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Everything posted by crasx

  1. maybe its because I'm on linux. The whole page just freezes for me
  2. suggestion : http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/user/4038-crasx/ remove the bing thing. I think its lagging the pages
  3. awesome! that's a lot of work man. one thing I would suggest is try to get into the habit of doing function comments and comments where things get confusing. I'm horrible at commenting and sometimes it screws me
  4. crasx


    you are completely right. Everyone assumed the next guy would be handling it. I know san tries to stay away from l4d2 drama and he brought up this issue with board members as did I, but we never received any input from the main l4d2 guy and it fell off the radar. What would you like to see happen from here? I now know issues arent being resolved and I'll have to find time to step up and resolve them. I'm also looking to add a person to help us out
  5. crasx


    Dessa- I'm sorry you had this experience and that we didn't handle it well. I'm starting up some conversations among admins and board members about how we can better deal with stuff like this. I completely understand why you are upset and I would have been so mad if it happened to me. I think it is too late to issue a ban, but I'll see if someone would be willing to talk to the beast. He is basically threatening sexual assault which is messed up on so many levels and I would have banned him if I was there. If this happens in the future and I am around please message me immediately. If I am not please pm me, I would like to be kept in the loop You deserve to feel safe on the server and his attitude is completely unacceptable as is the way we handled it. Again, I apologize, and I am starting some internal discussions to fix this problem.
  6. disabling this because I can't keep up with it, pm a board member instead
  7. The admin did not ask, I was kicked immediately. Also people knew I was jockeyed. Even the enemy team agreed with me telling the admin I was not rushing. it is an automated kick, and admins have the right to kick a person from the server if they need to join and admin things. As far as being kicked for getting jockied that shouldn't have happened, but admins don't have eyes everywhere. were you warned at all? Can you also give us a timeframe so we can check the logs?
  8. we have a password protected server you can use. I don't think it has sourcemod on it though... could also set one up for you without a password, but random people will join
  9. setting it up is no problem, but we would need a server lead and someone who plays a lot and knows the essential plugins
  10. what we need is someone to setup and configure the server. marvin may be interested, I'd be down to try in a month... etc. anyone wanna try?
  11. yea drunk angry post. sorry to be so mean, I just wish there were more l4d2 people here. Then I jumped on the l4d2 server and people were misbehaving and stuff still ♥ u all
  12. I'm disappointed with the l4d2 turnout at fragfest. I don't see why we run this server if it is just a constant headache and nobody cares about the commuinty
  13. i like alcohol. thank you. a very happy drunk admin
  14. put it in the fridge door
  15. anddd i broke a 6pack
  16. My computer is not broken this year also, Cat, Farb, and I are in the houseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Chitown represent
  17. I got busy with work, won't really have time to do anything with it for the next month. however if someone wants to step up they will be much appreciated
  18. you are lucky i'm not there. I'm a pro at windmill hole in 1s
  19. Cat, Farb and I will be leaving Chicago Friday morning about 10:30
  20. I won't be around until friday. save me some!
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