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Everything posted by lance

  1. A good movie for the family, if anybody's interested, is Daddy DayCare. I usually don't go for those kind'a movies, but my new girl makes me watch all kinds'a non-violent non-explosion-having movies now. I wouldn't recomend it just for yourself unless you like those types of movies, but it'd be good for you and the family
  2. It's not cause I hang out with them. it's cause I know em. Makes me ill.
  3. lance


    Can I have a telephone?
  4. Eww, classics > recents Predator=Classic
  5. I'm sick. Must'a caught somethin off'a swoop or dweezil.
  6. I like Major League...but that movie sounds horrible.
  7. lance

    Did you know?

    I came to school to learn, but I actually found out that the real reason I'm here is to play CS on a good connection.
  8. If I win it I'm gonna eat it in front of you, Playaa. Just to tick you off
  9. lance


    My wish list: Swoop and Laz wouldn't make out anymore. And all video games ever.
  10. The bad news bears owns every other baseball movie ever.
  11. I HATE U!!! No, really. I do
  12. I hate this! I hate this! Evertime I read a post now I feel compelled to freakin highlight it. It could be from anybody and now I highlight it. It takes like 4 times as long now to read posts.
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