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Everything posted by Soap

  1. Yes. It's a Valve problem. Can't be fixed on a third party end. Maybe. Jackie Have I ever told you? xoxoxo
  2. So does this carry over correctly to the next map then? And if so good. Is there anyway to correct the counter on our end to show more than 8 for....cheering purposes? If not, can it be added to the end summary "35 defibs occurred" or something?
  3. Soap


    Well just make gifts as random and uncommon as they were before christmas, that was infrequent and just a treat. And boomer infections isn't common and its a really fun aspect that usually doesn't result in a death, just increased teamwork. I don't like the idea of no...sendpoints are these all permanent or just temp? As MPG said, simplicity, and this server is that already.
  4. You should have linked the correct version of that: Note: This version of the mod is not intended for servers or multiplayer. Please use the simple version for that. This version is intended for offline single player use. Well I saw that but I remembered you saying you took pieces of that original one and added it to the server. I hoped you might be able to do the same here? Also what do you think of the l4d1 cast addition? And: If there is anyway to add more common infected diversity with this and your magic, thought I'd include it http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=22175
  5. This is kinda for Jackie but: Another bot script has been released 1/3/13 thought you might wanna see if it has anything more helpful for the server bots: http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=15461 And to make more variety with the server when we have more than 4v4: http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=22632 Allows addition of l4d1 survivors with l4d2, maybe backwards compatible too? not sure maybe that's something we could have so there are all the survivors running around in all the maps? http://www.l4dmaps.com/img/ss/spawning-l4d1-survivors-in-l4d2-fixed_58848.jpg
  6. Soap


    The boomer blind i can deal, as long as the cost is high enough. The infected spawn stop, no way. Would just make those last few ever-so-important feet to the saferoom pointless. Yeah 30 points for everyone boomed? That's reasonable
  7. Soap


    YYES! I loved that game. I told everyone not to buy tanks, they were so good but couldn't hold it. 2 or 3 tanks came in but you guys were nuts with the defibs. It was hilarious. I really wish we could have a scenario where witches just keep spawning like that for a whole campaign, no tanks allowed just an absurd number of witches.
  8. Had an odd bug on Parish I think it was 2 days ago. Bought a tank, was in ghost mode about to find a place to spawn in, then was notified about 5 seconds later that I was going to be the scripted tank from the server. No one else was given my tank and I lost my points. Only 1 tank spawned total
  9. I checked and i even used a calcuater and it wasn't right
  10. Or you can't possibly find that many defibs in vanilla versus anyway. Well I know but this game almost deserves its only Greenlight on Steam's list of 3rd party games. Its literally a different game from l4d2. So I thought maybe we had solved all the issues....we've well YOU guys (jackie and the like) have solved so many I thought this small cosmetic one might have been fixed. Any chance anyone knows what we could do to fix it?
  11. you must post it and share it here
  12. We just had a game last night on Death toll, map just before finale. We intentionally only bought witches and they all died from it over and over and defibbed at least 30+ times. At the end it only counted 8. And the score didn't change to reflect the 20-30+ others :*(
  13. STRIP HIM OF HIS POWER! no offense intended.
  14. All I can think about is L4d when I hear this Jackie!
  15. maybe he didn't understand how we all play
  16. No. It only make sense to L4d2 people. Sadness washes over the community.
  17. I've been saying it for....so many years I can't remember but now I have 3rd party validation. Being bros with someone is way more than just saying Bro or Bra. It's serious. This should be significant to many people. http://kotaku.com/5966311/the-importance-of-being-a-bro Read about us if you're not sure, guys.
  18. we don't have people who only signed up for L4d2? Or it isn't designated that way? Can we find out?
  19. Can we get a little counter on the main L4d2 forum page of how many people are currently paid in for reserve slots? Let us see how high it goes and how many people we have to knock elbows with when we join?
  20. Still calling sexist! I even LIST myself as female (SINCE DAY 1) on my GC profile and it hasn't made a difference.
  21. have i told you i love you today?
  22. When you talk about L4d2, GC plays its own unique version of L4D2. I've noticed some people are very angry and mad at new players or players in general lately who don't know how all of US play. Be kind to these little guys the learning curve is not steep (which means it is fast and easy to figure out), its very low rising. So try to keep from venting on newbies about how bad they are doing compared to how we all would (points use and everything else crazy we do). Be this guy:
  23. Yeah I did that too! It's awesome. Jackie helped me with that I think. GCFTW!
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