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Everything posted by jane

  1. jane


    huh i think that might be worth it right there... also, can peeps whoarent using it here me if i use it in pubs or if my team isnt using it?
  2. jane


    rgr but im just wondering what the difference is... Why would serious players want to use anything that would be another program to run while playing CS? Wouldnt that affect your fps/connection/choke? IM just wondering
  3. jane


    ok so CS voice comm sucks, but tell me why it sucks and why these others are better? What makles them different? How can i get them? How do i use them? jane | gfe <------nub(only been in cs about 6 months)
  4. jane


    any reason not to use voice commm through cs?
  5. Well sodomy is most definately wrong. The bible(in the case of Sodom and Gommorah, as the name suggests) clearly finds the sins of the Sodomites to be vile and horrific. Now as far as oral sex is conscerned, I dont know of an refernces in the bible that say its wrong. Outside of marriage? Any sexual intercourse(sodomy, oral, vaginal) is wrong. Wrong=sin. Do these sins carry any more weight in God's eyes than any other sin? No. Romans 3:23 says that all sin is equal. So is it wrong? Yes. Will it seppartate us form God love? No. Should we then take God's love and mercy for granted and perform these actions? NO. Am I judgmental of people who ahve done these things? No. Then I would be a hypocrite since I have sinned in all ways but sodomy and pre-marrital sex. Masturbation? Wow. Many Christians seem to think its ok. I'm not sure it is. In most cases it is an addiction, and as i said of cigs, any addiction besides to God is a sin. Auggy take it away..... ps verifacation is availible for you if you want watchtower...
  6. i ahve the dvd, just tried to find the "easter Egg"? Couldnt. Didnt think it was a pertinet thing to the mvoie anyways. Sorry.
  7. worst moive ive ever seen besides "Bounce". And thats saying a lot. I've seen Matrix:reloaded, Harry Pooter, a Knights tale, and Half Baked. OK so these movies are entertaining, but they were alos let down. And that is what revolutions was to me. ARGH! I cant believethe last moive of the trilogy sucxored so much! Wow.
  8. Interesting points. I have no more to say on this topic unless something new is brought up. I find liberalism and legalism both to be disgusting. Why can't we all just get along? Anyways i just wanted to say auggy, that you make good points. A few times i worry about where you're going with the stuff you say. But you're keeping it inline with what the Bible intends and says. GG . Watchtower think of any new questions? This is my favorite thread for sure. Keep em coming bud! I live in Colorado, bout 1 hour north of Denver(greeley). I go to the University of Northern Colorado. jane | gfe
  9. jane


  10. Oh and Jane, whil yer at it, quit coveting thy neighbors wife Lol i only play with KNock. She is scared of my though( i think). Anyways, I think smoking is a sin. Its not becasue it is bad for yuo or becasue it isnt of faith. Its an additction. You cant server two masters. If you are addicted to cigs(that would be me btw) youre not serving God fully. I will never have a clear conscience about smoking because I am addicted to nicotine. Legalism. Bah! it sucks but it is founded on scripture. So waht has to be done is take every situation by the book(Bible) and tehn see where you go from there. If it says no, I take it as meaning no. Id rather stray too far down the leaglistic way than stray to a point of such liberalism that we forget that sinners will go to hell. That is where the church is really headed auggy. As a whole we are headed left, not right. As a small minority the chirch is getting more and more legalistic, to counteract the liberalism in such branches as the episcopalian(ordaining a proclaimed happy?). OK Homosexuallity. I am not against the person who is sinning in such a way. I love them as the next person. I am not homophobic and I am not at all ashamed to ahve happy firends. But what kills me is that it seems ok to be happy and still preach the Word of God. OK so what is this episcopalian doing? He is openly expressing that he is living a life of sin and saying "im this way, live with it". Where as Christ said "You're that way, live my way". We can't continue sinning(without repentance) and be truly christians. The bishop is saying that its ok to live the happy lifestyle and still be a christian. That is rewriting the Bible! The bible says, no sodomy. The bible says, live as christ lived(if that means you ahve to control your physical self, do it). The bible says, let die the sinnful(physical) self so that a new self(spiritual) will be born. Am I making myself clear here? Am i being obtuse? Damn, I hope so. To be obtuse to sin is to be christlike. We pity and love the sinner, we despise and hate the sin!!!!!!!!!!! Flame away.... BTW: 5 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us. 1 John 1:5-10(verse 10 is really my point.... how can someone preach God's word if its not in them?) jane | gfe <-------- look auggy!
  11. OK. Well to me God's will is a bit more complitcated than just a roadmap/street to walk down. It's not even a blueprint of what your life "should" look like. Gods will is both clearly defined and vaguely ambiguous(lol redundant). He has plans for my life no doubt. His will cannot be thwarted. But what really ends up being the questions of the day is not what His will is for my life(to know Him and serve Him and Love Him), but what His desires are for my life. Yes the devil does through up some nsaty roadsigns to get in my way(latest one was cigarettes) and they are distractions. But those arent life threatening. Those arent deterrent to God's will. All of my life is directed at one purpose: to know/honor/love God with all my heart mind body and soul. Though my everyday life can be affected by what I allow satan to tempt me with, my eternal salvation and place in heaven is never in question, because Christ has already set my place in Heaven and what God does cannot be undone. BTW Watchtower, were you once a christian or have you just researched this discussion a lot? On to the next bit of your post. Your Aunt's salvation? Huh. As auggy put this already, many Christians argue over this point often. I ahve to agree with auggy but in a less whole=hearted voice. I dont see those verses form the Bible leading us anywhere but the places auggy already mentioned. But I also question the strictly obvious nature of how the Bible states salvation is acheived. It is by faith and unmmerited favor(what Christian lingo calls "grace"). No act of our own can redeem our sins and make us able to stand in God's presence. Dont get me wrong, your aunt gave her life for her family(There is no greater love than this: that he lay down his life for his firends). She was a beautiful person, from the sounds of things. But where can we draw the line? She did good. She most likely didnt have faith in God. This is a tough question and I'm glad I dont make the decisions on who goes to heaven or not. OK so that siad I hope your aunt is in heaven. I will say no more becasue i may go against what i believe if i do. BTW, going to heaven is not what christians want. It is to serve God. The only thing(i think ive said this before on here) that sepparates us from the rest of the world is that we know and choose to serve what we all(the whole world) desire to serve. Everyone on this earth truly desires to serve something. IN the end they find service to themselves is unfulfilling. in the end service to others is also unfulfilling. The only true fulfillment to lifes one desire is to serve the God of the Bible and love His will and desire for ones life. This fulfillment is found in one place. Jesus Christ. Tired of getting preached to? Tell me to stop. Anywho, im gonna go out and pretend to break a commandment(ima get me some frags on CS!) jane | gfe
  12. OK so this gets into another question, one that im sure has been addressed before. How does God's will affect our lives? IM gonna let you all hash this out for a bit and then voice my opinion later.
  13. this affects me a bit since im going to cal next season, but since they truly got the hax off it, im ok with it now. Just affects gfe's strats... btw this doesnt mean trop will allow shields now does it?(please no dont let it happen!)
  14. Yup. I sounded like a jerk. My bad. I shoulda given you more room for error than I did. My bad(see above posts). Do i want to help you prove plate tectonics wrong? No. I think its a valid and plausible theory. My only point of saying all that was(as said) was to correct your word usage, so as to clear up the possibly misstaken meaning of your point. Yes geology is ascience is based on facts. But its also based on unclear and partial evidence lots of times. As is all science. as to your comment about being scientifically minded and not believing in something will "virtually" no evidence, I guess that is where you take your evidence from... Hebrews 11:1(biblical book) states: Faith is the evidence of things unseen. Also as to physical evidence there is not much(truly) of a God or of creation. But there is evidence up the wazoo against the "evidence" of evolution and the surrounding theories. Not all is found by Creationist either. Much is found by athiest scientists. This evidence is often published in Scientific American(i think thats what its called) and Science(two of the formost science journals). If not published it may be held onto to be studied, but most often above both scenarios, it is held up in the limelght as a joke. It is published with other evidence that seems to crakc any case that might be made for creation. Either way, once again I'm not providing "evidnce" of such things and Im too hungry ruight now to bother going toget some. So, flame me if you want, I'll be back later... jane | gfe
  15. Well, Auggy. I believe I have been called to do such things as you suggest. I hope my calling(to perminant missions work, wherever God takes me) will include rain and bread and the like. I believe that God will show me when and where to go. Sorry if this all sounds a bit odd to those who aren't of the faith I have. But I will go where I am called. I will do things God asks me to do. Miracles are entirely possible and I believe that we will all see what we all(truly) want, the return of Jesus in Power and Glory. In the end we all need to serve something other than oursleves and that WILL happen, no matter if you choose to serve Christ now, or when he comes soon. Controversy over all this will continue to grow until the time is full and God decides its time to show the world His Glory. Then mountains will move and the oceans will empty and the whole earth will bow down to its creator. Miracles will seem common place then. There is no lack of faith Auggy, its the lack of understanding, confidence and readiness that causes miracles to not happen. Um, does this follow under anyquestion for christians? Or does this help Watchtower to ask more? Hopefully jane | gfe
  16. BTW i dont disbelive in Plate Tectonics. I thinkits a relatively well documented theory. And im with Crow again on this moving mountains thing. Its faith that moves the mountains, not people. God gives us faith, so when/ if the time and need comes, then the faith will be provided in due measure. No need, no faith, no moving mountians. And I'm sorry for flaming. I should know better. I just get heated when I know i shouldnt even be argueing the points Im making. My fault for the heat here all. I'm appoligizing for my heat, not my views. But I am sorry for the heat. Later... jane | gfe
  17. ok so my point in mentioning the whole law thing was not to show watchtower another thing he can pick up as a crutch of society... my point was that people misstate the facts in debates about christianity and evolution and time and such. OK Watch, so some guy in the 1600 observed the continent in jigsaw form. Wegner did not form a thoery fomr his observations either. My statement was as such"the hteroy has only been around for about 50 years". And it has. No question about that. People have noticed things about the earths shape and land formations, but no one has(1960's actually when Alfred Holmes idea was elaborated on by Deitz('61) and Hess('62) to become almost thoery) made it to theory. So my point was: dont misstate scientific laws/facts/theories, its stupid. Not that your point following mine was not valid(law infers lawgiver, shouldnt society be beyond that?). But it had nothing to do with my point. And please dont assume you will, by surfing the web, overthrow the education I've recieved so far. Now dont get me wrong, im not finished but i dont feel its very becoming of you to flame my nonscientific lingo(i could speak that way if you wanted). So from here on out, im staying out of this arguement because its a fruitless arguement that will not show proof of reality until Jesus returns and shows the world the truth. "but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong" 1 corinthians 1:27 jane | gfe
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