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Everything posted by Baloosh

  1. Baloosh


    I think the only real way to do it is to cut the number of points Survivors for all (some, most, etc) of the times they can get points. For example: Headshots only count 1 point (instead of 2) Protecting a Teammate is 1/4 point (instead of 1) Achievements get 2 or 3 points (instead of 5) etc. That would require the least changes code-wise, and would be decent gauge to start with - to see the effect it would have overall.
  2. "Good" being a subjective term in this context. If you've already decided to eat a fast food hamburger, you've already made one mistake. Don't compound that by adding paper to your meal as well. A paper-less burger is "good" compared to the same burger wrapped in edible paper. Plus you're in England - what do you know about meat other than "boil it and serve it with red potatoes?"
  3. Lol no. If you want to eat paper, just eat some paper. Don't ruin a good burger.
  4. The inquisitions, being a collection of church-government organizations that existed in multiple countries over the course of hundreds of years, could not really be described as "isolated" or an "event," and are unique. The general trend of suppressing dissent with violence does exist in many parts of history. Perhaps a better example would be the Soviet repressions. About sixty-six million (66,000,000) persons were arrested, deported, or killed, by the Communists. This of course does not help your argument about religion, since the Soviet Union was one of relatively few Atheist states in history, and actually banned religion. Killing someone in defense of your beliefs is just as big an atrocity as killing someone for THEIR beliefs. That sword, as they say, swings both ways. The rote destruction of all organized religion in the Soviet Union is another perfect example of religion (or in this case, the hardline stance AGAINST it) causing problems. It's ok for a state to officially support no religion. It's not ok to start killing and destroying people because of theirs. In other words, killing religious people because you have banned religion is only one step away from killing someone to in defense of your own religion.
  5. But they do serve as an example of religious intolerance, and how varying degrees of radicalism, on any side, can cause people to kill others in the name of "religion." A sentiment that is echoed throughout all of history. If you think the Inquisitions were a completely isolated event and similar examples haven't occurred throughout history, I see where your confusion comes from. And I didn't try to imply anything - whatever you infer is up to you. If I've offended you at all, I apologize. Wasn't my intention.
  6. Requiring evidence for the existence of an after-life would negate the requirement for Faith. Evidence is something that some people need -- others don't. Doesn't make either side better than the other.
  7. It's hard to get any actual numbers on atheists, since they are usually much too expanded and inclusive "non-religious." For example, in that adherents.com link, it appears they categorize people who answer they "didn't care" when asked about their religious denomination as Unknown... but then attribute "no religious preference" to Other. Unless I'm missing something, either one of those answers can go into Unknown... or I guess into Other? Quite possible that I'm not understanding their questioning. And let's not forget Agnostics. Much of the time they're included with Atheists/non-religious.
  8. I know you're probably being sarcastic, because it's hard to reach those conclusions thinking logically. (1) I think the "because" was explained pretty directly. Don't know what to tell you if you don't see it. (2) crasx just said it best, "Religion is used to make people more willing to kill and be killed." (3) If that's what you inferred, read it again. The Crusades were simply mentioned to illustrate how (relatively) *small* the number of deaths that were officially part of The Crusades were, but some don't count those as "real wars." (4) Ethnic cleansing encompassed multiple types (socio-ethnic, religio-ethnic, or simply a set of nationals.) And yes, it is a religious problem in many instances. (5) A previous poster cited a study to attribute the cause(s) of wars to religion or not. As a broader exercise, it would help to think about murders/killings in total.
  9. http://www.foreignpo..._tower?page=0,2 So, about one in fifteen wars in known history were caused by religion. That completely disregards all "unknown" conflicts that aren't recorded throughout history, simply because the wars/deaths were not documented - neither side was literate. Tribal warfare was often driven by the concept of a literal battle between the gods of different tribes. Before organized polytheism, few people claimed to have the true gods, only the best gods. Once we get into early recorded history, motivations are somewhat opaque at first because a nation needs no more reason to invade another than the orders of its absolute leader. Religion often comes into it, but usually only to motivate the people after the decision has been made to attack. Later on, even the best-known examples of religious violence may not count as real wars. The Crusades were, certainly, but all the different Inquisitions (Wikipedia lists four) were entirely civil affairs (that is, affairs between one country and its own people). Once Lutheranism and Protestantism emerged in Europe, it’s likely that as many people were tried and executed for their beliefs as slain in battle. Acts of ethnic cleansing continue to this day, with varying degrees of religious justification. Recent examples occurred and are still occurring in Kosovo, Burma and all over Africa. The biggest current, ongoing religious conflict is the War on Terror. It’s not officially Christianity on the march but many in the religious right do see it that way. The Muslim extremists on the other side certainly consider themselves to be waging a Jihad or holy war. There can't be any hard numbers attributed to "100% religious" killings, any more than you can attribute any other mass killings to a single 100% cause. But, taken in aggregate, I stand by my claim that organized religion itself is one of the worst atrocities ever known to mankind.
  10. Counterpoint: When people are fed a string of lies about "higher powers" and putting some invisible deity #1 in your life, even above family, then you have killings in the name of religion. And as horrific, tragic and senseless as this latest incident in Conn. was, it pales in comparison to the number of deaths throughout history caused by "religion." And yes, that includes ALL religions - including Judeo-Christianity. It would appear you and I have *vastly* differing views on religion/God/afterlife/etc. That's ok - there's room for all opinions. One's daily actions speak volumes louder than anything you, I or anyone else can type on an Internet forum.
  11. 2:54 Baloosh has earned the achievement Untouchable. Yeah pretty much par for the course. Just another day in the GC L4D Server. Kickin butt, takin names, carrying General (Mr. Herbs) on my back.
  12. That's the part I like. Much easier to send points to a central location. However, it's the repetition (over and over again throughout the level) that might become an issue... especially for the guys/gals who tend to get a LOT of points in each round. But it does allow them to more easily send points, just have to do the send commands much more frequently. But like I said, I think it's a neat idea.
  13. An interesting idea... but how to allocate points to go to the pool vs. points that stay with an individual survivor? Have a default 50/50 or 80/20, etc... and make that customizable? For example, a setting that let's me keep 33% of the points I earn and send 66% to the pool. Just trying to envision how the pool gets filled... as it were. Edit: Not too sure I like the idea of having to type another command to send to the pool... that would require multiple entries throughout the level... and most people don't have enough time already to send to an individual.
  14. Kill 6 Boomers before they hit the ground rocket-spawning.
  15. Above all, listen to your teammates and follow their advice/directions. Especially the ones who sound like they know what they're doing. If they say move, move. If they say stop, stop... etc.
  16. Oh and lol @ the people listing SI achievements. Jackie said it's a Survivor one.
  17. Melee 6 Hunters while they are pouncing
  18. Skeet 6 Hunters while they are pouncing.
  19. Judicious amounts of cookies and Paypal deposits work wonders. This applies to any situation in life. Edit: Oh, and congrats Sue!
  20. Excellent effort by OP. Follow-up gifs are both timely and relevant. 5/5.
  21. Lol a general tank that costs 30 and has a heal for 10. He'd have enough for 5 tanks in the first 30 seconds of each level. I think it would be fun to do that once a week or so.
  22. Lol yeah, the vast majority of that time is sitting at the main menu during the day. Note that those hours are only my one account... there are 4 others in total to add to that number too! Gives ya an idea of just how horribad I am lol,
  23. Anybody who DIDN'T have you on their list ain't serious about forming a dream team.
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