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Everything posted by chuckleslove

  1. obviously a pokemon fan
  2. I was just reading about that story the other day at work because one of my cowworkers lives right down in that area.
  3. I hate MCI beyond all passion for the times they screwed me over, hooked me up with their long distance service even though I told their telemarketers no and then started sending me bills and taking 10 months to finally cancel my account even though I never used it and such. Sleezy tactics Not saying that you have anything to do with this I just thought it was complete BS. EDIT: and grats on keeping the job
  4. Chuck Schilling chuckleslove XL
  5. I doubt you could offer me any console that I don't already own I am an old school gamer
  6. So, how much money Well considering I have someone offering me $500 right now and I am pondering that You would have to top that
  7. lol which burb? I am in the south chicago burbs as well and it has been quite stormy for the majority of the day, think we have a tornado warning for another 2-3 hours atm.
  8. Yeah I thought the same thing about them.
  9. http://members.home.nl/gis/
  10. Going fine, right now I am waiting since they said that in a couple weeks they should be adding a PvP test server.
  11. lol I remember that coming out I think I was 10 when it first came out It was great for looking in the bottle to see if you won a free drink
  12. I bought a PS2 for about the 2 good games they have
  13. Ah true. Gabe also said HL2 was to be released last SEPT. 30th; and it wasn't. He also said that the delay was directly related to the leak of the source code; and it wasn't The fact is if you are going to play HL2 on a low end system it's gonna look like a completely different game than if you were to run it on a high end system. Doesn’t matter what kinda realtime effects adjuster the game engine has built in. Well definately yes graphically it wont look the same but it should be playable, from what IVe heard is that if you can run HL1 you should be able to run HL2 which is amazing. And yes I know it wont look the same
  14. Got a link? I wasn't aware that the official minimum requirements had been released. They havent been, but it has been said on one of the HL2 forums that Gabe posts on something about the game not requiring much.
  15. Yes. But you prolly wont be able to run at a resolution any higher than 800x600 with medium quality settings in game. I'm basing this on absolutely nothing though, so I could be completely wrong. If your system plays Farcry pretty nicely though I would say it would be fine for any game that comes out this year. wrong Minimum specs for HL2 are very minimal. The source engine actually scales itself on the fly to keep your framerate good at all times so it will shut effects off on the fly if you start having a bad frame rate.
  16. Got it working just rebooted and then reinstalled divx and it works fine now.
  17. Premium in the city is almost up to $3.00 in places... Chicago gas prices are ridiculous
  18. chuckleslove


    chuckleslove of course, always on
  19. I don't really consider it botting since I actively play 2 characters and don't just leave one sitting around doing nothing
  20. I didnt even post my score. Ive been able to break 16k I usually barely make it to lvl 10. On the game's website there is a picture of a guy with something like 200k lvl 19 or something ridiculous.
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