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DJ Premier

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Everything posted by DJ Premier

  1. Also, you know you've done well when people greet you when you join a server rather than go "ugh". I think that's what he wants to work towards. Changing his image. I haven't played with him enough recently to know if he's changed at all.
  2. I'm sure you know him a lot better than any of us considering you are his teammate. But let's be frank, he has always sat on the borderline of being respectful to his fellow players in any of our servers for the past couple of years. But I'd have to say that he's also victim of the "linchmob" syndrome. e.g., 1 respected person dislikes him, the rest follow. He's on the negative side of the line. In order for him to cross over to the positive, it's going to take some work and effort to gain back the respect of his peers. I wish him luck.
  3. I know what you are talking about Dweez about the sea life fossil's on mountains. Scientists believe that tectonic shifts and collisions is what has caused some mountains to rise. The same logic applies to the Sierra Nevada mountains along California. Christians viewed it as "proof" that there was a massive flood. It was reinforced on some documentary on the History Channel. Did anyone catch that History channel special on Noah's Ark? It was quite interesting.
  4. It beeps once? Doesn't that mean something in CMOS lingo? Like 4 is when it can't find RAM, and 3 is when it can't find a CPU...etc?
  5. No, but if y^2-24/(-y*(1/4)y) = negative # then.......well...then yes.
  6. PBMonkey??!?! LOL! I've played with you. I'm soj. or jashic I exclusively play DOTA only. You will see me around...rocking everyone's world.
  7. What clans are actually active? Basically, there needs to be separation for those of CAL mentality and those of "having fun" mentality. I'm all for competitive play, but the last couple just didn't feel home-like and more of a chore. I'm not sure if theres a way to bring the magic back. I'd say we could do another MCC if and only if we actually bring the magic back.
  8. I think the questions like .... if a flood wiped out all of humanity in the world, and Noah and his wife were on the Ark at that time, are we all descendants of Noah.... is a good question. But none of you seem to see the question at hand. You immediate assume that he is attacking your religion and then become defensive and sometimes rude. Then you never answer the original question except with a blanket list of rules that all end in "believe in Jesus Christ as your savior". This list of rules has nothing to do with whether we are all descendants of Noah or whether there was a great flood that engulfed the "world". It has nothing to do with how old the world is. Why is it even offered? It isn't about poking holes in a religion. Its about asking questions. A pastor once told me that the ones who are curious and ask questions are the ones who will ultimately find strong faith. Just following just for the sake of following is for those with the mind of a cow.
  9. DJ Premier


    If you are a Blizzard fan, you'll be hearing some exciting news soon. My brother in law works for Blizzard and tells me a great deal of stuff. As for WCIII, I actually only play custom single hero games. DOTA to be exact. All are 5on5 games that require heavy heavy teamwork to win. You should try it out. You can download it at http://www.thewarcenter.com in the forums called "Defense of the Ancients". I used to be in a clan called "Agents of Death", which I believe most of the players when to a clan called the "In Clan". I'm not sure if you've heard of them but the clan leaders were Agent911 and TillerMan. Some considered Agent911 as the best 1on1 Starcraft player for his time and TillerMan to be the best 1on1 WCIII player of his time.
  10. No, it wasn't you. If it was, I'd have said it just cuz it was you. Anyways, I haven't told anybody about this incident until now...Mmmm or not. People should just make their own judgements about where they like to play a game. I have just relayed my experience, but it appears that most ppl think Trop is a great place and that's great news for Mmmm and the community. A good band of ppl always need a good server to play on. I haven't played CS is such a long time that it hardly really matters. The only time I actually play now is when Kurtz invites me to a 3on3 or something with alltalk on.
  11. DJ Premier


    Do ya happen to play WCIII as well?
  12. I wont name names but here goes. I haven't been back to trop since the following incident: Dust2, I was on T. The teams were 8 T and 12 CT or something along those lines. The T's were getting murdered. The one admin was on CT. As T, the majority of us camped along the spawn area of D2 guarding long A door entrance and middle. Of course the majority of the T's died and I was left at spawn and I was trying to pick off as many as I could. I managed to kill 4-5 CT then I was admin slayed. I was told not to spawncamp. Interesting that the teams were 8-12, my team was getting murdered and I was somehow guilty of malicious spawncamping. I let it go anyways. What can I do anyways, I'm just a pubber at this point. 3 rounds later, the teams are still uneven at 9-11. My team and I rush long A only to get slaughted. I manage to run back out the double doors with my teammate who had the bomb and headed towards B through middle tunnels. I decided to run through spawn to go to B. I ran into two CT at T spawn and I shot them both with an AWP. I was then admin slayed again. Admin told me not to spawncamp. Interesting once again. I just left. And I haven't been back. Sorry guys, maybe I'm the bad apple. Enough of you seem to praise the admin work on Trop so it really does have to be me that is the guy that has to go. Oh yeah, on a separate incident, the admin was on a heavily undermanned team on one map. The teams were stacked on the opposite side by both numbers and skill. I was on the losing side along with the admin. The admin slayed a few of the opposing team, forcing them to come over...but only when there were 90 seconds left on the map. The map changes to the next map. This time, the admin is on the side that is doing the slaughtering against an outskilled and outnumbered opposing team. When the opposing team asked to even the teams, the admin simply responded "I was on the losing team all last map. I'm not moving over there".
  13. It depends if 2 wireless cards can talk w/o having a wireless access point. I know wired can using a x-over cable. If wireless cannot connect between wireless cards, then I doubt you could do what you wanted to. Not that it matters, a wireless card costs just as much as a wireless router these days so I dont see the point.
  14. Well, what shocks me sometimes is when I hear the person say "you are going to burn in hell!!", as if to make the person do something out of fear of going to hell or the reward of going to heaven. I've seen too many ppl say "you are going burn in hell". Doesn't that also imply this person is judging another person, which is something you christians should not do? That statement is a pretty nasty one. Not only does this person judge him and say the other is going to hell, but that they should burn as well. Seems like a very evil thought. Then comes the side that says that in order to go to heaven .... you must do x y and z. Shouldn't it be more along the lines of "i shall live my life according to the words of the bible and live my life as a good person. I shall not kill, lie, cheat, steal or judge. In the end, God will judge me and if i am worthy, I will welcome going to heaven." And not... "I'm going to be a nice person so I don't go to hell" "I'm going to be a nice person do I go to heaven" "you are going to hell unless you are a nice person" So I guess now you would understand why I would ask these questions when I see the hypocrisy in these statements. But I'm glad to know you guys answered differently.
  15. Would you still have faith? What would the faith be founded in? What if there is no afterlife. What if the 65 years you have on this planet is it. There is nothing more. Would you still live the life the way you do now? The idea of "salvation" is puzzling to me. I don't understand its roots. This question stems from my not understanding what the motivation of ppl who practice religions based on following the will of a separate higher entity in order to get reward.
  16. That seems awfully vague. If I get it straight, you can kill ppl as long as that person is making it miserable for a lot of other ppl? Or is there more to it?
  17. I'm still not clear. If God is not entirely opposed to killing, for what reasons would it be clear that killing is ok? Are there rules? And if so, what are they and if you follow these rules, would it make it right? Is it really just an interpretation or is it really written that there are justified reasons to kill someone, as supported by the bible and God? And the whole concept of God putting the leaders in place.....are you saying that "enough" of the choices made by our government are led by God and that by logic, if you follow the government, you are following God's will?
  18. Hmmm...i didnt really read the entire thread but.... someone here said your God/Jesus were not entirely against bloodshed and violence. I would have to suppose that this is someone's interpretation of the bible rather than a well known accepted thing. At least that's how I would like to see it. It seems that it could then be used as a reason to justify bloodshed and violence. It seems funny that somehow killing a fetus is one of the most appalling thing to some ppl, yet the same ppl accept killing thousands of other fellow human beings. So if I played along, what exactly are some reasons your God would support killing ppl and what are reasons not to kill ppl? And if you follow these rules, does it make it right?
  19. Man, those DOH games were awesome. Without those 10 guys on TS, the game itself was boring. I might come back onto TS in a little bit to get in on the action. I miss getting killed by Trouble anyways.
  20. Yes, I agree. I wasn't trying to say that religion based on absolutism causes killing, I was basically saying that with absolutism comes intolerance and with intolerance comes messages of hate and with hate it could breed violence. We have seen it happen in the crusades of the past and we are seeing signs of it today with the crusades of the present.
  21. I ABSOLUTELY agree. Thus we have brothers and sisters killing each other off and justifying it in the name of their religion.
  22. If you want to know more, go to http://www.religioustolerance.com Here are some more Buddhist thoughts: The Three Buddhist Trainings or Practices: Sila: Virtue, good conduct, morality. This is based on two fundamental principles: - The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal - The principle of reciprocity: to do onto others as you would wish them do onto you. It is found in all major religions. Samadhi: Developing one's mind is the path to wisdom which in turn leads to personal freedom. Mental development also strengthens and controls our mind; this helps us maintain good conduct. Prajna: Discernment, insight, wisdom, enlightenment. This is the real heart of Buddhism. Wisdom will emerge if your mind is pure and calm. Once again, Buddhism is personal. I hope it helps.
  23. Jane, the Buddhist view does not believe that man is god. Buddhism is about enlightenment and freedom from suffering. There are 4 major sects of Buddhism, all of which value life but 1 that places all life as equal and in equilibrium with each other. It is a deeply personal religion. "Buddhism teaches that humans are trapped in a repetitive cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. One's goal is to escape from this cycle and reach Nirvana. The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. Suffering ends because desire and craving -- the causes of suffering -- are no more." This is probably the biggest difference between Christianity and Buddhism. In Christianity, it is believed that you have but one life. And when that one life ends, you are either sent to heaven or hell for eternity. This decision is made by God judged on the actions of the one being judged throughout their lifetime. God does not free the buddhist. The buddhist frees him or her self.
  24. I'm glad you are learning about other religions Watch. It really makes me believe you are here to enlighten yourself and make the choice that is right for you. The person who responded in that quote is something I believe in as well. "Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theology or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist teachings are guiding means to help us to learn to look deeply and to develop our understanding and compassion. They are not doctrines to fight, kill or die for." That is a great quote. In the end, I also believe that we long to find guiding principles in our lives. Be it Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc...religion guides us to do what we believe is what we would like our principles to be based on. Not everyone needs religion but it is there to guide us if we need. I believe what it means to someone is solely for that person and not to be intruded onto another. It is deeply personal since interpretation is personal. Interpreters of religion may guide your interpretations but in the end, you will believe the story in only the way you want it to be told.
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