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Everything posted by Brillow_Head

  1. week!!!! WEEK!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Um, Morowind had over 200 hours of gameplay...this one is rumored to have double that. You wouldn't beat it in a week
  2. Brillow_Head


    Walmart DVD PC 49.95 Walmart DVD PC Collectors 59.95
  3. You can sell plasma for cash every week. You can only give blood like once a month or two...dont remember exactly, but plasma gets replenished regularly. Buddy of mine, who wasn't hurtin for money to begin with sold plasma for two years in college...enough to pay is rent every month. +free cookie and juice
  4. Brillow_Head


    You sure it wasn't the 360's Collecters version which sells for 10 bucks more than the standar version?
  5. Mags true colors come out.....tar and feathers anyone?
  6. LOL, funny. His character walks to the center of a bridge. <click> ...saving game <click> "And now the answer to the question that everyone is thinking..." <His character jumps off the bridge..." SPLAT 'Your acrobatics skill has increased!' LOL!!! I'm dying here!!!!!111!!one
  7. Well duke, keep playing against M2 and you might someday be able to hold your own against him. Give me 2 maps against Stepback and M2 and my skill goes through the roof.
  8. I heard that Gamespot did a 12 Hour Oblivion Marathon live webcast for its paying members the night before it came out. Candid, uncut, live play for 12!!! hours. At the end, the building fire alarm went off. Pretty funny from what people say.
  9. Didn't read...too big, no separations. GG
  10. At one point or another we were looking at bountyhunter and counter-bet. I noticed that bounty has been off for a while, but I'd really like to see counter-bet come to the server. I've played on servers that have it and its much easier to obtain money for weapons with this system. And with the competetivness of our servers, the games would be closer more often...ie more balanced (not that its a huge issue). Did we just decide not to go with it? Are we holding off till freezes get totally fixed?
  11. Play it, beat it, then send it to me so I dont have to ask the wife if its okay to spend another 50 dollars on a game.
  12. Someone remotely banned you for HLSW. Regaurdless of weather we get a bit hot headed when we admin, server policies have to be enforced. How we come accross when we enforce them varies from admin to admin and from situation to situation. Usually its not about throwing weight around, but about getting back to the core of CS which is gamming. Arguing about rules takes away from that. I'd rather watch teammates kill each other than bicker back and forth. At first you got angry and lashed at the admins in general. I was trying to play it light and calm things down so we could get back to killing each other. Someone higher up made the call. But if you check HERE and repost we might get to continue our discussion some other time. At any rate, welcome to the forums.
  13. To be competative they'd have to keep the price point no highter than $500. <Remembers when Nintendo sold for $150>
  14. Somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 of being a top player has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with hardware and network. Still, even if we were both sitting with a 3 foot ethernet cable plugged directly into the server....he'd pwn me like I've never been pwned before.
  15. I'm sure you could get your hands on one.... The real question is, can you get your hands on two at once?
  16. If I recorded every time I played source and spliced together my best moments, you'd be like..."WOW Brillow was playing with hax!"
  17. Good to see new faces in the forums. Welcome!
  18. I'd buy 1 to start with, then sell for double, then buy another one later. Beats having to come up with double money right away, especially if it costs > $500.
  19. I'll tell ya though, it's all in how you take it at the time it's said. Ya got a few options. 1) You can take our character analysis of Lunks as truth and burry the hatchet. 2) You can keep playing with Lunk and make yourself known, be friendly, banter...get to know him. 3) Stay out of the server or on the other team when he's on. Each option is painless, and each option can be looked upon as constructive.
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