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Everything posted by Fenix

  1. Small world I guess. Was playing Squadron Tower Defense on Starcraft 2, and what do ya know, I'm up against WalkingCat. Ya I beat him, but we teamed up later on. Never thought I'd randomly run into a GC member on SC2, esspecially one from another country!
  2. I always preach it the other way around...all it takes is one bad survivor to screw the whole team over. It takes tons of teamwork to help that guy in the back out, esspecially if he's incapped in a bad spot. I do think that it takes a lot of skill and teamwork to play as infected and destroy the other team, but not as much as it takes for survivors to make it to that saferoom on a long level (The Sacrafice comes to mind). Granted, playing as survivors against an infected team with absolutely no teamwork except for that 1 guy who's getting all the pounces and tank points isn't so hard, and most of the time the survivors make it through the map with no hiccups. It's a very fine balance. Nevertheless, I voted Survivors.
  3. I was totally going to suggest this. I think it's a better option, but almost no one would save to buy it. By the time you could afford it, either the survivors are doing so horrible that you are able to rack up that much points by mid-round which makes buying it that much more pointless, or by the time you get that many points, the round is nearly over. I suggest somewhere around the price of a tank, or maybe 75 points, but not 100.
  4. I would love to do some PvP...but unfortunately I won't be able to participate since I'm not on my main computer. Have fun guys. Miss you Biggs, Dragon, and Cat!
  5. As most of you know, I'm a reservist in the Navy...and currently I'm at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard doing my annual training here. I have a gaming laptop with me, but the internet here sucks and I didn't bring my G15 and 16 keyboards to play on. So just consider me "afk" for the next 4 weeks lol. Oh BTW, I'm SOOOOO glad my flight here from Phoenix to Seattle was YESTERDAY and not today...as my flight would have been delayed due to that incident in Phoenix today (which is still going on). PHEW close call!
  6. Sometimes I'll have an amazing game, and rack up tons of points, but still get tinkled off at the people who keep getting incapped in the back. Ussually it's because they are new. I don't play for personal scores or anything, I play to get the whole team to win. This kind of goes against what the video said. It says that there are people who have great achievements in team games but the team as a whole loses, and that person is generally quiet, but the people who have horrible stats in a losing team generally places blame on someone else. That last part still happens, but I still place blame on the people who get incapped because they stay in hallways/death traps. But this is L4D2 we're talking about. On the other hand I also play CoD: BO2, and I can be completely content for losing a game if I am just going on a killing spree racking up kill-streak rewards. So the vid is partially right, but it depends on the game. For some reason I really care if we win or lose on L4D2 vs CoD.
  7. I think it sucks that defibs cause people to come back, but b/w....the reason is because a lot of ppl don't like defibbing because of that issue. The person who died was usually being singled out or just played bad, and if you defib them, they have a great chance of dying. So since this was implemented, I haven't seen too many defibs being used lately. And the reason I don't like that is because the "witches on re-spawn" is almost useless now. Witches on respawn was fun when defibs were common and no one was b/w when defibbed. But since there's a good chance you'll die again if defibbed, you don't see it as often. Therefore buying witches on respawn is not as fun as it used to be. Just get rid of B/W after being defibbed, and instead give them like 30 percent life.
  8. Hence the thread name, Star Trek into darkness mystery
  9. @ HairyHungarian Dude type spoilers before you post...some people may not have seen it yet. Or make a "spoiler" post that they have to click to read. Forum etiquette man, forum etiquette.
  10. Seems like everything in that article was correct!
  11. I love these ideas! I'm curious, a lot of ppl liked my idea of fireproof zombie hordes or buy a boom-all-survivors option. Any chance of implementing one of those? buying hordes is nearly pointless now unless over half the team is incapped...otherwise 1 box of fireworks negates 10 points spent on a horde.
  12. My Navy bootcamp was November through February in Great Lakes. That is cold. You are getting there at a good time I think. Good luck. Ya mine was from June-August. Hot and humid there, but not unbearable as I'm from AZ. Good times though. The only hard part was being away from family, but other than that, it was pretty easy. I was there back in 2002 when all the old barracks (ships) were there!
  13. So what did you end up doing? I hope you chose Navy! Oh and Air Force has some good deals as well...you belong in one of those, not in the Army. Edit: Ah I see you did join the Navy!...aaand I already made a comment about it. Like I said, don't let it all be about money. Trust me there are jobs out there that are much more fun. Those recruiters are sniveling SOBs...all they do is throw the nuke program out at everyone with an asvab score over 80. Not once did they tell me about the other exciting programs available. Eventually I failed out of the program (Didn't actually fail, but they consider a 2.5 gpa failing), and chose a new program - Aviation Electronics Technician. Also what rate did you choose? There is ET, EM and MM....ET being the hardest and longest of the schools.
  14. Good luck man...I just hope you are prepared for something they didn't tell you. I was signed up for the Nuke program as well....but never became one. The Nuke program is probably THE hardest academic program they have in all the military. They have a 20-40 % drop rate, meaning lots of people fail, or don't perform to standards. Don't let the money suck you in like it did for me. Money isn't everything. Let us know how everything goes. You'll be able to get on the internet again and play some games once you start Nuke school, but you'll be spending most of your time in the NNPTC building.
  15. How is it your cable comes loose on a stationary desktop??? Maestro is this you?
  16. Fenix

    Sand sand sand

    Wait you're using creative mode to build this thing? That's kind of unfair...none of the other admins do that.
  17. Where did you learn engrish?
  18. So basically Swamp Fever and Cold Stream are out! I actually liked cold stream. Not sure why no one else didn't. My favorite map was the bridge map...good times playing as infected.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Rim-m4Wtcqo#! FYI at some point there will be a spit second of NSFW....the piratebay has this vid up on their main page, so I wanted to share the chaos with you.
  20. I don't like swamp fever because it's very hard to play as infected. There are really crappy places to spawn at, and no choke points except for maybe 1.
  21. NO SWAMP FEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And just curious why aren't all campaigns on there in the rotation? and if they all are, why not just have a vote to remove campaigns?
  22. There's a creeper on your head too
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