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Everything posted by looneypumpkin

  1. gah I hate to see how much I suck if I ever get the time to play again. Missing you guys.
  2. Merry Xmas, Happy holidays (or non holidays) to you all!

    1. MasterTalpa


      merry kwanza and a happy hanakkuh with a fruitful valentines

  3. I renewed. Maybe one day I'll get to play video games again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lookback


      lol, it is all over. See you in 15-18 years :(

    3. looneypumpkin


      haha nooo... he is getting more fun and able to play alone some. So I can finally make dinner instead of ordering out for example....


    4. Lookback


      That is good, they are more fun than games anyways. Although my eldest is playing Rocksmith with me :)


      Feeding them gets considerably more expensive going forward.

  4. My birthday today, my turn to feel old. Big 30 over here. BTW Thanks for all the fireworks America!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stabz0r


      Happy birthday and welcome to the dirty thirties!

    3. walkingCat


      Happy birthday!

    4. Lookback


      30 is the new 20

  5. I'm a huge mk fan and this made my day.
  6. Thanks all! He's adorable but so far only wants to sleep if I hold him. Hoping to get that to change soon....
  7. Figured I'd share the cuteness with you all. After a failed induction (baby was tangled in his cord and couldn't progress) Sebastian Glen was born via c-section at 9:04pm. He was 7lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long. He's our first after nearly 7 years of trying and a few losses. We are tired but so happy! I'm gonna be in the hospital until Saturday. The recovery sucks but is manageable. Miss you all!
  8. What I want to know is how does someone kill me as a smoker when I'm already dragging them to me? Is that someone meleeing me, or somehow headshotting me? Most often swat is to blame. I should give up, but I feel so awesome when I snare him.
  9. RIP to my Samsung TV. It has been fun. Especially that one time where your bulb exploded with hot glass everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Biggs


      How many pieces?

    3. walkingCat


      Did you try to turn it OFF/ON?

    4. looneypumpkin


      It was like 8yrs old. We bought a new Vizio today, 50" M501D-A2R. Super happy with it so far!

  10. 2 weeks until I'm on maternity leave. Then hopefully I will be able to play more for a bit....

    1. Biggs


      The idea of your water breaking while you're playing l4d is epic. That might be a first

    2. looneypumpkin


      wow, didn't even think of that. It is possible. Soon I will be wearing a garbage bag I think.

    3. Lookback


      hahahahahaahahaham play more L4D2? More like, pray for a little sleep :)


      Have fun!!!

  11. Hey I like the idea of buying a regular witch or dangerous witch. Maybe dangerous could be the bride version so survivors can know the difference? But I agree, unless survivors are boomed or just bad, dangerous witches aren't that bad if you crown them or use explosive ammo. Unless it's a witch farm and chaotic. I don't agree that it's an exploit and wish that strategizing with your team in this way was NOT against the rules. Makes you not even want to buy dangerous witches unless you just have an excess amount of points, so therefore it's not fun.
  12. There is this going on in select cities in the US. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/01/29/the-walking-dead-escape-tour/ First link I found while searching, but I read about it a while ago on facebook.
  13. Yeah we are good financially to stay at home, but I hate not being able to add to savings/take on projects. Not to mention it being really scary to have had 2 incomes for nearly 10yrs and suddenly go down to one. I really wanted a kitchen remodel or a move into a bigger house. But that's gonna have to likely wait a few years. I'm trying to train myself to be more frugal as we have wasted a lot of money over the years on conveniences. I did have a lengthy talk with my boss and he completely understands if I don't make up my mind until the last day of my maternity leave, so at least he's not pressuring me for an answer yet
  14. Thoughts & prayers chick. Hoping he remains comfortable to the end! Being home can be real tough with the special care, but I'm sure it means a lot to him.
  15. Been keeping this quiet for a while. Many of you know I suffered a pregnancy loss back in March 2013. Well I will be 29 weeks pregnant with a little boy on Monday -- March 24th. Everything is going great. I'm looking forward to what is likely my last 4 weeks at work before I deliver. I haven't been around here much because when I'm not working I'm mostly sleeping. The fatigue is constant. I feel almost like a narcoleptic. Hoping to get more gaming in after he's born, but maybe I'm being stupidly optimistic about that. Being our first I'm not sure what to expect. I know I'll be sleep deprived and smelly, but not sure as to what extent. Does L4D2 > shower? I am not sure...maybe. Name will likely be Sebastian Glen. Glen is for my father who passed away. Sebastian just because it's a name my husband and I can agree on. Official due date is June 9th, but I expect to pop anytime from late May. I am having some blood pressure issues so my OB thinks I'll deliver early, but who knows. Every week from here on out that I carry is a blessing. I'm still undecided if I'll go back to work or not. I absolutely hate my job most days -- working with the public is a disgusting and depressing thing at times and after 10yrs I'm rethinking going back to school for something worthwhile that I enjoy. We refinanced my car this morning, so that'll allow me to quit completely if I want to. Anyway, for those who care that's what's been going on with me
  16. That would be neat. Gets hard to see stuff when that happens.
  17. yeah that "tell a programmer" seems like some kind of error a mod would pop up.
  18. It's really annoying to hold spitter, but just buy some more and that often helps things (if you can.) If you're gonna hold a spitter, please use your points and buy it up!
  19. Just had it happen again. I did the thing to turn logs on, but I don't seem to have a logs file, so I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've not been playing as much because I've been busy, plus this.
  20. I feel your frustration Vlad, I rage mostly because of the new people not using mics or wanting to use teamwork. But now you make it worse by leaving too
  21. Sometimes there is a frame loop, but most of the time, no. Sometimes while playing infected the game sort of "staggers" and I think it's gonna crash but it doesn't. I also want to say some of the time while waiting to spawn in, I have the buy menu open because I'm checking to see how close I am to tank. Maybe that's why it seems like every time we crash it's close to tank. I've edited the config file and will play some later today so maybe we'll get somewhere.
  22. I just don't understand why they're still bothering with updates since there's no new content. Just get on with L4D3 and leave this one alone.... crasx I have either been asleep or at work when you msg me. I'll be around some tomorrow night.
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