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Everything posted by Gond

  1. Of course ultimately it would be nice if people would volunteer to drop before anyone has to be kicked. I do think your option choice is the fairest though. You should implement Cheating Death...thats a really good way to free up spots
  2. Does that mean you won't use the 20 man server for matches?
  3. Some servers won't let you change your models either. Bout the only one I changed was the Tomb Raider one. Most other models I like are much larger and would slow my game down considerably.
  4. I see...so you execute both buy's but since one isn't on the menu it fails & you buy the other...neat-o.
  5. Hey...first to die is 5 points...I've got a chance!!! Go Go Go
  6. Well, I made two config files so that I could use the same keys no matter which side I'm on. So, for example...F7 is either the M4A1 or the AK. I consider them equal guns...hmmm...that might be the only difference...LOL...it works for me tho
  7. Here is what I do...create a file called ct.cfg in your cs directory (same one that has your config.cfg). Then enter this into it. alias "longwait" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" alias "longerwait" "longwait; longwait; longwait; longwait; longwait" alias "verylongwait" "longerwait; longerwait; longerwait; longerwait; longerwait" alias "clmenu" "longerwait; slot10" alias "clmenu1" "longwait; slot10" alias "priammo" "buy; menuselect 6; clmenu" alias "secammo" "buy; menuselect 7; clmenu" alias "armour" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2; clmenu" alias "he" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4; clmenu; use weapon_hegranade" alias "smoke" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 5; clmenu; use weapon_smokegranade" alias "fb" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3; clmenu; use weapon_fbgranade" alias "cheap" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias "nice" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; clmenu" alias "heavy" "buy; menuselect 5; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias "snipe" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 4; clmenu" alias "pistol" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; clmenu" alias "kit" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 6; clmenu" alias "lefthand" "setinfo lefthand 1" alias "righthand" "setinfo lefthand 0" hud_fastswitch "1" Then in your config.cfg file add the following. bind "UPARROW" "armour" bind "DOWNARROW" "fb" bind "LEFTARROW" "he" bind "RIGHTARROW" "sb" bind "F4" "priammo" bind "F5" "secammo" bind "F6" "cheap; priammo" bind "F7" "nice; priammo" bind "F8" "heavy; priammo" bind "F9" "snipe; priammo" bind "F10" "pistol; secammo" bind "F11" "kit" I've also setup a t.cfg for when I'm a t. alias "longwait" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" alias "longerwait" "longwait; longwait; longwait; longwait; longwait" alias "verylongwait" "longerwait; longerwait; longerwait; longerwait; longerwait" alias "clmenu" "longerwait; slot10" alias "clmenu1" "longwait; slot10" alias "priammo" "buy; menuselect 6; clmenu" alias "secammo" "buy; menuselect 7; clmenu" alias "armour" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2; clmenu" alias "he" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4; clmenu; use weapon_hegranade" alias "smoke" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 5; clmenu; use weapon_smokegranade" alias "fb" "buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3; clmenu; use weapon_fbgranade" alias "cheap" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias "nice" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias "heavy" "buy; menuselect 5; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias "snipe" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 2; clmenu" alias "pistol" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; clmenu" alias "lefthand" "setinfo lefthand 1" alias "righthand" "setinfo lefthand 0" Ok, now when in game you have to "exec ct.cfg" or "exec t.cfg" depending on which side your on...then the function and arrow keys are used for buying. You can easily modify your weapon selection in the T and CT cfg files...these are just the ones I like to use. Now you can be cool like the rest of the CS world
  8. What do you mean has nothing to do with the game? Terrorists holding hostages & counter-terrorists trying to rescue them. There will be scenes with one guy unloading a clip and the guy he is shooting at dodging each bullet...there will be some wall hacking...people endlessly running and jumping without getting tired...it's all there No, it's not to do with this game...just the same name.
  9. Gond

    My Brother

    Everybody's got a brother LOL Did he used to play around here? I recall that name...course it could have been someone else.
  10. I'm torn...on one hand it says "You can't keep us down" and on the other hand it says "try again". I support the first of those hands!!!
  11. The song goes... "if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one your with" Sorry...I'm old My case...love before marriage.
  12. I love the VIP maps...come to our server sometime and we will load one up. Just have to have people who want to play them or you end up with an idiot VIP running around with an empty pistol and a knife.
  13. Gond

    New Member

    chuckles talks with his shotty
  14. You need to hit the "~" key (bring up the console) and then type "net_stat 3"...I think 1 will show stuff too.
  15. Not sure if this has already been discussed but I heard it on the radio this morning... Counter-Strike - TBS Original Movie
  16. 24 hours? Just buy a new monitor It's dead g00t...it's all messed up!!!
  17. A - - 70 B - - 35 C - - 15 D - - 35 E - - 32 F - - 40 G - - 37
  18. After checking your manual I'm not sure that test would work. I think the router will only forward the info from the WAN IP and the IP I gave you was the LAN IP. Still thinking
  19. Gond

    How much>?

    Fatty's been eating the apples his kids bring in for him again.
  20. I have it...play some with Batman. We have a server running out of my guest room for our game. It's a fun game but I've not been totally into it...I'm either too burned on those style games or too into the FPS games.
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