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Everything posted by Fenix

  1. reapers could apply to many things....
  2. Like I said before, suiciding is suiciding, griefing is griefing. It doesn't matter if you've won or not. I've seen a whole team get banned for suiciding (By lookback I believe) the last round of the Airport because it was confirmed the map was being skipped (They voted on the next map and it was going to change because the point gap was too big to win). GUESS WHAT, they got banned for suiciding even though the map was ending. So some admins think it's ok, and some don't at all. Some require a vote by the majority. Doesn't mean it's right. You assume too much Merc. And also, it's not like I wanted them banned permanently. Most of these guys are GC members, so they should know the rules. If rules are broken, you get banned, and then apologize if you didn't know it was bannable. I've done the same thing for the boomer glitch on No Mercy. GC members should technically be held to a higher standard than regular folks who drop in on the server. Just because you're a GC member and your team has won, doesn't give the right to dictate what will happen in-game. Maybe I didn't get what I wanted (playing out the finale all the way to the end w/o survivors trying to die), but the other team sure did - and in my opinion - by breaking the rules.
  3. The whole voting for special things in-game makes sense...when an admin is on. But there were no admins on. It took 1 person to say "Hey, lets play charger dodgeball on the helipad" and the stupidness ensued. I personally (as an infected) would have liked the match to last longer as I enjoy playing infected more than survivors. Also, just because they won doesn't give them the right to end the game early unless it was voted on (no admins, no vote). IMO no one should decide to end the game early if there are no admins on. Playing Suicide with chargers means you're wanting the game to end early. Plz don't forget that not everyone on the survivor team "Voted" for this, or agreed. Also ending the game early with no admins on means having to suicide in some form or another.
  4. You need a new HDD! Just buy yourself a solid state drive and install that on there....then copy your entire steam folder over to the new SSD and that should help a ton!
  5. Well the problem was that the score was super close, like 2400 to 2500 or something like that, by the time they decided to do it. And leon, this happened after you left last night. I mean if I'm gonna lose the overall match, I'd at least like to finish out the round as infected, and not have players mess around when teams are full (maybe 1 or 2 bots)
  6. I usually keep running around, type out what points I want to send, shoot Zombies, drink my soda AND eat my food all while watching Game of Thrones.
  7. Then isn't this considered Griefing instead? That's the same as having a team at the end of Blood harvest dance around near the cliff at the beginning to see if they can "dodge chargers" because they've already won in points. It takes the fun out of the competition. If they were losing and some survivors were doing that, then it'd be a whole different story as I KNOW people would be complaining of griefing. Griefing is Griefing no matter if you're winning or losing, amirite?
  8. HS sillyguy (spelled out in symbols) was on top of the train in No Mercy lvl 2. I think we had a discussion about this before and I believe it was bannable, not sure. He was warned multiple times and refused to get off the train, claiming if the game allows him to do it, then he's ok to do it. Also, this discussion says it's bannable. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/42918-server-exploits/
  9. So we got whooped last round of no mercy, and it was our turn to play infected. Since the other team finally beat our amount of points on the last round, Kodiak [K_Inc] recommended every survivor play charger dodgeball on the helipad, basically suiciding. Pumpernickel, Zel, Got Your 6, Communist Eagle, ctrlfrk, KaNaRia, and GARYCHIOS - TURBO.GC all participated. They all succeeded in suicide by charger and the game was over. To me, that is suiciding, and bannable. I know a lot of these folks are regulars, but this is ridiculous. This is how bad it can get when no admins are online.
  10. So are there any trekkies out there that can explain this?? What class ship is that?!?! The Enterprise is the little one. Is this a new JJ twist or time-altered ship? I've been reading that a lot of people believe it's an excelsior class, or the new secret Dreadnaught class (due the the new timeline and impending war with the klingons). What do you guys think?
  11. I'd let her do that! Too bad it wasn't real
  12. Actually I was looking for a Pie of Pie chart...for a project due tomorrow. The one I was making had data in all the wrong places. But enough with Pie charts, I'm interested in dehydration.
  13. Ya it's a good thing I got a screenshot of this...yahoo instantly took down that article on their front page. And like I said, I wanted to see what you people thought. I never mentioned anything sexual, that was all you guys!
  14. So this was on their front page...I took a screenshot of it. I'm not going to say what I thought, as I want to see if you see the same thing I do.
  15. I like the part where locust posted this topic, and since everyone agreed with Mercman, locust never showed back up on these forums ever again.
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2313828/Is-really-human-DNA-tests-inch-skeleton-alien-looking-creature-sized-head-prove-actually-human-claim-scientists-new-documentary.html
  17. Because he fixed it after their replies...they don't need new computers.
  18. Fenix


    They're pretty cool
  19. Biggs is unavailable at the moment, but I can help...The overworld is not just the surface world, but also inside caves and in the water. Basically the only places not considered the overworld are the Nether and the End. The overworld is the only place creepers spawn, therefore yes, everything in the overworld is affected by creepers.
  20. Why is it that nothing you said made any sense? And is this thread even relevant to actually banning anyone?
  21. No tournament, cause people suck at getting online all at the same time in different parts of the world. And also, Minecraft.
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