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Everything posted by Vilkys

  1. Didn't see a need to change points before and i don't see it now.
  2. What if the mod looks cool and the advantage is just extra.
  3. Congrats Neptune, good to know you and the baby are doing well.
  4. There is already a 3 sec cooldown, add to that a deagle and a charger is only getting 1-2 point per heal at which point is mostly to kill the survivor.
  5. Vilkys


    Carlo's fault getting his team killed again, kill count is way more important.
  6. I keep missing them kills, I would have like 5 if not for witches or running out of time. This game is fixed.
  7. While I like the unpin option I have to point out that if you buy it mid charge or half way pulled by smoker then it won't work and you will have spent 10 points for nothing. Now if you buy it before you get charged then once the charger comes to a stop the unpin will work.
  8. I'm a new player and Elias is being rude already. If they keep going back i just leave them for dead.
  9. If its for 3 points then yes I would accept the fake tank idea but for 10 points you may as well buy an upgrade as it would be more useful.
  10. I have asked many times before to play rounds with low gravity and 99% of the time i got ignored, ultimately i gave up asking for it since it wasn't going to happen.
  11. Johnny spamming them pill revives! "Johnny: oh no i'm black and white" 30 seconds later hes dead. Johnny you gotta make it harder to kill you not easier.
  12. I'm always up for killing people, count me in.
  13. Vilkys


    I had that happen but in the opposite direction, I got hit by tank then slided on a rock then fell in the water, I was so mad.
  14. If I use a deagle and still can cover myself and some one else on my team, does that make me a disruptive player? It does not and it should not be a reason to get kicked or banned. Being incap and not asking for points is more damaging to the team.
  15. I like that idea. I noticed The Sacrifice finale is spawning only 2 tanks now, it used to be 3 tanks, one per each generator.
  16. Not sure about making tanks more expensive, if it added some hp boost then I would be ok with it, we'll see how it goes.
  17. That is Hydroponic getting incap by gandalf but if it were a bot it can go up even more, points for pummeling to incap would be 7 give or take including the 3 points for incap.
  18. I like the changes but currently instead of reporting the 1/4 in points, it displays values around 400%(maybe less) of what they are, you still get say 3 points but it reports 10-15 and up to 75+ points in some cases.
  19. Would be nice if survivors were to get the same amount of points as before for healing a bot and killing an SI bot, as it is now survivors get little to no points while infected get a massive amount killing a bot and that is just one sided. I don't mind if nothing changes for whatever reason but i find it funny people buy tank and fail to kill the other team and then leave at the end of the round.
  20. Grab the autoexec.cfg on the first post and place it in your cfg folder. After that just edit it in notepad or the text editor of your choice. First post has examples and it's easy to understand.
  21. For the record I like to heal out in the open waiting to get pounced, sadly hunters don't go for me unless i'm smoked or charged or boomed and horde on me and carlos is probably chasing a smoker and not helping me(btw that has happened). !points - !buy - !sp - !ammo - !heal and !laser are the basic when it comes to binds, i for one use close to 20 binds cause well why not. bind "2" "sm_buy" replace buy with any of the basic along with the number or letter if you'd like and type it in console.
  22. We need to see that happen ASAP.
  23. I believe you forgot to mention people get uh angry(?) i guess not because new players don't know about the points system but because they don't know the map and end up running back or staying close to safe or rush thinking I'll be to safe room first or whatever. When that happens i tell the new guy to play single map then rejoin the server when he knows the map layout, admins may not like it but its how most of gc members started.
  24. Would certainly make suvivors think twice about respawns and defibs. Is it possible to make Fake tank messages get that tank alive notification in chat? it can last like 30secs and have a cooldown of 30secs to a minute to stop abuse or be limited to x amount per round. Would make it falling for the fake message more easily.
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