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Everything posted by Playaa

  1. Pup! Thought you were busy protecting presidents or something. Good to see you dropped by. We're (mostly) all still here. We don't have anything better to do really.
  2. I am a Mac guy. I use OS X daily on my laptop. I had RocketDock installed on my work pc. RocketDock is good...but it does not stand up to the Mac dock. you equals fail.
  3. I host a website that uses so little bandwidth and space each month that it's not worth dealing with sometimes. My current host has horrible up-time. I'd like to sign up with something like Dreamhost...but there's no way I'm paying $100+ up front for a site that has at most 50 users. Anyone know of a cheap but reliable webhost that I can have access to at least 2 MySQL databases (Wordpress and phpBB) for $5 or less a month? Or anyone want to donate some space?
  4. Basically that Quarterback is just a good running back that the center snaps the ball directly to.
  5. See, now I was unaware that interchangeable lenses was what separated the DSLR's from the rest of the pack. I feel edumakated already.
  6. As far as budget goes...she does not do this professionally...just in her "spare time" for her work. She has a point-and-shoot right now and wants something a little nicer...but something with interchangeable lenses is probably a bit too much. Her budget is probably less than $500 (haven't asked her yet)
  7. It does send info to Apple about your library...but it's just gathering data on what songs you have so it can compare it against a database like Pandora's. Stop being so paranoid (or being so illegal) The Genius thing is really cool in my opinion. On the iphone (or ipod touch) it goes against what is in your library. On iTunes it goes against what is in your library but also shows in a sidebar suggestions from the itunes store. Zest, as far as that hacking thing goes. Guess what...your iphone is a little computer. Don't let it get stolen and you won't lose any sensitive data. The whole "passcode hack" that was talked about last week...yeah, it's only valid if someone has physical access to your phone...don't be an idiot and give strangers physical access to your phone.
  8. Info Don't forget you have to have Itunes 8 installed to get this update. If you haven't used Genius playlists yet...they're awesome. It's like Pandora on your iphone. You pick a song and it finds similar songs/artists and creates a playlist for you. It's pretty accurate (though not perfect) but you can remove any songs that don't fit your list. Also, supposedly the 3G reception is massively improved (lots of people confirming this) and the battery life is improved (uncomfirmed) as well as backups taking less time (confirmed) and the typing lag problem is gone (not completely confirmed).
  9. Wow...the webcams watching this thing are pretty freaking cool!
  10. Playaa


    No, I just find the production quality and direction of the show to be sub par for the namesake. I find myself watching BSG because I yearn for the story line but after the show's over I feel like I've wasted my time. That's the best way I can describe it. I get the same feeling from Firefly and Stargate. Maybe I'm just bitter that I don't like the shows when I really want to, coupled with the realization that I'm never going to get anything better. Sorry to stay off topic here...but you're telling me that you don't like the new Battlestar Galactica because the directing and production quality don't stand up to the camp-fest that was the original? I...I just don't understand. The production quality and directing of the new Battlestar Galactica is what makes it one of the best sci fi shows of all time. You also don't like Firefly? And you are trying to say that Stargate is even in the same realm as those previous two? Let me guess...you enjoyed Farscape and Babylon 5 didn't you?
  11. Sorry, should have clarified. She wants a DSLR. Not a little point-and-shoot. She uses the camera to take pictures of architecture for work. Also...I am not paying for this camera.
  12. Nikon or Canon (which do you prefer?) for cheap. New is best. Start teaching me folks!
  13. Playaa


    I mean...it's by J.J. Abrams right? (of Alias and Lost fame). It's bound to be really good for the first 1 to 2 seasons then get really pointless and confusing. Oh and Anonymo...what's wrong with BSG? Are you one of those elitist geeks who thinks things are only really good if no one knows what's going on?
  14. Holy carp...quicksilver does triggers and it's awesome. Seriously...best app ever. On any OS. I said it.
  15. So I started looking into this Quicksilver app more because I was recommending it to you ZD. This thing kicks major donkey tails. I frequently download things in zip format, open them, unzip them then move them to other folders. This is not a difficult process...but using Quicksilver it's even easier and quicker...I just type, hit enter, type, hit enter. Love it. Also...Apple+Delete = send files straight to the trash. I just discovered this one a week ago...seriously.
  16. Never checked out AppTrap until just now. Have to agree with you that it's better than AppDelete.
  17. I have gained back 3lbs and want it all gone too. Let's DO THIS!
  18. ZD, you're asking a bunch of people who use the OS completely differently than you intend (need) to to tell you how to use it. We can't do that. Personally when I install OS X I make sure I install Textmate (for programming and because it's the best Text Editor I've ever used, but it's not free), I install VLC so I can watch videos, I install Firefox because it's teh hawesomes, I install Quicksilver because it is the best app-launcher ever (and a billion other things I don't use it for because I don't need to...but you might...go research it here), I install smcFanControl because it lets me control the speed of my laptop fans. I install OmniDiskSweeper that I told you about above to discover where my space is taken up (a rumor I've heard but haven't ever verified is that OS X runs better if you keep at least 10% of the hard drive free). I also install The Unarchiver to deal with zip and rar files. However it sometimes has problems dealing with password protected ones so I also install UnRarX. The reason I use The Unarchiver as my main one rather than UnRarX is that Unarchiver assumes I want to...well...unarchive. So it is just a double click and that's that. It unzips (or unrars) right there and closes itself when it's done. Like I said though it can have trouble dealing with password protected ones at times. Last but not least I install AppDelete which I told you about above as well. Then I update everything. That's it. I don't know any special shortcuts or button configurations to blow up the world...but those are the apps I use. Now that I think about it I definitely think someone like you should check out Quicksilver. It's incredibly powerful and does 10 thousand times more things than I use it for. Personally I had never heard of an app like it but when I got it...I was hooked. I can find nearly anything on my machine just by pressing Option(alt)+Spacebar and I start typing. You can even launch the app or open the file you're looking for just by pressing Enter. So I can navigate around my Mac and rarely have to touch the mouse. It's so nice to be in an application and realize you need to open something...and just start typing...no opening a menu, no browsing through the hard drive...just typing. It is seriously my favorite app I have ever used in my life on any operating system. And I only use it for about 1% of what it's meant to do.
  19. Filled it out. Please tell us how you used Google Spreadsheets to make that into a poll. That would be awesome to know.
  20. Well in that case: Google updating the EULA to be less creepy
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