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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. I'll think of other ways to rework it. It's the main reason I added all these little extra upgrades was to let people who didn't want to buy Tanks still let them buy stuff for their team. I just don't think that doing incremental percent reductions is going to be as effective as I would like it to be. I'll definitely look into how to make it cheaper, but allow repeated purchases. An idea I just came up with how to rework it was your first purchase of the upgrade reduces the maximum timer by 1 second. Second time you buy it, it reduces the minimum timer by 1 second, and keeps alternating until it's bought 5-6 times. That way it's semi-noticeable, but would let you purchase it multiple times.
  2. I would rather typos not exist. I originally had it as "I Think I'm Going To Be Sick" Thanks. Fixed.
  3. I would, but I randomly just come up with stuff to add at times and I just do it and I'm the only one coding the points plugin so making a list of what I plan on doing wouldn't do much good. Because the spawn times works off of a whole number than a x.x number, it wouldn't make much of a difference if someone bought it a couple times because the minimum spawn time would be at 14 for like 3 purchases. Honestly, I want to make what people buy feel valuable rather than a minute change they cannot visually see and tell the difference if they bought it or not.
  4. Probably can't use that place this year. My guess would be is that it is booked soild already.
  5. http://www.pcgamer.com/gta-5-pc-fix-list/ Any of those relevant?
  6. Made a GC crew: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gamerscoalition02 Oddly enough, "Gamers Coalition" was taken...
  7. Peanut's strategy: Leave the server before he can get killed, thus allows him to say no one ever kills him.
  8. There are too many variables in play to make the elevator part any bit fair for either team in that situation: -Bots -Players who don't listen -Slower players -Unaware players -Incapped players in the elevator preventing starting the event I found that it's too hard to fix the event without just getting rid of Spitters until the first checkpoint. I would rather people be able to play through the entire map than have it end at the elevator 95% of the time.
  9. I could do that. Smart teams would just camp in ghost mode until a spitter frees up to keep a constant spamming of spit going though.
  10. Update: -Because I want the 3rd level of Hard Rain to actually be played, I have disabled Spitters outright until the Survivors reach the first checkpoint which is after they get to the top of the elevator. This means they cannot be selected or upgraded until this happens. Once the first checkpoint gets reached, Infected will be notified via chat that Spitters are no longer disabled.
  11. Wait 30sec after you join a game to find out I'm guessing cross death charge will not award points like it did before and how come survivors don't die from it? I remember survivors actually died when cross death charged. My guess is that Valve didn't account for that because Vanilla settings only allow 1 Charger to be alive at once and they developed the game without any kind of 8+ player games to be played at once.
  12. Updated the list 4:44 AM (4/09/15)
  13. Update: -Changed it so when you buy a Manual Witch Placement, the "too close to Survivors" beam will come from your eyes to the closest Survivor's eyes rather than your feet to their feet. Will make it much easier to see... maybe. -Changed the hint message for when you buy a Manual Witch Placement saying "As a GHOST"...because you can only place them as a ghost to prevent getting stuck inside the witch when you spawn her in. -Changed the Manual Witch Placement item text to have "(GHOST ONLY)" in there. -Added customized ADMIN IS A DEADMIN messages for certain admins. If an admin does not have a customized message, the default will be used instead. Will add more when I add more. -Reworked Death Charges: --This death charge system should be more reliable than what you're used to seeing on the server. The way this system works is that you won't be awarded a DEATH CHARGE until the Survivor you charged is dead. The requirements for a DEATH CHARGE to trigger is much more stricter than it was before. Now it takes into account if you did indeed charge the Survivor, if you were a Charger when you died, if the Survivor died by the "world", and the z-axis position differences from when the Survivor was charged (Point A) to where he died (Point . When you death charge someone, in reality, you're not actually getting credit for the kill, the "world" is. You know those "damage taken by "world"" things you see in the console? The World is getting credit for your death charges. This shouldn't be the case anymore (although that world "damage taken by" thing will still appear in console). If you encounter any bugs regarding this, please let me know and BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. Every detail helps in squashing bugs. I tested this for a good while so I hope there aren't any. Also, they may not trigger in all situations...like Dead Air 1 for example when you charge someone off a building and they're still alive when the charge ends.
  14. I was playing at the time. I believe he started the event while people (myself included) were still on the rooftops dealing with SI attacks.
  15. Oh, why, hello there last minute event with not a lot of coordination. I missed you! Why not do this a week from now so people can have a chance to see it? Make sure you guys have a full team of people before you start kicking people out of #2 for this. Makes it look more "planned out".
  16. 60fps PC Heists trailer.
  17. We would have to congregate with each other in a random room. No chance for dedicated servers or anything like that. Each free-roam session you find yourself in when starting up GTA Online is like a lobby. People will constantly drop in and drop out (friends or randoms). In the console versions you could send friend invites to your game so friends could join you for free-roam fun, but that's the extent of everyone getting the chance to play together. Maybe there will be other options in the PC version, but if the online version is going to be anything like the consoles, there will be some hoops you'll have to jump through to play with a wide group of friends all at once. Of course, if you do heists and the like, you can invite friends to help out and whatnot which makes things easier. Lobbies, not as streamlined.
  18. Hope you guys noticed the April Fools joke I did with the L4D2 servers...who am I kidding, of course you did, but some thought it was the server acting up again, so fooled you.

  19. Update: -Added a sound confirmation for when a player receives points through SendPoints -Changed how MultiKills are handled. Added a multiplier and time convars so they can be configured if necessary -MultiKill awards now award 0.75 points. Down from 1. -MultiKill time between kills now 2.5 seconds. Up from 2. -Decrease Spawn Timer price now 25 points. Down from 30.
  20. All !ammo is doing is doing the cheat command to give you ammo. Nothing I can change with that command.
  21. Have you played the console versions, Johnny? (edit: you have, I should read earlier posts, lol) I played a fair share of the PS3 version online and it was a huge headache mainly because how slow the console is itself and the painfully long loading scenes. The game loves throwing you into a random online server (let's just call them servers for the sake of sanity). There is an option to join other crew members, but sometimes that didn't work out very well either. These were the only options in the PS3/360 versions when playing online: Personally, I liked playing in a server by myself to join jobs and whatnot, but to accomplish this was annoying in itself. I had to: -Start the game and wait 5 minutes for the game to load single player. If I chose to boot up multiplayer, it would just throw me in a random server full of people which is what I didn't want -Once the single player loaded, I had to pause the game, go to it's online option, and join a closed room which is for friends/crewmates only and then wait another 3 minutes for the multiplayer to load. Basically, 10 minutes to get to where I wanted to go online...and don't get me started on the disaster of trying to find a coop mission to join...sometimes I would get stuck in an infinite loading scene, host wouldn't start the game, or the people I would play with just plain sucked so I would have to wait another 3 minutes to back out of that game to go back to an online game for it to throw me into a 16 person room again. Ugh...here is to hoping the PC version is MUCH better (which it should be because I won't be running the game on ancient PS3 hardware). Apart from heists, the PS3/360 versions are forgotten about. At least now though I'll have people to play the game with.
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