DarkArchon, I don't mean to offend, but your idea of science is misplaced, as is your "intellegent design." While it is fine if you need that thought to embrace your idea of religion, it isn't proper to give it in a way that misleads those who are not sure.
Inteligent design was not made up by science. It was made up by the theologists that struggled to explain what science is giving.
Allow me to explaine one simple reason as to why what you are saying is incorrect. Science does not have to prove god, nor does science need to disprove god. What science does is it takes what is known at the time, and try to find more information, or explain what is, by what is known. God is faith, there is no way to measure any value attached to god. While science may say there is evolution, they don't have to explain why. It is the theologist who is attemting to explain why. Intelligent design is their answer.
To the extent that you have found a scientist that embraces the idea, then I would suggest isn't science that accepts it, but one person. Science is a body of knowledge that doesn't think or feel. It isn't a thoelogy. There is no belief to science. Once people can understand that, they can stop fighting it.
The world is round. At one time the church fought that too. I don't doubt that at the time they attempted to explain how god made it so, and that eased their collective minds as to why they thought otherwise. This is no different.