couldnt see how i was getting hurt. well finally, he lucked out and got a *dink* head shot, and i jumped out my chair screaming. i could not believe what a n00by thing i had just done...golly gee!
  11. ok, no matter how uber-pro or 133t you may be, everyone has their bad days, and their bouts with frustration. SO, what is absolutely THE n00biest thing you have ever done?
  12. lol i LOVE PURE PWNAGE!!! i love the ownerers hilarious little accent, and the way he always relates EVERYTHING he talks about to gaming...seriously, his conversation never goes anywhere without having some analogy to a gamers term. lol and the way fps_doug always tweaks out about everything... I LOVE IT!!! lol smashing a keyboard over 1 death...
  13. lol wow. hey has anyone ever gotten the e-mail where they ask you for your bank number, like where the need a middle man to transfer money from another countries account into theirs, and they have millions in there, so if you do it they'll give you like 30% of it? lol i always laugh at those. how stupid do people think we are?!?
  14. yeaqh they look pretty. lol i like the contrast of the pretty landscape and the guy getting deagled in the head.
  15. wow sam you already have 56 posts...i'd say your 1337!
  16. ok i understand i guess. so you do ban for almost anything, but thats to make sure that only the people who really want to follow your rules play there?
  17. considering that i am still only 16, my parents are obviously still in charge of me. and lately, my mom has started expressing concern for that game i play with real guns and real people (counterstrike...) it's too bloody she says. so i was talking to my youth pastor about it, and he has actually also decided to take halflife (classic) off of the church comps. the parents of some of the younger kids dont like us playing M rated games. so that kinda ticked me off, but then i realized that he's actually right. we had been using halflife as an outreach to the gamers in our neighborhood, as there was no other way to get them into church. but my youth pastor was right in saying that we need to listen to the weakest amoung us. if one of us is affected by something, and it doesn't really do anybody else harm, we should make steps to change that, not expect them to comply. anyway's, thats completely off topic, but tell me, what do you think about christians playing video games? is it ok? or should we be keeping our heart pure? dont get me wrong, i'll never stop playing games, unless i feel like i am really being convicted to do so, but i just would like some input. if this gets hot enough, feel free to post a link onto the chitchatandblahblah forums too.
  18. no i will win. i love spam! spamspamspam. SPAM! lunchmeat spam right?
  19. so wait...i dont get it. are the new models gonna be forced like they are now, or are we gonna have to go through that same EXTREMELY frustrating thing that CZ has: 5 different models for each team? i hope that if they are going to change models, they'll at least force them. i'm excited for that nuke map though.
  20. ephemeral


    lol can you imagine the pain you'd be in when you woke up to that?!? ouch...
  21. lol i thought of that i long time ago, but all my friends tweaked on me when they found out. but i still use that every once in a while. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The grapple clan does not allow any member to use this form of cheating or any other remote type of cheating. He is the newest member to our clan, he is still learning lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol sam, i dont really use it, but remember that one time when we were playing 1.6 and joe kept rocking everyone opn sighted? lol finally i looked at his screen and he had a piece of paper on it where the crosshair was. lol so actually joe figured it out first not me. but dont worry, i dont use it.
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