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Everything posted by lance

  1. lance

    Heya guys

    i was only topless. now when i sleep, that's a different story, and since ol' Bill likes to claw and bite at things that move under the covers...well, that's an entirely new adventure i hope i don't have to take. and the vet recommended a bath so that we didn't get sick from anything he might have caught at the shelter and brought home. vet also recommended a bath every month. so Fatty
  2. lance

    Heya guys

    Final Fantasy XI. I really like it there. Got a Linkshell goin on it too, kind'a like a clan only the people in it aren't as tightly bound as, say, VI or other CS clans.
  3. lance

    Heya guys

    And we found out this morning Big Bill likes to wake up about 4 hours before us, and he hates to be the only one awake. I'm gonna take him back to the vet and get him more kitty sedatives tonight
  4. lance

    Heya guys

    Hey, it's Lance here. Sorry i been gone for quite a bit lately. I just been busy with classes, moving into the new apartment with my girl, and now we have another time-sucking interest. His name is Billy, and he's a bad little dude. Billy's Webpage He's our little guy and he's cool. The animal shelter we got him from used science to make him into a robot-controlled feline death machine with the geo-thermal nuclear tracking micro-chip in his right shoulder. I think it's for identifying him, as well as the usual eye-lazers and claw-torpedoe-missiles that most cats have. He still has the natural dislike of water, but he'll get over it. I hope i get more time to post more often
  5. it's actually alot of fun, Silver. if you enjoyed the first one, you'll love the second one. give it a rent and see if it's your cup of tea, alright?
  6. lance


    Zap! I got a lvl 18mnk/9thf/4war on ramuh dude. name on there is Jerch. what's your char's name?
  7. that was great. i wanted to see a rotor fly off and hit a school bus full of orphans...and I know I'm not the only one!
  8. lance


    yeah, but each additional char is only like $.90
  10. lance

    My Progress

    also weigh yourself at around the same time every day if you want to see more accurate results, playaa
  11. lance


    u mean that none of u guys are playin this game? it rules. we start PvP action in a month or so i believe
  12. what's so special about 2 am? is that when the planets and stars are aligned right?
  13. lance

    More Snakes

    They'd have to be infant-like garter snakes. Those things get LONG to be so thin and harmless.
  14. (I'm not too good at this, so here goes) Sorry to hear about this Lunk and MrX. You and your's will be in all our thoughts. And remember that you guys have plenty of us pulling for ya's.
  15. good luck with everthing dude. offer the insurance guy something to drink and pretty much kiss his little behind without being annoyed. i gave the cable guy something to drink, we watched the manhatten-florida game, hung out for a bit, and dude hooked me up with free showtimes when i ordered HBO and then instead of makin me install my cable modem myself he did it for me. you treat these guys well they'll give ya the hook up most times
  16. dude, they're gonna let me shoot a rocket launcher or a AA gun at something that i don't much like anyhow. i really might go to this obscure country just to blow the crap outta old McDonald's buddies.
  17. i've been to a few wwf events a few years ago. i was like 15 or 16 at the time, but from what i remember i had a great time with my older bro and his buds. but yeah, alot of drunken hicks, wankstas, and all-around misfits is what you'll be surrounded by. but to hell with it, just have a blast and get lost in the moment
  18. Ok guys, we got some nice new little info on bungie's up-and-coming smash hit: Halo 2. According the boys in Official Xbox Magazine a final(and this time they mean it) release date for the game WILL BE 2004, just in time for the holiday season and to suck about 50billion dollars from xbox lovers world-wide. We also got some new info from an interview done with the Halo 2 crew. They're keeping most things hush hush, but as you can see from the trailers and some personal inside info, the Master Chief's new arsenal so far, and only some of this is confirmed, includes a new assault rifle with a lower rate of fire but it does have a scope, a new close-range weapon in the dual submachinguns, and also a "magnum" pistol to replace the old HE pistol. No word on new vehicles or any mods to weapons such as the sniper rifle, but there is talk of a new covenent plasma rifle in the works. Finally, here's some new screenshots from a Xbox Live lan that the guys over at Bungie got to have a few weeks ago. Which proves that the game is in a playable state, with online capabilities already built in. Halo 2 Screenies
  19. lance


    can u dload the game from somewhere?
  20. as you guys probably know, i'll go along with whichever we choose as far as alliance or horde goes, it'll just be great to have a little group with you guys and help each other out.
  21. the farting smily is great
  22. lance


    testies....testies....heh heh.....1....2.....3?!?!?
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