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Everything posted by dessa

  1. Try checking out this youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiQOK43YiIqkrT0AW2rXog There's a lot of tutorials there that go over the Sony Vegas stuff. It helped me out quite a bit when I got into using it.
  2. Not gonna be around the next couple of days to play games. I'll try to check the forums and steam on my phone though when I can.

  3. Okay so I actually watched it beginning to end. Yes commentary would make it more entertaining. As far as the lag I doubt there's a whole lot that can be done since it's on a laptop besides lowering graphics settings, lowering recording settings and removing some mods. However maybe fiddling around with those options you might find some that'll work. But you can always try to edit around the really laggy parts. Keep it up, I'll watch more if you do more of them.
  4. Personally if I'm on a team that's a majority of bots I try to help at least one or two or at least keep an eye on them in case a real person loads in on them. I nearly always say leave the bots alone, don't waste your health on them lol. But if someone does load in on a downed bot you can continue and send points then just try to cover them as they make their way forward. Also wanted to add that if they're piled together it's good to pick a few up just for the points, especially if you can pop an adren. Anywho that's my two cents now I'm taking my tired butt to bed. :\
  5. Internet pricing - Just wondering what everyone pays for their internet and how much download and upload they get. Hate the internet I'm with but don't know if the competitor's price is too much or not.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stutters


      $80/mo for 1gbps up and down through Centurylink/Qwest (fiber).


      ...you asked ;)

    3. dessa


      I hate you so much right now stutters. >.> lol

    4. Jerkoff


      20mbps down and 2mbps up for $67 from TWC. If there is a word for chump and ripoff combine together, it be me in the dictionary. They also charge people $6 per month for renting their out of date modem...had to an end to that.

  6. I have an autistic kid to take care of on my own so going, even if it were in the same town as I am, just isn't possible. But hey if you wanna send a couple thousand bucks my way next year to hire a professional to take care of him and for me to travel up there, then maybe I could. But as I don't see anyone doing that, it just isn't going to happen.
  7. Scary movie time! The Conjuring, Insidious Chapter 1 & 2 and whatever else I can find. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Girlzilla


      E.T. is the scariest movie ever!

    3. stabz0r


      Martyrs had me on edge for a couple of days after watching it.

    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      My wife tried to get me to see Jersey Boys, but that looked WAY to scary for me. We saw Planet of the Apes instead (my choice)

  8. Thank you to everyone who followed up on this and thanks for the bans on them both. Glad when people pay attention to posts on here. XD And yes Arc I know this always seems to happen late at night when I play lol.
  9. In a game around 3:30 am eastern and this guy comes in and everything is fine at first. As soon as we start playing as survivor he changes his name to mine and starts playing music over the mic loudly at that at an attempt to get people to kick me, I'm guessing. Being a member I simply called a votekick on him but he also had a friend in on the other team start doing the same thing. Here's the profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986630831 You can clearly see he's changed his name to other members names in the past and done this. And here's the link to the screenshot when he changed his name: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/584656846026573168/B6C8998BBC50E387BABE4DA5A5A552565F19C648/
  10. dessa


    Need a ban placed on this player please: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095920377/ Blatantly rushed ahead griefed the team by jumping out the window and caused a bot to follow him. Happened at 12:35- 12:40am eastern time. Vlad is in the same game as well and can verify it.
  11. I know the exact game that Arc is talking about cause I was in there as well. And I agree on the report so if you need my two cents I'm happy to put it in.
  12. Just want to start off saying sorry about the name, made this account a long time ago before the big thing about swearing came up and I can't find a way to change it. I myself have also seen Vex try to team hop in the past and have thus seen mods on the servers get onto him about it. He knew he shouldn't have tried to move and knows it. My question is why were you getting mad at Pump? You weren't the one moved back to their original team. There was already a scramble at the beginning of the game, since the scramble people came and went both good players and bad, it happens. IF all of that drama hadn't come up a vote was going to be placed asking to do another scramble. It's a game, you're going to lose some and win some. Your attitude was a completely valid reason for you to be kicked. Pump was in the right to move Vex back to his original team and YOU sir were in the wrong for not only questioning him on it but trying to start drama after it happened. Multiple people told you that you needed to calm down, myself included. After being kicked you actually had the audacity to come in with the name that you did and then think it's alright to curse? One of the first messages that pops up when you join these servers is that if you curse you can and probably will be kicked or banned. You had already been kicked once then come in with that name and start cursing? What was he supposed to do warn you for a third time? You need to face it you were acting childish over a game and the kick and ban both were needed. Now as far as people leaving the server and coming back in to be on another team on purpose, if an admin is on the server and it's brought to their attention they're usually put back on the team they were on. And a lot of the time if someone disconnects and comes back in and there's an admin around they're put back on their team and will be given their points back. I know this is the case cause I've had it happen to me multiple times.
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