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GC Server Admin
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Everything posted by MPG1770

  1. Visiting friend after rehearsal today - well, seeing is believing
  2. King and Queen of Belgium - they're just a joke, just like the England football team lol
  3. Hi J3ROME and welcome to the forums. Not only did you rush, you died and then changed teams and when I moved you back to your team, you left the game. This is unacceptable behaviour. However, as you have promised not to do it again I will remove your ban, but please be warned, we may not be so lenient next time.
  4. Thanks for coming here. I was clearly watching you. It certainly WAS NOT an accident - you deliberately jumped, then you immediately leave the game. This is not acceptable behaviour we expect from members. However, as you have come here, I will change your ban to 1 week. OK, after talking to a Board Member and thinking about it, have decided to change it to 3 days. As a member, you are held in higher regard, we do not wish to see an occurrence like this happening again.
  5. No - I use it to watch TV/film that can't be accessed over here in the UK. We have to buy a TV licence here - the good thing about that is there are no commercials on BBC and it's probably the worlds greatest quality programming
  6. I'ts a program called 'Hot-spot shield' - keeps turning itself on every time I connect to the web.
  7. Keep getting multiple error messages in console : Browser Message: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://gamrs.co/maps/l4d2/gcmotd.html from frame with URL http://rss2search.com/delivery/ltag.html?tm=Yzk89OTG&v=041620140000&tp=bin#&fn=f_35f5c5fb9905567a175cb47d26c0b224&num=1&i=62616e6e657269643d333935312663616d706169676e69643d383634267a6f6e6569643d312663623d663132326232656462652661666369643d3239303026616666723d696d70725f3133266361743d6f786d2c7a33303626616655683d67616d657273636f616c6974696f6e2e636f6d266474733d31313135383532266474723d31343033343536363831313737&mc=63337c3836347c63347c333935317c63357c317c6331317c6873733432327c61785f7061676575726c7c67616d657273636f616c6974696f6e2e636f6d&afu=IC21B0FC5A4863DFB82064C21B284F845. Domains, protocols and ports must match. - (null):1 Is there anything I can do to stop this? I have disabled Java for the time being, but that doesn't seem to work. Never mind - fixed it
  8. You also went by a name ********* http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_1:0:59242899&Submit and you were perma-banned by Mercman as you rushed, died and left. Hopefully Mercman will come in soon and deal with this.
  9. Hi Greenheart - you were on survivors, then you switched teams, I moved you back.
  10. Hi krizlof, welcome to the forums - It was Mercman that banned you,, but I was there. It was a 1 hour ban, will expire soon. Just be careful in future and try not to go so far ahead of your team. See you in game soon. Maestro
  11. MPG1770

    L4D2 album

    How about a cover/re-mix of 'Ding Dong the Witch is Dead'?
  12. This happened to an Englishman in France who was totally drunk. The French policeman stops his car and asks the gentleman if he has been drinking. With great difficulty, the Englishman admits that he has been drinking all day, that his daughter got married in the morning to a French man, and that he drank champagne and a few bottles of wine at the reception and a quite few glasses of single malt there after. Quite upset, the policeman proceeds to alcotest (breath test) him and asks the Englishman if he knows under French Law why he is going to be arrested. The Englishman answers with humour: No sir, I do not! But while we're asking questions, do you know that this is a British car and my wife is driving... on the other side???
  13. MPG1770

    L4D2 album

    Album Title : Slay Me Slay You Bonus Tracks : 1. Smoke and Choke 2. Tanks for the Memories
  14. You did not swear at the npc, you told an Admin to stfu. However, as you have promised that you will not swear again, I will uplift your perma-ban, but some form of punishment has to remain to show that we do not tolerate such abuse regardless who it directed at. Hence it will be for 1 day. Until then, you are welcome to peruse the forums and familiarise yourself of what is expected from people who come to the GC servers. Thanks
  15. Hate football. The English Captain asked the pilot who flew them over to keep the engine running as they wouldn't be very long.
  16. Thanks for coming here. I am reluctant to unban you. This is a no swearing server, end of. If you don't like it then go somewhere else. Calling this server anal is not going to help your cause. If you are not going to pay attention whilst in game and need to do other things, then you should leave and come back, not be disrespectful and definitely not tell Admins to stfu. Your flimsy excuse of an apology (if it can be called that) forces me to believe that you are not willing to take this community seriously. We have heard the argument about not using foul language in an M-rated game a billion times. I leave this in the hands of a Board Member if they feel that you are worthy of your ban being uplifted.
  17. MPG1770

    GC Spray

    I always put the spray up, but some people just don't want to learn the points system here or so it seems.
  18. It was getting a bit hectic in there - it does take sometime to workout who took who's spot when people are joining, leaving, switching teams especially when games are brutal at times, but we did get there in the end. Let's not make a drama out of this please. We Admins try to do our best in putting people back in their team when they disconnect, but sometimes it cannot be done immediately when they reconnect. Sorry for being a bit slow on this matter.
  19. Spoke to FK and said the same thing - it's probably wishful thinking on our part, but you never know, maybe one day......
  20. Thanks for coming here and welcome to the forums. Taking shorts-cuts like that is not allowed, it is an exploit. Suiciding whether or not intentionally doing it is a DEFINITE NO. As you have come here and apologised, I will go ahead and uplift your ban. If it happens again, your ban will probably remain in place.
  21. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Best wishes in your new endeavor - a future Pulitzer Prize Winner for Chick - what we dream becomes reality.
  22. you should be banned from the streets if you think that's poetry, It's more like RAP with a silent C
  23. No Robmeister - you have been warned multiple times about your behaviour, attitude etc in game and yet you feel it's your right to abuse server rules and regulations. This matter will be dealt with by Board Members
  24. Yay, my new piano is getting tuned tomorrow - can't wait to get my hands on it

  25. Hi and thanks for coming here. You were at the end of the coaster with 3 others - the rest of your team had barely got started on the coaster. You were asked multiple times to stop rushing and you continued to ignore requests. It is a 60 minute ban and will expire shortly. Do not abandon your team like that again.
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