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Status Updates posted by Architect

  1. Taking a short break. Will be back playing next week.

  2. Well my boss's boss just got a promotion to Sr. VP. My Boss got a promotion to replace his boss as VP. I am getting a promotion to replace him as manager.

  3. Day three of my self imposed life long torture to get to an acceptable level of mass.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      ..... wouldn't it be better to do 1000 then 500 500


    3. Johnny


      Quality/quantity of nutrition is one factor. Consistent exercise, adequate sleep, no smoking/excessive alcohol/drugs abuse, emotional/psychological health are also important to losing weight and general well being.

    4. Architect


      I am not a breakfast person. I am forcing my self to eat that much. I stay up late an snack. That is my weakness.


      I don't smoke, drink moderately, exercise... Not so much. Sleep... Not so much. I blame l4d2 for that last one.

  4. God I miss playing

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tainted92


      Peanut's so bad, he counts as both of the worst players

    3. Architect


      Peanut is the great uniter. He can bring two cantankerous people together and have them agree on something.

    4. tainted92


      Because of my amazing talent, I could never see us work together in any way Architect bar against Peanut, the Great Pleb, He Who Unites Against Him.

  5. If I say: X509 SSL Mutual Authentication. How many know what I am talking about?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PeanutButterNJelly


      SSL is a model of Mercedes I think and Mutual Authentication is an insurance company

    3. Architect


      /slap Peanut

    4. Pumpernickel


      Aren't you talking about some kind of internet transaction? iunno.

  6. Baking dozens of cookies.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PeanutButterNJelly


      oh my I love Chipotle, Chipotle is my life

    3. Architect


      And almost have our wrapping done. a new record. we typically wait till the night before and stay up till 2am.


    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      How does this benefit me? Are you sending them to me?

  7. Just installed an SSD in my 7 year old computer.... wow what a difference. Made it my boot drive. Just the installation went so incredibly quick.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Johnny


      You play L4D on a 7 year old computer? Ah...so that's why. It all makes sense now.

    3. Architect


      Stutters: Full SSD 240GB, $80 on newegg.


      Proto: I dunk my drives in milk. Does that count?


      Johnny: I resemble that remark


    4. Pumpernickel


      Don't feel bad, Architect. I was playing on a 7 year old computer and still make top 30 in the overall rank.

  8. Can we all get along?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garychios


      Bacon.. mmmmmm


    3. Flitterkill


      All you new hands should know back in the days of 2005-2008 the UT2K4 server's language filter replaced all teh naughties with the word bacon.

    4. Architect


      Well son of a BACON. I that BACON stinks. I wish they would bring back that BACON BACON BACON bacon censorship option. It sounds BACON awesome.

  9. I hate being sick. I can't sleep and I don't feel like playing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Architect


      Believe me, I would much rather be at work and not left to reading your smart responses. :)

    3. DiXie


      I just wanna play!

    4. Architect


      Was starting to feel better then I crashed today and slept for six hours. Now I feel like warmed over Peanut butter.

  10. So stressed... Worried about my kid. He's ok, but it is just a parent thing...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PeanutButterNJelly


      worry never stops, my son has broken bones 3 times, needed stitches 3 times. they have to learn everything the hard way

    3. Architect


      My kid is on a two WEEK DL for soccer until his knee heals up.

    4. Lookback


      My kids are AWESOME! (Except for when they are not)

  11. Well it is out. Gallbladder is out. In the hospital for a few days.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DiXie


      Blah, stupid biohazard rules lol. I bet you're feeling better already, Arch! :) Glad it's over for you!

    3. Lookback


      Last time I checked, it's yours, not theirs lol!

    4. Architect


      Biohazard is exactly it. They just checked out my duct to my liver, no stones found. I feel great after the ERCP. I hope I am home tomorrow morning!



      Then I can start working on Killing Tainted.

  12. Getting an R9 280 video card for $170, and I get $150 in free games. Including Alien Isolation. Basically $20 for a top of the line video card. from New Egg.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Architect
    3. Protomanx13
    4. Thug


      Thanks Architect, I might actually get this. I'm still using an old 6670 lol

  13. Just bought front row tickets to see Penn and Teller... wooo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lookback


      Nice. Take a rain poncho!!!

    3. Architect


      Why? This isn't Gallagher?

    4. Flitterkill


      Blood. Lots of blood.

  14. I was on stage with Penn and Teller for the catch a bullet trick.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stabz0r


      Pics or it didn't happen.

    3. stabz0r


      And I've just seen the thread in Wonderland. Go Arch!


    4. Architect


      Decided to be safe. Shipped the bullet and casing via ups.

  15. Another successful pan full of chicken parm made and devourded!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Madvillain


      One more pan/piece please

    3. Lookback


      Add some Dijon mustard next time...

    4. Snowflake


      You should pm me the recipe! If it's that amazing I want to try it :)


  16. There once was a woman named chick, whose nose was so big she had to pick, She said I'll stop my mining, if you quit your whining. She hit me with her flick.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lookback




      2nd one in like 3 days!

    3. PeanutButterNJelly


      makes sense to me

    4. MPG1770


      Leave the poetry to the masters architect


      There once was a very bad poet

      Who didn't even know it

      Couldn't catch rhyme or dance with time and ended up becoming an architect

  17. Going to Detroit today for work.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Architect


      nuts, that is tomorrow, and i am only here for one night.

    3. Lookback


      They still do things in Detroit? Besides not knock down old buildings, I mean...

    4. stutters


      Yeah, looked at the schedule wrong...which means I've got nothing to do right now.

  18. 11pm and servers are empty.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DiXie


      They picked up again around midnight.

    3. Architect


      Trying to get to bed earlier. Mainly so I can wake up in the morning.

    4. DiXie


      Yeah, understood :)

  19. I am back from the Great White North. Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo! Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lookback


      Not sure, but we can't smell it up here in the North anymore.

    3. Pumpernickel


      Smells like FREEDOM

    4. Architect


      Smells like chip stands, gravy and cheese. Poutine for the win!

  20. Just found out all of my ER visits were because of gallstones... Yay me! I get my gallbladder removed in about two weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DiXie


      Can you please have the surgeon send me your gallbladder? :D Kidding aside, glad they found out the problem and you won't have any more trouble soon. :) Although, I'm really not kidding about wanting your gallbladder. :/

    3. Architect


      The gall of you asking for it. You may not have my gallbladder. :)

    4. Snowflake


      You can have mine :D


  21. Pressure washing side of house (yes I procrastinated) in the middle of December in my tshirt and jeans?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnny


      The good thing is you have that pressure washer to scrub out your eyeballs if you ever see Dixie without jeans.

    3. DiXie


      LOL /slap Johnny!!!!

    4. Architect


      Johnny I am sure Dixie has a wonderful personality.

  22. Just found out someone that worked for me and has since left the company, has died... He was just a kid. Sigh...

  23. Should I buy Alien Isolation now, or wait for the steam sale?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Architect


      Wait for the GOTY edition that includes all the DLC.

    3. Protomanx13


      i say wait, for trusted review at least

    4. BlackYoshi


      The ending kinda sets up for the DLC, at least that's my theory, so I'm going to wait. It's a great game though.

  24. Anyone in the Scranton, PA area, we are having our gaming convention this weekend. http://www.mepacon.com

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Architect


      Cthulu, I am overseeing the larps. Making sure they have their space, etc. Some dnd. My kids love artemis. That's a star ship simulator.


    3. Architect


      My favorite part is the Saturday night poker game. Alcohol, pizza and cards.

    4. Biggs


      That sounds a LOT like fragfest

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