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Everything posted by Mercman

  1. that was nice , didnt even see it coming
  2. if you say god damn on network TV the bleep the god
  3. I myself think i person charged into and out of play area should fend for themselves. If they can use !stuck to get out of fine if not ..... But im suppose to teleport them. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44243-transportting-people/
  4. It should be in the rotation. After you play it a few times it wont be so bad
  5. Mercman

    Server 2

    Hi Its 1130 Wednesday morning and both servers are down
  6. Mercman

    High Ping

    Sorry Regan I think it was I who kicked you. You could have come right back in. Why didnt you say something the first and second time you were warned? Why dont you use the name Regan on the server instead of chinese characters?
  7. Is this You ? http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:1:25593656&advType=steamid&Submit Pump banned you and Im sure He will get back to you asap .
  8. Looks like the ban is over http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=TK+AWP&Submit= The ban was for one day and as expired Please watch your language here No cursing or foul language Thanks
  9. Hi Skunkroo find yourself here http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist You might want to check out this thread .It tells you how to appeal your ban http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/
  10. That's how it used to be, everyone complained that they didn't get to play the tank they paid for. Perhaps bringing this back would help bring some balance to the teams or perhaps it will result in more verbal abuse for the noobies. I remember those days, baad idea. I want to pounce Turbo all the time now. Maybe if this happened people would play as a team instead of just going for a tank.
  11. You purchase a tank some random player gets it is what i would change it to
  12. Twas I who banned you for rushing dieing then leaving. I forget the map but you rushed way out in front of us died then immediately left . PS. after you were warned about NOT rushing.
  13. Sorry Man if i banned you by mistake
  14. Mercman

    L4D2 album

    There Must be a song called " I shot the charger but i didnt shoot no boomer"
  15. Hi Sgt Taylor It looks like crasx banned you for TK. He will get back to you soon im sure And Sgt you should start your own ban thread not add it to this one
  16. wealth distribution in USA http://www.upworthy.com/9-out-of-10-americans-are-completely-wrong-about-this-mind-blowing-fact-2
  17. I dont think we should skip at all Its The amount of survivors that can Survive and its the round that counts in my book people leaving and others joining change from round to round Score almost always means nothing to me
  18. I was there and I mention to Maestro about you He took some screen shots so we will all see what you where saying. I didnt really see an apology so I think you should stayed banned. You look, sound and act like a troll
  19. read this first http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/ this is the reason http://www.gamrs.co/l4d/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:1:18410844&advType=steamid&Submit You where banned for 1 day rushing by Maestro
  20. http://www.gamrs.co/l4d/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:1:75239075&advType=steamid&Submit
  21. I was the admin who banned you . Second time in 4ish days I will lift the ban this time but If you decide to do it again it will be a full week As Peanut said rushing kills the team. thanks for stopping by Good Gaming to You Unbanned as of 7 Ish sat night
  22. read this first http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/
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