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Everything posted by swatfishy

  1. the return of the mic

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MasterTalpa


      swat gets a new mic, i build a new comp. whats next?

    3. BlackYoshi


      I get good at CS?

    4. swatfishy


      havent used it yet LOL, i plugged it in after i stopped playing today(yesterday)

  2. pretty sure jackie has said its a valve thing so nothing to do except buy manuals/ ahead of time
  3. alternatively, type connect l4d(22).gcftw.com into the console 22 for server dos
  4. lol anyways, votescrambles so presumably the losing team wants a scramble yea? so that should be half the votes yes and then presumably at least one person on the other team is bored/fair/whatever as well, yea? i think the math checks out
  5. i don''t remember what the motd looks like but you could just tl;dr it with size 30 font and then add a link for more details also you can have a disclaimer saying you are responsible for knowing the detailed rules as well newbs might read a couple lines of massive text and at least understand the basic rules
  6. orly guess that's pretty easily bindable then would sm_sp work? or would it have to be /sp?
  7. how about 0 spawn timers and the m60 mutation
  8. only boomers...but survs only get pistols melee weapons better. too easy if no tanks
  9. only boomers...but survs only get pistols
  10. doesn't look like anyone bothered to attack the incap lol
  11. that's true, but what if every player on your team is skilled enough to handle themselves, and all you can do in that situation is to stand there and perhaps shoot at some commons at best, since this is AFTER the infected team has JUST been wiped. there's no absolute cutoff, ask your team or make a judgment call (which you get better at over time) a bad call is when you get picked and your team is stuck behind the choke
  12. i bet map distance and completion rate would go down significantly with expensive lasers lol
  13. yea...points sent to newbies unasked frequently results in the points going into a black hole anyways, kinda back on topic: mods on l4d2 make the game much more fun some gun mods are super cool but have godawful animations or models
  14. if you don't use !np, you don't need points from my perspective then like a minute after a couple of people die, "hey -name of the week-, you have points why don't you use/ send them" mfw
  15. ehh wouldn't that be even worse for players who don't get points...?
  16. m60 is the most entertaining gun.
  17. http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:0:47168089&advType=steamid&Submit your ban has expired btw so you can go play again
  18. oh the forums arent really that active but i'm pretty sure admins check every few-several hours
  19. ya so just stick with the team you start on unless told otherwise by an admin, the guy who banned you should be here shortly
  20. is it because you're actually a dumpling in real life
  21. wut.. lol, don't tell me you don't know about bots teleporting. you imply that this always happens, but really it takes like 15-20 seconds (so they often just die after getting capped) and maybe in like 4-5 spots consistently across all campaigns
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