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Everything posted by turnbullTeRRoR

  1. Ok week two is in the books the only cosmetic change is I stopped being turnbullFRaGGeR and jumped back in my old skin. Hmm works been busy I've worked a longest week I've worked since before last Christmas. So I've had a condensed gaming week. GTA 4 BUGS! oh my HUGE GIANT GAME BREAKING BUGS! Had the mission to jump a motorcycle onto a helio in mid flight only you can't pull yourself up. The fix is to stop the game once you hit the copter and set it to run only 1 core then once you pull yourself up you can enable multi core again..... I raged .... i'll try again this week with the core affinity thing...... dang poooooooor ports. DIRTYBOMB hmm did not play. So little free time this week. CS:GO - Saturday Night customs played about 5 maps and had a visit from our old friend from the gc source days fisticuffs! He brought a friend as well. As always a big thanks to those who showed for ole glory's sake. Kleon, QueenT, Sir Ohsis, and Robbob....who'd I miss? There were more not many but some one or two more. AoE2 Oh BOY! Had great games with a new third leg Garland_g say hey if you see him in discord. We won all games played this week cept for the one we got disconnected on so really we never lost I finally.... FINALLY led a win in scoring with Reomet on board!.....WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO! btw word to the devs of AoE2.....FIX THE FARM BUG YOU BUGGGERS Squad Squad oh squad what game are you? I had a ton of fun games in squad with fisticuffs, Reomet, and Arkive . I also had a few games that were super lagged out never figured out why. Also I almost got invited to a clan match.... then not then almost again ....then not again....... dang you fisticuffs! Other then that the games went about 50/50 lost some ..some bad....won some.....some big. That's all for this week.
  2. Welcome to my first forum blog/diary of what TbT did GC/ Game wise this week. This is something I think i'm going to do to try to capture some memories from week to week. First of you should get to know me, TbT, the man with no plan, aka turnbull aka turnbullTeRRoR or in Farberio's incredible distaste- "turdball el terrible`" TbT is a 34 yr old white male from North Carolina a father of two a mapper in CSGO and Insurgency a sexy beast (non debatable) a programmer for a steel company based in NC Conservative Christian albiet honestly not the best representative TbT likes Women FPS ,RTS, and RPG Duck hunting skoal apple pizza,steak,tacos,BBQ prengles mapping/creative activities golf reading fantasy In this past TbT did things like played tournament softball for 8 years (hardcore) started a clan/community in 1999 for the" Wheel of Time" video game ( clan pop of around 50 active) been in numerous CS 1.3 to source clans and played some cal among other smaller leagues TbT's current side activities include board games with kids teach RA's on Wednesday nights operating aluminum can foundry/ casting Ok so now you got to know some things about me here is how the gaming week went. GTA IV - Im playing gta4 because I had it on xbox 360 and never finished before it went kaput . Just this week I have finally progressed past the point I had attained on xbox years ago. I think I'm around 65% complete Dirty Bomb I grabbed a few games on DB with likes of Limit , Haven, and Mr LuvMonkey I'm so close to level 37 I can taste it. CS:GO I played in 4 matches this week with the like of Queen, Sant, Girlzilla, Farberio, and (UC)Undercover.... lost one match 14-16 tied the next 15-15 lost badly on the forth and we went up 8-1 ct side mirage only to lose 16-12 on the second half..... I had 30 kills and was mucho sad about it. Saturday Night customs was a mixed bag......but I guess kinda successful in its own way. I missed the first hour but got on and the server actually popped for a while thx to Robbob , Queen T, Limit, CiD, Plato, and Badplayer. Oddly Smeg never showed up.........I guess he took Robbob's advice AoE2 Heheheheh had some masterful games and many duds here. I finally paced Reomet in scoring for a game. If you played with us you would know that it was quiet a feat for me. I hold my own military wise usually but I actually led in scoring 2 hours into a large battle.... Reomet to me is the standard for which I measure success economy wise in Age 2. He's simply a beast. AoE2-alone-- I'm currently embattled at work in a game where my 2 pc allies went down leaving me 3 vs 1......right now I have 7000+kills 5000+ deaths.... idk why I'm still playing it lol I can't win. Its all I can do to defend my base. Offense is not an option. Here is a SS but I took it before I made it to 7000 kills. I guess I'll keep playing on my lunch break next week....... Squad I played some squad with Reomet aka "medic....I need medic .....Reo.....where you at?" Over the course of the weekend I went 4-0 on the bloodbath server 0-4 on the FF0 dallas server and 2-0 on the Ops.squad server. Me and Reo had the pleasure of winning one crazy game with me as squad leader by 1 ticket.....a rare feat. You can see this in the screen shot below. The best part of my gaming weekend was when I started a squad ( choose squad leader as opposed to following as I usually do) Reo and myself took this squad and destroyed all 5 weapon caches with our squad alone..... an ace in insurgency mode if you will. I do not know if that has ever been done before it the game......its not world breaking .... but I'd like to think it was akin to getting aces three to five rounds in a row in counter-strike that's really the only thing I could compare it to. The best part is the following map everyone trusted me since we had done so well and I led another squad again but this time all squads were actually following my direction which led to the most co-ordinated game on large scale I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. In short it was AWESOME. note: I did not make that squad name. I did not start out as leader I inherited the squad about 30 seconds into the game. The Bottom Line: Finally paced Reomet in scoring in AoE2 after 2 years worth of playing the game. The best moment of the week- After we dominated one map with our 9 man squad - I became the armies general and led a 35 man team in 4 separate squads to victory with decisive planning, directions, and a lot of yelling. If you took the time to read all of this....cool story bro right? YOU D$@M RIGHT IT WAS
  3. We still have Saturday Night Customs........ for now....... ideal join time before 8:30, actual start time 9 p.m. Eastern
  4. I'm finding the struggle to fill the server annoying. I confess I do not have the same love I had for them in the past and find it hard to play 4 vs 4 when other games are calling me. However I enjoy a nearly full SNC server more than other games still.........so I ask
  5. Table Top simulator- Would love to get a group going on it. Fun times , beer, chat, buttwhoopery If you don't know what TTS is then check it out- summer sale price- 9.99 specific games I want to play on TSS- Hero Quest, WoT:loC(my own creation) Phase 10 .....plus more....... and willing to play whatever you want Squad.....its an alpha....but its fun and pretty well playable with new upgrades inbound the only downside is the price tag - reg 40.00 but 30.00 on sale right now Age of Empires 2 ( with all 3 expansions) oldie but a goldie - we have about 4 who play but are seldom all on at once. We usually vs the CPU on moderate or hard setting pending on who's playing Add me- on steam or ask questions here if interested.
  6. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the mater. As a single player I feel the game is flat. I haven't figured out if the game balances players based on skill or any other metric. There is no way to swap players mid-game to balance like we can/could in UT or CS. Uncoordinated teams can get crushed, leaving players frustrated and angry. Stands to reason that if a player measures their level of fun by how much they win, the game might disappoint. As part of a group the game can be a hoot. Tis why I came here, looking for my people. Being able to set up custom games is right up GC's alley too. Content wise there are a ton of hero's, which is great. I feel the game modes and available maps are lacking at the moment. So it's a wash in terms of content We do know bliz is working on heros, maps, and ranked play. I'm sure more will come over time. Bliz has to figure out a way to properly monetize the game (I don't think loot boxes will fit the bill) in order to sustain new content production. Perhaps they can offer new hero's for $$ or maps...who knows. you should try dirty bomb its free and most of GC that plays overwatch play DB as well I feel like DB is the same game minus crazier abilities and flash and sparkle It s like DB is fireworks loud booming earth shaking fire works while overwatch is a laser light show which is great but its not fireworks. Further more I'm not going to pay for a laser light show when the fireworks are free and much preferred. Lastly it is just an opinion. People like what they like so it's up to everyone to decide. Just stop trying to talk me into buying/ play Overwatch when I'd rather be playing something else.I played the beta for 2 1/2 days three or four weeks ago now and my minds made up. Even if one of you bought me Overwatch I would only play it to the extent to show you that I appreciate the gesture but other then that I have too many games I like better. So I'd prefer no one take that route.
  7. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the mater. As a single player I feel the game is flat. I haven't figured out if the game balances players based on skill or any other metric. There is no way to swap players mid-game to balance like we can/could in UT or CS. Uncoordinated teams can get crushed, leaving players frustrated and angry. Stands to reason that if a player measures their level of fun by how much they win, the game might disappoint. As part of a group the game can be a hoot. Tis why I came here, looking for my people. Being able to set up custom games is right up GC's alley too. Content wise there are a ton of hero's, which is great. I feel the game modes and available maps are lacking at the moment. So it's a wash in terms of content We do know bliz is working on heros, maps, and ranked play. I'm sure more will come over time. Bliz has to figure out a way to properly monetize the game (I don't think loot boxes will fit the bill) in order to sustain new content production. Perhaps they can offer new hero's for $$ or maps...who knows. you should try dirty bomb its free and most of GC that plays overwatch play DB as well I feel like DB is the same game minus crazier abilities and flash and sparkle It s like DB is fireworks loud booming earth shaking fire works while overwatch is a laser light show which is great but its not fireworks. Further more I'm not going to pay for a laser light show when the fireworks are free and much preferred
  8. I didn't say anything bad about it. I just think the game is way over hyped for what it is.
  9. Someone will have to step up for SNC's to happen if there's enough peeps on
  10. refurbished mx518 like around 40$ cheap and better than most stuff made today. I'm currently using my old mx518 at work ( 8 years) and the refurb that looked bran spanking new btw 40$ amazon at home.
  11. wat you didnt inlcude my l337 3 v 1 I'm soo bummed
  12. Fixed Flitter if I have access I can help you manage groups on there just let me know-
  13. As you can see the rules gives you how to play and a break down of each teams units ( unit info also available to each team via index card at their seat of the table) I've ponied up to 30 support cards for each team. I just wondering if having a max of 3 cards in hand or 5 would be better. ( this will probably come with testing) Also I'm wondering the best way to decide how to pick up the "wild" cards that can be very helpful, harmful to you, or harmful to all. Most are cards that are played immediately but some can be added to your hand with no penalty. Do you think dice roll of 1, 11, 15, 20 is a good idea or I can add counters for each team and lets say each time you defeat 5 enemies you pick a card? Or maybe some other way I haven't even thought of?
  14. here are the rules Items in green are things I'm debating about. The Wheel of Time : The Lord of Chaos Use team selector dice to determine teams. The dice has one face for each team and two wheel of time faces. The wheel of time faces mean you can choose any available team. The shadow army moves first and then in clockwise order the army of the light, Children of the light, and lastly the Seanchan. Turns and battle. 1. First thing you do on your turn is to draw a card from your teams support deck. One card each turn to a max of three. If you have three you can choose to discard and draw a new one. Keep this card in your hidden area. Some cards can be played before you move. Some must be played in battle and others can be played after battle has ended. 2. Next you roll the twenty sided blue movement dice. All units start from your seal disc. You may move as many units in any combination as the number rolled allows up to a max of five spaces per unit. Example you roll 15. You could move 2 units 5 spaces each and 2 units 1 space and another 3 which totals up to 15. You can move and attack. Attack and move but you cannot move-attack-move. Special cards from the "the wheel weaves as the wheel wills" deck will be drawn if you roll a 1 ,11 ,15 ,or 20 on your movement. ( this is under debate) 3. Attacking an enemy can be done by moving your unit next to an enemy unit. You and your enemy each roll your six sided white dice to determine what characters are doing battle. These characters are listed by number and stats on your notes card as well as further down in these instructions. Attacker can now lay down any attack support cards they wish to use as the defender can as well. Attackers use the red attack dice in the amount detailed by unit type plus any bonuses. The defender using the yellow dice does the same. Highest total roll wins battle and losers unit is removed from the board. To win the game you must obtain your enemies seals or wipe them out. To capture a seal you must defeat all units within a space of the seal. ( the game begins with 6 surrounding your seal) Once a seal is captured you can use either your own seal or the captured seal to start any reinforcements. The team whos seal has been captured is down but not out. They can still retake their seal but they cannot reinforce/ gain any new units unless by converting them with special cards. Until they regain thier own seal or an enemies. faction notes: *** name*** indicates channeler [name] indicates shadowspawn Factions The Children of the Light (white cloaks) Base: Amador 1. Soldier Attack dice 2 Defense 2 only 1 defense vs one power users 2. Archer Attack dice 2 Defense 1 3. Soldier 4. Questioner Attack dice 3 defense 3 5. Soldier 6. Assassin Attack Dice 3 defense 1 4 attack dice vs one power user ----------------------------------------------------------- The Seachan (fore runners) Base: Saldea 1. Soldier Attack dice 2 Defense 2 only 1 defense vs one power users 2. Raken Attack Dice 2 Defense 1 3. Soldier 4.*** Damane*** Attack Dice 3 defense 3 only 2 defense vs Assassin 5. Soldier 6. Death Watch Guard Attack Dice 4 defense 2 --------------------------------------------------------- The Shadow (Dark Ones Army) Base: Shayol Ghul 1.[ Trolloc] Attack dice 2 defense 2 only 1 defense vs one power user 2.[ Drakghar] Attack dice 2 defense 1 3.[ Trolloc] 4.[ Myrddraal] Attack Dice 3 defense 3 5. ***Dread Lord*** Attack Dice 3 defense 2 6.[ Golam] Attack Dice 4 defense 3 one power users only have 1 defense dice vs golam ---------------------------------------------------------- The Army of the Light (the Dragon Reborns Army) Base: Tear 1. Soldier Attack dice 2 defense 2 only 1 defense vs one power user 2. Two Rivers longbowmen 2 attack dice 1 defense 3. Soldier ------------------------------------- 4.*** Aes Sedai*** 3 attack dice 2 defense dice 5. Aiel 3 attack dice 3 defense dice 6.*** Ashaman*** 4 attack dice 3 defense dice ---------------------------------------------------------- Faction support card stats(hero card secondary support stats no accounted for) Army of the Light Offense heavy deck- fairly balanced Strengths: 8 special attack cards 5 special effect cards Weakness: least amount of support cards no convert cards Hero/Champions: 4 cards support DEF: 0 support ATT: 1 support either: 6 reinforcements: 4 convert: 0 special attack no risk of loss: 8 deny ATT or skip: 3 special cards: 5 The Shadow's Army Offense heavy deck -fairly balanced Strengths: 9 special attack cards - most convert cards Weakness: only 2 hero cards only 6 defense supports total Hero/Champions: 2 support DEF: 0 support ATT: 2 support either: 6 reinforcements: 4 convert: 4 special attack no risk of loss: 9 deny ATT or skip: 3 special cards: 2 The Seanchan Army Strong support deck - fairly balanced Strengths: 14 support cards. 4 reinforcement cards Weakness: no special cards, only 2 special attack cards Hero/Champions: 4 support DEF: 2 support ATT: 3 support either: 9 reinforcements: 5 convert: 2 special attack no risk of loss: 2 deny ATT or skip: 3 special cards: The White Cloaks - Balanced support deck Strengths: 11 total support cards and 5 extra starting units Weakness: No channelers. Cannot use angreal, sa'angreal, portal stones and other special cards. only 2 special attack with no risk of loss cards. Hero/Champions: 3 support DEF: 2 support ATT: 7 support either: 2 reinforcements: 4 convert: 3 special attack no risk of loss: 2 deny ATT or skip: 3 special cards: 4 updated 5/6/16- added commentary on teams strengths and weaknesses.
  15. 000oooo An all board member lobby?? I've been looking at Secret Hitler on youtube (saw lots of lobbies for it) I'm down for whatever
  16. Who doesn't like a good board/ card game among friends? TTS(table top simulator) $20 full price some times 50% off on sale. TTS offers the chance to play multitudes of games. All these games are FREE after initial TTS purchase. Games like: Poker checkers chess hero quest warhammer D&D Monopoly Risk Settlers Star Wars ( variations) Life pretty much any board game you can think of is or can be made on TSS I'm even working on my nerdgasm of a game. Would any of you be up for this?
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