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Everything posted by Wentz

  1. We'll see.. I'm used to tweaking so I imagine I'll have to make it work! That is unless I decide to build a desktop by the time UT3 comes out, which could be never at this pace
  2. Be sweeter if you joined GC and just straight up played *on* the team... Jus' sayin.... -Fk Agree, just join up
  3. Umm... anyone see the biorifle description? I never want to get shot with that thing, yuck
  4. Nice laptop, but sooooo big. Plus I'm not a huge fan of Dell's Inspiron notebook. Latitudes are a different story! Thinkin about ordering today HRMMMMMMMMM
  5. Press the glowing X and logoff xboxlive before you get slapped around, SIR
  6. I have to have one for work, and it would be cheaper to get a nice new laptop instead of keeping my current AND buying a desktop :F
  7. Primus is easier to say and doesn't make me picture you wearing a hat and combing your beard
  8. Sup suckas, sold my current craptop for $500, now I want to get this instead of a desktop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16834220098 Comes with mx518, which is my favorite mouse... would be good for work and gaming, whatcha think?
  9. doesn't matter how big bushwack is.. ever try to shoot a fat person that just drank 9 cups of coffee? Me neither, but that's pretty funny right
  10. Help me out here, I have been working a lot and paying no attention to the gaming scene... but I'm planning to build a PC and play 2k7 when it comes out. When can I expect this, and who wants to die first?
  11. Man, I loved that guy and his work.
  12. can't you leave it at 3 and lower the time limit a bit? People with slower computers might drop with all the map loading
  13. That buffalo got arrow'd by a noob. I hope it got back up and trampled that guy, I hate hunting!
  14. Start headshotting your neighbors with an airsoft pistol, that's what I do
  15. I don't think Atari had much to do with the decision
  16. that's the reason I voted for 18.. if it lowers cost, lowering the max players on the tail end of a dying game is a good idea.
  17. I'd like to see someone getting slapped in the face with a food item
  18. :tongue2: HAPPY BDAY Dingy, here's someone else that would like to say hi
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