I can't vent on Facebook because my Mom is on it, but man, I had to vent somewhere. So my Dad died in 2010 at 54 from prostate cancer, and I figured that now that mom doesn't have to take care of him she'd be up more to visit her 3 grandchildren. Boy was I wrong. She has no siblings, only her mother is still alive and she lives next door to her. Her only tie to home is a stupid 8 year old rat terrier that's not only blind, but diabetic, requiring insulin shots. So my mom and grandmother (that's all my remaining family) arrive here in Birmingham around lunch time. As soon as she gets out of the car, "We'll have to head back tonight, Daisy (read: the dog) will need her shot and there's bad weather coming. As if they couldn't weather a one-day storm here instead of back at their home (southern Mississippi, a 4-hour drive from our home).
So there goes my wife wanting to make a big Christmas lunch for the whole family. She had it all planned out. And I can't say anything because I'm the type who doesn't want to start something. Now the whole schedule is out of whack. We have to open presents around 5p, they leave at 7p. I barely had time to remove the toys from the Chinese finger-trap like devices they come in now. Seriously, my "Christmas/Birthday Toy Removal Kit" is a phillips, a flat head, a razor knife, and wire cutters.
So they're already gone. Kids are in bed and I'm pulling toys out of our drop ceiling in the basement preparing to be Santa.
I'm not ungrateful. I'm glad and thankful I have what little family I have left, but I just wish she'd spend more time with her grand kids.
Merry Christmas, guys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to many more good times killing zombies with you all in 2013.
Cink (not an admin)