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Everything posted by Cyklik

  1. Cyklik


    Probably the best movie I've seen so far this year, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Maybe it was because of Will Smith's game during it, but it wasn't too touchy feely, and was definitely hilarious. Bah, I'm all over the place. Suffice it to say I'd recommend it to anyone.
  2. I'm not sure, I wasn't really expecting too much out of it from the get-go. I guess I just thought the plot lacked any depth. Maybe I'm just too used to movies with all sorts of twists and revelations and whatnot. This was extremely straightforward and that may have been why it just didn't do anything for me.
  3. The acting was good, the action was good, the character interaction was good...but I couldn't stand the movie. The plot was unbelievably thin, and it just bothered the heck out of me. I'm a big Cruise fan, and I really wanted to like this, I just can't.
  4. Everybody has a 6 pack, they're just covered by fat. Lose that fat, and they'll be more visible. It also helps to work your abs as well to give them more definition.
  5. Ju-On 2 was pretty nuts, I actually liked it better than the American remake of Ju-On. Some of the scenes are just plain trippy, and the way the story tries to explain itself is pretty cool.
  6. As someone who watches a lot of anime, we really look down on dubbing. Watching something dubbed oftentimes removes the emotion or feeling, and it's practically impossible to watch something dubbed and not be distracted by the lack of sync. On the topic of GITS, I watched the first movie several years ago before I really got into anime, so my judgment of it may be slightly off. I thought it was boring and not even half as good as some of the other titles I've watched. Again, this was at least 5 years ago, and before I started watching any other anime. I haven't seen it since, but my friends and I have been discussing picking that up again and then watching the new movie and series.
  7. Good ole Van Wilder made this movie hilarious. Some of his comments had us laughing for minutes.
  8. This movie was more about Alexander as a bisexual than it was about Alexander the conqueror. What a disappointment.
  9. Check this out: http://www.replaystudios.de/survivor/aboutthegame.php Which is more offensive?
  10. Your BIOS battery is a small metal disk on the motherboard. It looks like an oversized watch battery. You should be able to use something like a flathead screwdriver to help prop it out of there.
  11. You know, Ju-On is the Japanese version of what The Grudge will be.
  12. rofl Dennis. "The cookies were good." Best part of the movie.
  13. Audiograbber works great. Like Watch said, it's limited, unless you go to their site and download the LAME patch, then you're good to go.
  14. Yeah, when I went back to see it with friends, I watched for the product placements he was talking about. Advertising is taking over the world. They've already begun throwing little advertisments for products in games. Driv3r was covered in Sobe ads.
  15. CS:Source is the official multiplayer of HL2.
  16. That's what the preorder at EB was.
  17. I'm probably going to hold off on buying. I'll play it a bit, and if I like it enough to justify the $60 price tag, I might get it. But I honestly don't intend on playing the multiplayer at all, so...
  18. "Listening to her talk about her conditioner is more interesting than you."
  19. The thing about anime is, for most of it, it's not illegal at all. It's all fansubbed stuff, and it isn't licensed in the US, which means the only way for us to get it (subbed) is to download. I myself have quite a collection rabbit, but I've not got the space you do, so I usually burn to DVDs once I'm finished with a series. The other problem is, since there are so many releases daily, a lot of the old torrents aren't seeded, so you have to resort to crappy irc downloads from some 56k user in Europe or something to that effect. Rabbit, I know somebody who's hd recently crashed, and I believe he got his avis back, so I'll ask him what he did and see if that will be of any help.
  20. He's done everything else, might as well get started on incest...
  21. I used to burn everything to VCDs, but only more current DVD players support VCD playback. Most of the movies you *cough* acquire *cough* come in VCD format that you can easily burn and watch.
  22. It was definitely lacking. Some of the acting was pretty good, and they had some interesting characters. But the villian was weak, his son would've been more interesting of a villian, and the storyline was so boring. I didn't want to see it in the first place, just dragged in by friends. The big bald guy was the only redeeming part...and Kiera.
  23. It was alright, but I'm glad I didn't pay to see it. It was very....different from your normal love story. Honestly, I watched it to pass the time. If there had been anything else to do, I would've shut it off right away.
  24. I was at ComiCon when they showed this. It was absolutely incredible on the big screen.
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