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Everything posted by Garychios

  1. Also, I don't use the ban hammer, so to call admin abuse is wrong and does not help your situation. Look at the list and how many people I have banned. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/pages/sourcebans
  2. Hi Luna, I banned you for 60 min. I mis-typed / swapped the time with the reason, Reason = Abusive, Time =60. You were being nasty and arguing. I could have perma banned you since this is not the first time. Again, You were being nasty and arguing...... Two things I don't appreciate on my watch or on our community servers. This is a friendly server and calling people names, even after I asked for both of you to stop, and you continue, led to the ban. I have fixed your ban status to 60 min and the reason.. You are free to play. Please do not let this happen again. Regards -G
  3. yooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  4. Im ok with not moving annoying if charged to a location than can get out of. I also belive the stuck command was done for being glitched in an item.
  5. I make $2000 a week as an admin here. Its awesome. I think I get a raise next month.
  6. I was not on the game mentioned before, but the last couple of dozen games I have played have all been close, so they have been fun. I have not needed to do a scamble in a while.
  7. I have one thing to say. Scrambles do not always work, so certain admins dont do them.
  8. Oh man, He vowed to have me banned when he got his.
  9. Kazya, I am disappointed you feel the server or community is worse. The Admins are trying to not make is worse by preventing what you did. I hope you understand I could have made the ban much worse, but I chose the least ban time allowed for this. Please dont stack in the future, and we wont have any problems. Thanks -G
  10. You were banned for one hour. Both Zero and I asked you to stop stacking the winning team. You joined by typing join infetected Then you were moved to survivor Then you went afk and joined infected. Then you were asked to move back Then you you were loosing and went offline. Then you connected 5 min later and joined winning team again. We both verbally asked you over 5 times to stop and warning.
  11. Hey Regan. I hope all is well. I did not kick you, but sorry for the kick. Just let admins know what is going on. As the game gets older, more trolls buy it for like a dollar. At that point they just join to mess up the game. I think Merc thought you were one of them trolls. Again, on behalf of GC, Sorry and enjoy the game.
  12. Playing with bots stinks. Playing with a lot of them stinks more. I don't think any admins will ban anyone when playing with many bots and they are down far behind.. You can leave bots behind when passing a choke point, but you always run the risk of loosing a real player who joined at the wrong time. Don't worry too much about it and enjoy the game. Don't worry about what the other team says either. I am seeing a lot of people confusing the rules lately causing mass confusion. On that note. If 1 guy is down and the rest of the team is in the safe room that is not rushing. If 5 guys are down and 1 runs to the safe room that IS rushing, but if the team is ok with it, that's fine. If 1 bot is down after a choke point because he was pulled or charged, and the rest of the team is forward, that is not rushing. If 5 guys are down before the choke point and 2 run off to try and get to the safe room, that is rushing.
  13. First, we have been playing together lately, and I have not had any issues with you. But this reply is a little late. On that note...... I agree with you that the admins make or break the server. I personally don't do any remote bans and we have been discussing this ban in the admin area because we care about our servers. We just don't go and ban and forget about it. With that said, at least I feel, you guys are a crew and that's fine. A bunch of you joined together and talk like old friends and that super cool. That's not a negative thing. I had a small crew here before they went on to other games. With that said, I have joined the server under other names and seen the team switching on your part or deadlock... I have seen you wanting to play with deadlock and vice versa and I seen how you don't care if it messes up the gameplay by stacking (This part I don't like). I have bitten my tongue only to see the outcome be bad . For me to ban someone who plays regularly means they really did something really really bad. I personally though understand playing with friends makes it more fun. But... your attitude and your comments show your lack of respect towards our rules, server and community. I am not going to be the one putting the ban hammer down (Only because I am on vacation now), but don't be shocked if it does happen. Just a small tweak in your attitude will go a long way. I can understand your frustration as I was like you about 3 years ago, but the servers are run by a community with rules/ It does not matter if you like them or not. Those rules will be enforced. Heck, I don't like some rules either, but I follow them. Also the ban came from a more seasoned admin since the way it was done is comes from a few admins on the server a long time.
  14. Hi DProdigy, What was your screen name while playing? This will help alot.
  15. Ok, I am out. I just found out we have an event. Dammit.
  16. Not trying to stir the pot, but your crew keeps doing this. If you guys want to play together, I understand, but that may cause stacks, and ofcourse bans.
  17. It seems you like to Rush Drebin, http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php/pages/sourcebans You have been banned 6 times in less than a week.
  18. I joined the server that was in complete chaos. I mentioned that the GC servers are not to be played the way everyone was acting. I did not even tell a single senior admin about what exactly happened so the bans would not be permanent. Alot of regulars were also on which was discouraging. In the end. players were acting completly immature. Some were all the way in the starting point saferoom while others were 40% into the map. I watched as you were griefing. I changed my mind to 5 minutes because I am not looking to discourage you on playing on the server and because of the chaos, I wanted you to come back and explain yourself. No one told me to change it to 5 min, but I was cleaning up a mess and you were part of it. Now for the ban itself. I saw you all the way at the starting point just camping till infected would show up. That is NOT how we play on this server. I appreciate you coming here and showing you care, but please be respectful of the rules and the server. This is not admin abuse as I did not ban just you or because I dont like you. The servers are to be respected along with the community. People who play on these servers expect a level of gaming profesionalism. Regards -Gary
  19. I am not saying to limit certain players. But lets say 2 hunters in 3 minutes. Or 3 boomers in 3 minutes.
  20. Let me explain, just a thought. But is it possible to limit a class to players. All I see is the same class (hunter or boomer) being used over and over from certain individuals. So they boom till they get a tank or they hunt three times and get a tank. Nothing special about that, and actually dont contribute till the tank is purchased.
  21. Green. I was watching you from the moment I joined, **Which is why I joined). Then You stacked again (According to 80% of the players. My decision was based on taking with Maestro in private chat. Everyone on the MIC was telling stop stacking. You heard it, and you saw it typed, but you did it anyway. Be Happy it was only a kick. Anyway, you are not banned and are still able to play
  22. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy our servers and if you have any questions, just ask.
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