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DJ Premier

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Everything posted by DJ Premier

  1. I believe you. I honestly do. You HAVE seen it enough to know the difference between camping and fighting. My only point is that sometimes, as an admin, I have made mistakes in making a call about things like this. On the surface, this situation could have been one of those times. But then again, I was not there so I should really shut up about it.
  2. C'mon now. Don't be paranoid. I come to these forums maybe once every few weeks and I read the first 2-3 topics and then move on. It's not like I have some program that searches the forums for the words "fatty" and "abuse" that runs every few minutes. I've never been one to kiss butt in these forums. It's been like that for years on end. You of all people should know that. Am I wrong sometimes? Most definitely. Now am I saying that your community lacks integrity? Most definitely not. But I do think you should attempt to control the orifice ripping that occurs sometimes in these forums. It only leads one to start questioning the people doing the ripping. Especially those that are new to the forums and reads the first couple of topics of that particular day.
  3. I've seen people kill 6 enemies in under 30 seconds. In the event that you are caught severely outnumbered with the bomb completely on the other side of the map with less than a minute to go, you have no other recourse but to try and kill the remaining enemy targets. Bombing the site is undoubtedly more difficult to do in a situation like this. So in the effort of clearing the map of enemy, knowing they are approaching, strategically positioning yourself to take out as many enemy as possible before the timer runs out or you yourself are killed is probably the best action he could have taken. Was he a repeat offender? Was he camping spawn more rounds that actually helping his team? These are things we don't know. If we take this as an incident based on that one round, I support the call of admin abuse. In any event, when the guy posts that there was possible admin abuse on the server in what I would consider a decent manner, and then the entire community rips the guy a new orifice in the process, it makes you think about the integrity of the community itself. Half of you either A) Kiss the big hairy butt of the bastard who is fat Rip the guy a new orifice when you weren't even there It probably isn't necessary.
  4. Drama! *shwing* Let me part by saying "one person does not a team stack make". on a 20 something to 30 something person server, there are 10-15 players on either side that can try and even the teams. It's blatantly apparent that at least the team stacking portion of any discussion like this is just something that comes from those who are closet team stackers who choose to project their guilt, for not unstacking the team themselves, onto someone perceived as better than them. The hypocrisy is obvious. As for team baiting and not defusing/planting bombs...well, that IS a cowardly way to play. Of course, this is not to be confused as me accusing pagan of doing anything. Simply put, I have no idea who he is.
  5. C++ using Visual Studio.net 2003 It doesn't compile very well for linux based machines. I've heard people get it working on MSVC++ 6.0 but I hear its a bit difficult. I can send it to you. Lemme know where.
  6. Well, I call it cs_compound_awp_map. Always ends up with 9on9 awp warfare from across the field.
  7. fatty, u might wanna turn on stats decay for your pyschostats. i haven't played on your server in 2-3 weeks and i haven't gone down much. it makes more sense that the "once in a while" players don't clog up your stats.
  8. All standard issue maps are great maps except for cs_havana. de_chateau is a completely fast, in your face, massive firefight type of map. de_tides is also the same as de_chateau in that it is extremely fast and extremely balanced. de_piranesi looks good, but its boring. There are too many tunnels so it has really low firefight potential. Rounds end up as 1on1's with each side wandering the map looking for the other guy.
  9. I asked beetlefart. He says its random. I can also see it in the code. He basically didn't know how to get the lowest time on the server from the CS engine. I figured a way out how to do it but I'm having other problems with my mod. I got my mod to do all basic admin commands, do a swearkick, post rotating messages and do a "proper" nextmap function. But it crashes the server. I'm not exactly sure why but I have a feeling its the nextmap function. Problem is, I dont have the time recently to continue on. I was going to do a proper reserve system but since the last update, I've just procrastinated. Beetlesmod is waaay too big. And he does things very awkwardly that causes some server problems. I just stopped upgrading his mod cuz he keeps adding more and more junk in the same manner, making the mod bloated and slow. For instance, in order to do spawntk protection, every round start he runs this loop that just churns the machine for 8-10 seconds...waiting to kick a tker. The smarter way to do it would be to set something to "spawn tk ON", then only check when someone dies. When someone dies, if the start time and the kill time is > 8-10 seconds or whatever you set it to, then turn spawn tk OFF. If it is < 8-10 seconds, then do a kick. That way, the bloated code only gets hit once or twice rather than 2-3 times a second.
  10. looks good. Finally there exists a decent stats engine outside of psychostats (tinkle poor for source) i think its time for me to do an update for DOH. Thanks for the tip!
  11. If you ever wonder why it sometimes feels like the server is skipping...well, here's what else it does... Two things: Every event that occurs on the server. Someone dies, someone spawns, someone says something, someone fires a gun, someone plants a bomb, someone joins the server, the round starts, the round ends, etc...it runs through about 1000 lines of code. Then there's something repeatedly checks to see if something has occurred. It checks 30 times a second. On the 30th time, or twice a second, it runs through and runs another 1000 lines of code, like is the server full, etc.
  12. It's not by time spent on server. At least not from the code that I saw. It kicks the first person it finds. As in...mod makes a request to server to get a list of non admin players. First person on that list is kicked.
  13. I think you should take your new world order stuff and go elsewhere with it. A person like you is probably against censorship in public tv and radio. 90% of the planet might find those words offensive while someone like you do not. From what I have read so far, what I don't get is why you continue to stick around? This particular community is not only clean language based but it also has some christian aspect to it. However well spoken you may be, I don't think you would fit in here. There are many who feel that way. But there are many who feel they fit in rather nicely. You probably fall into the former category.
  14. Just get 5 guys, go to #findscrim on IRC and go play a scrim. We have guys that do this every day and never show up in our public server. Half our admins and a good group of our regulars are doing this daily. It's very simple and easy to do. Now getting your own community to do it, well...g'luck. It aint as easy as one might imagine.
  15. Since its a two community smackdown, I think it would be nice if both community websites were included. I had no idea xgamingservers.com would come before the other community you played. A bit insulting.
  16. I love AK shooting mid awpers. It's what makes the map fun for me. Sure most of the time I'll lose, but the times I win are priceless. =)
  17. enough. lets leave it at the fact that leagues find the play ok to use. Now lets go back to what else M2 can do in real life.
  18. Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I too can do many things in real life.
  19. It's not really an exploit i think. It's something they added into source apparently. I just looked it up and now in source you can throw nades and such over walls in long A, B as well as the big wall in mid where the DD is. We snooze, we lose. None of us knew these changes were made so long A was pretty much useless on our side and it caught us by surprise. We shoulda just adjusted but we didn't and commenced to get creamed.
  20. not sure what the score was but its something like that. blowout for sure.
  21. gg guys. That knife fight in the beginning was the funniest thing i've ever seen.
  22. If we need 2 monitors to play CS, i think we've gone a little off the deep CS end. But to each his/her own. =P 2nd lcd 17" monitor - $300 new video card to play CS:S - $200 more ram to play CS:S - $100 HL2/CSS - $60 GC Membership Fee - $50 paying $700+ to play CS:S - Priceless
  23. You guys are home team so I guess you start off as T?
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