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Everything posted by Architect

  1. If I say: X509 SSL Mutual Authentication. How many know what I am talking about?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PeanutButterNJelly


      SSL is a model of Mercedes I think and Mutual Authentication is an insurance company

    3. Architect


      /slap Peanut

    4. Pumpernickel


      Aren't you talking about some kind of internet transaction? iunno.

  2. anzul, tomorrow night, if there are enough people interested, any admin can start it up.
  3. It ended up 8v8 on the finale. Jerky and I switched teams to even it up.
  4. And do you know how many times I hear, what's a main?
  5. Then the respawns and defibs are not held for just the four, but is usefull for everyone.
  6. Is that all you get Garychios? You must have joined awhile ago. They did cost of living increases, and that is just for trial admins.
  7. Ok, I have not asked this for fear of pump making fun of me, but... What is Jackie Pathing?
  8. I cannot do it Sunday. Off on vacation that morning.
  9. I am trimming my toe nails.
  10. Second that. I think it will going to be same as the "Custom" Mutations out there, chargers only, boomers only, hunters only, etc.. It will be fun. Second that! Kind of like dodge the charger.
  11. On another server I used to play on you could send chats directly to admins. And it would come up big bold colors so the admin didn't miss it. Maybe Jackie can add a sub channel for us to communicate to admins with? And I have seen this used for admin to admin talk as well. Especially when conversing about a troublesome player.
  12. Wow. I cannot believe you didn't make an donkey of me. I couldn't watch the video at work. I thought we were talking about a different map.
  13. I have seen that as normal behavior by admins to teleport them out of their in that map. However, the map where you start on top of the church tower and can get charged off to the side behind a wall. I have also never once seen an admin teleport someone out of there. I never thought about it before, but that is inconsistent.
  14. Yeah, just happened the other night. I had to call out to the other team to tell them to get down and help their team before they actually moved.
  15. It all started with the person who went out to trigger the tank I smoked him and then was chained smoked and jockeyed.
  16. Working link to photos... http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/gallery/category/7-fragfest-ohio-2014/
  17. Odd. Your link wasn't working originally.
  18. Try this link instead https://www.youtube.com/embed/_eVbtvY2IMQ I was there for that. So glad you recorded that for posterity.
  19. Sorry, but there is only one timezone in the world, American Time Zone!
  20. The fact that you answered my question is satisfaction enough.
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