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Everything posted by bullet-401

  1. 5 cuz her aim name is lork.
  2. I signed up .. I'll try it this weekend.
  3. A guy did mine up for me
  4. I would but that overclocking reduces the lifetime of the hardware quite a bit. I have never overclocked since then.
  5. That's all the rage now in the car forum world
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. Gunman should know quite a bit about this. (He works at Ciruit city)
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. Yeah I have one too. It's awsome but my desktop that has it in doesn't work right now
  10. When people say Emachine.. people think cheap crap. But as for their Laptop's I wouldn't. Their top of the line one that is about 1600$ comes with a Athlon 64-bit, 512 ram, 80 gig hd, dvd burner and a Radeon 9600. It's a great Laptop and I wouldn't trade it in for anything else. Very fast and cost effective. Works well in CS:S and many other new games. Since my desktop doesn't work right now that's my backup
  11. Yeah I tried both cd-rom drives i have.
  12. I can't get to the part where I can format It stops before that. I tried 2 different CD's with xp on them.. Still no workie.
  13. Ok I have done all of that.. including clearing the CMOS. I made a new iso image of XP.. I know the one I had works cuz gunman used it. I tried my other cd-rom and it still does the same thing.. Installed linux on it fine but when it went to load it gave me a kernel panic.
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  15. the setup is starting windows part is right before you get to pick a hard drive to put it on. It's still on the blue screen thing. Sorry if I confused you.
  16. Change mine to Steam_0:0:5054602
  17. It did the same thing with or without a hard drive. So it must run off memory.
  18. Ok get this.. I have no hard drives hooked up and it still hangs at Setup is starting windows... I have used this same CD on gunman's computer and that works fine. What's up with that?!?
  19. I have used these hard drives before. So yes, they were formated.
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