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Everything posted by oakgyrl510

  1. if that is the case, then admins need to step up and go spec the person that people want to kick as soon as a couple of people start complaining about that person because they are not being a team player, trolling, griefing, etc. There's been a couple of times admins get into a convo or into the game so much that they do not hear or see any of the complaints ingame.
  2. I saw this happen, it's not the first time chris has done this. And to be more accurate, i think he binds his keys to the commands "!jointeam survivors" and "!jointeam infected" (which I've seen a couple people try to correct him at before he gets kicked from spec when teams are not full) or he can type superrrrrr fast but because teams were full when this happened and he's not a member, chick did not have the right to kick anyone to let chris in. So I think the 5 min ban was justified because he was repeatedly flooding the chat with those commands, about 4 lines each time he joined and he re-joined a couple of times to repeat the process. Fenix-he's a non-member who got auto-kicked repeatedly for being in spec mode because teams were full and he repeatedly tried to get in the game. And for the chat spam, what i said above, I think he binds his keys. there's a couple of seconds before you get kicked from spec spot.
  3. i celebrate birthdays that land on weekdays on the weekend, do it this weekend. happy bday =]
  4. oakgyrl510


    bought it during sales, I like it. but sucks that some missions are only for solo runs. it can get difficult in the solo instances <.<;
  5. As far as cosplayers go, there's far more impressive cosplayers. Especially those that go all out or just make funny modifications lol
  6. sometimes bots are more useful than human players...
  7. anyone that likes Mario Kart, i recommend Sonic & all-stars racing transformed. funfun. it's 8 bucks on steam(75% off). //dat steam summer badge to lv 5 lololol. ^ still havent seen dat anime.
  8. to show the insignificance of your comments. lol i kid xD crasx- tried enabling one buy item and testing each one, one at a time? //thatshowifixmycodeslololol
  9. If mains die, all survs die. lol ive seen it on a russian server >.>
  10. That should not be possible. It is possible however to switch to spec and rejoin to try and change the mains up, which is not allowed. he did it after dying. It shouldn't be possible, but it is. people who rushed and died did it and got bot bodies, some died twice since stranglers in the back were being killed off one by one.
  11. So much switching with new members and bad language tonight. Sad to say, some members were doing the switching to stack teams as well. Specifically one member, you know who you are, you got quiet when I pointed out what you did, for shameeee. For another member, switching teams after death and getting a bot body, which as far as I know, isn't allowed (since the last time I seen someone do this, admin kicked/banned.) . tldr Need night shift admin/s plx
  12. ^ about the same. Also curious to see Titanfall's reception by COD fans lol +1 for mechaz
  13. In the future, do not disregard the other half of the people playing, that was disrespectful imo because you completely disregarded the rest of us. After you slayed, people on infected were confused and some even left/rage. If you wanted to have "fun" you should have at least told the other half of the people on the server what was going on because we did not know. I still do not see why slaying all infected was necessary for "fun" under any circumstances. And no, not "most" people on both teams wanted to skip. No one on infected talked about skipping. It was dead silent after the slays because we were all like, what is going on???...And you kept refering to yoshi, but he left after the slays and before you asked him, and only him, if he got 50 pts from you. This, I thought was because u wanted to compensate him for kicking him for "griefing" when he was surv in that finale map and did not want to die at the hands of the infected. You asked Yoshi if he got 50 pts rather than asking infected team if we each got 50, which added on to the question of whether this was admin abuse. Rather than doing what you did, skip the finale on the second half if survs don't want to play, else tell surv not to go out til you or another tell infected what's going on.
  14. Just now, was Mercy Finale. I was on infected, this happened. http://cloud-2.steam...146606948C0B37/ Then again... http://cloud-2.steam...7FF69F728EBB8E/ Infected didn't know what was going on then we saw this before finale ended with charger dodgeball which I thought we all agreed was bannable unless admin was on AND administered a vote to which both teams had to agree upon: http://cloud-2.steam...237B03ECF6A31F/ TLDR: Chick slayed infected team twice. Then attempted to give pts to infected i guess? Because chick asked Yoshi if he got pts but he had already left after the slay and he was on my team which was infected. What was going on? There was nothing said to infected before AND after the slays, people were confused. I was not the only one asking why and you chose to ignore us. I'd like an explanation to your actions because NOTHING was communicated to the infected side, and from our view, it was simply admin abuse. Sidenote: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." when trying to post screenshots from steam links.
  15. be aware goddamn bots cheat. lol XD also got copies if anyone still want, just ask.
  16. then in the other thread u said this regarding new zombies thing is it not just like u say, a new challenge for survivors too? lol
  17. agreed on troll factor, not on making kits cost more because i thought kits costing less was to support teamwork and healing ur team, on that below. IMO, kinda feel like infected medkits discourage people from healing each other because they could infect them. As it was before, healing each other as surv was always supported (else ur team yells at you lol) because it supports teamwork rather than just sharing pts and havin people heal themselves. Why not just share pts and have em full heal with no chance of infection or be selfish and keep all ur pts to urself so u can just buy full heal? At the same time, someone can easy troll a teammate surv by healing them knowing they'd be infected, which to me is close to griefing. If infected medkits are to stay, repeat buys and/or percentage of infection should be put into play, much like how boomer infections are not 100% of the time.
  18. ^ cold stream kills the server a lot of the time, that's one of the reasons I don't like it =[
  19. I agree that infected playing time is fun, but to a lot of people, the points matter in a game. Winning or losing matters to some people. That's why people care so much when game points are so skewed sometimes. So if it's a finale and points are really skewed, a lot of the time people want to skip the map, especially those on the losing team, to lessen the pain of losing i assume. I personally do not care if I'm on the winning team or losing team, as long as its fun lol. Also it didn't seem like anyone on infected cared or spoke up about the fact that they were doing dodgeball, someone even got 3 kills in a single charge and they were all happy about it lol
  20. I was on when this happen. I don't think anything needs to happen. I was on the losing team(infected), the opposite team, the survivors, already won based on points before the choppa even came, so I think it was more of an attempt to end the finale quicker so we can all move on to a new campaign because this was AFTER infected side already had their chance at the finale.
  21. Sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose someone through stupid peoples' actions and anyone that prevents justice from being served is just as guilty.
  22. was there while that guy was on, i was suspicious of him because of how many headshots he got in, was gonna demo before he got banned lololol 23 hrs on l4d2 on that guy's profile, he has no other pc games. nuff said.
  23. i don't think that would be fair, members on l4d2 server don't get game advantages lol. at most, member slot reservation if the server is ever full should be implemented.
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