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Everything posted by lostoften

  1. Thanks to all who had any part in FF05.....like my mother or i mean yErMoTH3r Anyways, thanks to all for organizing the event
  2. lostoften


    I don't really shop at EMS or atleast when i was into camping. I go to a store out in Fatty's neck of the woods......and then i stalk him
  3. I can see the push-up contest at FragFest developing now
  4. Getting anxious for some classic JustWar2
  5. make sure to bring a pair of shorts for me
  6. 48 and sad that we only have this few of post after so many years of sticking around
  7. fifty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone seen along came polly
  8. But I want to stay a newb/ civilian for ever Ooops, just lost another meaningless post
  9. I was at the store and noticed some Xbox games, was wondering if any of you had played them to see if they are worth buying. CS- only $20 Tony Hawk Underground- also only $20 Some Star Wars game (i know thats not very descriptive)- also only $20 Tiger Woods golf 2004- $30 I was also thinking about maybe doing Xbox live for the summer, anyone play Brothers in Arms on Xbox live?
  10. Yeah like bubble said, you have to switch it up if your keeping faithful to your program. My coach swiches up our routines every 3 weeks. The first week you feel dead when you leave the weight room, but after the third week the set's dont seem as bad even though you may be doing more weight and reps. And 405 lbs, almost got to double your body weight, could you even get your elbows to touch? haha
  11. Looks pretty good to me, I personally however would incorporate some more basic ab routines in. You can swicth them up and not get bored, plus you'll be working more muscles rather than the same core muscles over and over. In addition might try running for 30 mins instead of biking, just to mix it up. But if your faithful to that plan mon-fri and eat healthy you should drop weight.
  12. I haven't seen many cabs, but seen none do that....But there are some decent bad guys <girls>
  13. I know in the mile <swimming> at conference my freshman year I got the stupid Finding Nemo song stuck in my head. "Just keep swimming...." thats what I get for watching that movie with my girlfriend before I left for houston.
  14. Okay, didn't know if I was using the wrong command. Thanks I think I hold the title as being the oldest newbie
  15. Not sure how many push-ups i can do. But how far can you swim without stopping?
  16. Was just playing on scopeless, dust2 and the t's were up 8-1. Was attemting to change the map to de_alivemetal which was the next map. I used this command ma_map de_alivemetal and got a message saying that it wasn't in the maplist or something of that nature. Did I use the wrong command? And should I be changing the map, when one side is dominating? Thanks, Lost
  17. I'll cut your grass all summer
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