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Everything posted by Vilkys

  1. I was under the impression it was 5 firework crates and 5 gas cans per round but it's 5 total between the 2.
  2. For your amusement, never thought it was possible but it had to happen to me. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/27351070247486966/B47C794E3A66955DA3CBA64C405E96FC10A2FEC6/
  3. You should have been on hard rain the other day, dixie kept getting incap every minute, I may be the one to blame for that.
  4. Did you make it through the ladder of death? It's a fail from the infected if 5 players didn't die because of it.
  5. Urban flight pistols/deagle only. Nvm, forgot I don't have Internet. ;_;
  6. I thought we were not doing custom campaigns due to addons being disabled.
  7. if the player is getting spit non stop or has a horde on him then he can't use pills, typing !np and the amount needed isn't hard and will not put more players at risk of getting incap.
  8. There should be an auto type !np when a player is incap and needs points, it will avoid me saying "will you please ask for points if you are incap"
  9. I was that boomer lol and as bad as that look is it worse to be smoked/Hunter behind teammates who are watching the other way. Yeah, that was a fail on those guys, they could have run back to respawn or just press e and teleport to the top.
  10. That game was stacked. LOL General getting jockey was funny.
  11. Signed up cause I want to shoot clony mid air.
  12. I always have fun death charging people, seriously, I laugh my heart out when I do it.
  13. I always knew there was a reason for that Louis and now I know. Is it possible to make it invisible for the infected?
  14. Please post your unban request in this forum section, thanks. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/forum/4-banned-from-any-of-our-servers/
  15. Vilkys


    Welcome to the forums carlos. Nope, all 10 want you dead, I mean that's the reason of versus, to kill the survivors.
  16. Has Merc started spamming the chatbox yet? errr I mean letting everyone know?
  17. He joined jumped to death and then left on the first chapter of No Mercy. I Pxl | BaYrOn STEAM_1:0:80694352 http://i.minus.com/iD9GEGcyqhhjJ.jpg http://i.minus.com/ibsHDaWA0kDzF6.jpg http://i.minus.com/ibhkGNspOBDXvt.jpg
  18. That guy jumping out the building to help but ended up getting incap lol.
  19. Yes, I should know, I was there....dying.
  20. Survival map only. Warcelona, love how you can get death charged right out the saferoom on the first chapter.
  21. aw, you only recorded half of the campaign,well thanks for posting it.
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