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Everything posted by Thug

  1. oops, I was wrong. I was thinking of another time. Here is Sassy dying, although it wasn't from me =( The first tank took too long to spawn and I didn't get to smack anyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ALwJ8FfjbA
  2. ayyyy yung lima bean represent! I know I smacked more off the hill than that, I have a clip of me smacking Sassy back up the crane and then she flies off the hill Pretty sure it was that same match.
  3. congrats to all the pregnant/engaged people out there

    1. DiXie


      Thank you!!! ^^^^

    2. GreenHeart


      Jkap is 1 think.. :D

  4. I think I got a multikill and it said "go to bed" or something like that, lol how many are there?
  5. wot m8? am I only allowed to use hunters or something? Bulldozing a group of survivors is fun!
  6. can you add Flaired? I just installed minecraft again lol.. haven't played since 2011 I'm pretty sure.
  7. LOL I love hearing those screams and seeing him hit the invisible wall then fall straight down.
  8. ^ And what happens when cars start spawning inside people? They get stuck or incapped lol. Honestly, what's wrong with the server the way it is now? Why are you all making so many suggestions?
  9. Anyone going to see this? I think it looks pretty good.
  10. How about "These special infected really suck..."
  11. Thug


    Welcome Carlos.
  12. This has always happened. Same thing when you get incapped with a melee and buy a deagle. You will always have the secondary you got incapped with.
  13. ^lol what's next? Giving people with under 20 ppm 5 points per si kill?
  14. Oh noes, I've been called out. Such tear. Much sad. I'd put a laser on everything if I could. Deagle + laser would be a dream come true.
  15. Is an autoheal with tank really only 15? I think that's a typo, but if not then I never knew that.
  16. GreenHeart, your English is so cute.
  17. Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bad england. I selled my wife for internet connection to play this tournament and i want to become goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on GC server i am rank high hunter. Please make happen tournament thanks you.
  18. Ban everyone with good aim! The only solution. You should be safe from banning then. \o/
  19. Ban everyone with good aim! The only solution.
  20. Damit2 chapter 1 lagged as usual and server crashed on chapter 2. Went to Warcelona after that but hardly anyone stayed until the end. 5/10
  21. You should try Beggin' strips
  22. If it's really Little Caesars it WILL NOT look like that when you get it. Sorry.
  23. Oh, would you get out of that bloody saferoom err hospital. But in all seriousness, I hope you get well soon and I look forward to your return, whenever that may be.
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