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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. We can get it set up easily enough, what we need is a real and true commitment from a couple people to actually commit to it. Starting a server is easy, establishing it is not as easy. Many times we've set up stuff and then the people who clamored for them more or less walked away a month later and started playing on other servers. So you two - do you have the time to put in?
  2. Hard to say it's too much - at least the straight FFO fee. Ten years ago, and for just about all the FFO's, it was $50 early bird registration - like December/January, just to get some money in to get things rolling. Then $75 for most of the time, then $100 for late registrations about a month, month and a half out. I got it down to a flat $75 last year - early, regular, or late, and $70 this year. And stuff ain't cheaper ten years later But over all, yeah, gas is way up since the mid 2000's, hotels are likely more as well. I'd like this to get bigger; just looking something to grab hold of to embiggen it. Want to be sure none of us are missing anything too obvious. Maybe I need to map membership out - maybe all our L4D2 folks are no where near the midwest...
  3. I wasn't trying to scold anyone - this community has seen it's fair share of surprising deaths, health, medical, etc... all of which lead to people not being able to do x, y or z with GC. It's just something I'd like to wrap my head around, the fact that we are so much bigger than we've ever been but getting people together seems much more difficult than it was in the past.
  4. What's the one reason you would go and what are other reasons that would make you go?
  5. Keep in mind, he was probably drunk when he posted that. But there is a germ of a point there. GC has *never* had as many contributing members as it has had with the L4D2 server. Seems like it would be a far easier thing to get at least a few of those deaders together once a year.
  6. How do you break a 6 pack?
  7. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/user/5688-crouchinglouishiddenzoey/
  8. Out of the blue a week ago, CrouchingLouisHiddenZoey joins the forums and asks to throw money at the folks at FFO. And lo, it has come to pass. And then ( ! ) that amount again for beverages of some sort I know not what I couldn't even imagine oh yes I can... Fantastic timing that Dominos is half off through the weekend. Otherwise double that pizza bill.
  9. You guys look like you are going clubbing or driving to a Morrissey concert.
  10. Nice. Post a speedtest.
  11. FATTY BEHIND CAMERA, ON LEFT IS ILOVETOMATOES AND ON THE RIGHT IS RENEGADE http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/gallery/category/7-fragfest-ohio-2014/ Right there. Dump em' in when you get a chance. That's Fatty behind the camera and I have no idea who's in front.
  12. Pics or it didn't happen. Serious. There are like 10 pictures from all of last year's event.
  13. Hey, wouldja look at that! The waivers from *last* year have no specific date attached to them. Convenient as that makes them still valid for this year. Those of you who are new this year or back after a few years away please do us a solid and print/sign this puppy? Just leave them in the back to Flitterkill pile at the venue. Frag Fest Ohio LAN Release of Liability.pdf
  14. I'm five of six so one more or even better three more needed.
  15. Used to, didn't last long. Server will need a lead, not someone who will walk away a month later. Otherwise there are no barriers, just community desire to have the server.
  16. Looks in Fatty's direction.... whistles... The box containing the tees *AND* the check arrives at Fatty's Thursday. Black Wolf Hall is all good if you show up sans box and get started. Turn on Steam and let's chat.
  17. That should be a wrap on my end. Stuff is away and out of my hands. Some of the badges have been cut out, others not. Get to work! Cut cut cut! I've included two types of lanyards. Single swivel like last year or, new, two line lanyards. See the example above. Just punch a couple holes a little way in from the top corners and then from the front insert one end of a line. The shoelace tips are engineered to catch on the other side.
  18. I'll send Fat this way. Shirts should arrive on Thurs afternoon. Temperatures for Stow, OH on Fri and Sat? High of near 80. Looks like you'll have great weather.
  19. Man, that was some warm work. Things learned: 1) GC logo will need to be bigger for L, Xl and above. M is alright. Mostly. Will prep an order for that stuff soon before they hit the store. 2) Giant FFO logo would have been nice, as it is, just a breast patch. Xtras are present. Swap as needed for those that did not specify colors or anything. Those that did shall have their stuff baggied and accounted for. Might still be an op for a swap but at least yours will be initially accounted for. 3) Apologies for slight misalignments. Should be mostly/all good. 4) Any tragic washer accidents hit me up and we'll get replacements. 5) Some of you will be lucky to get an Authentic Pigment shirt. Generously sized (especially length) and pigment dye is the bee's knees. Gildan is a solid choice but it's gonna be hard not to make these the official GC shirt stock. Champion longsleeves are fantastic as well. None include in the shipment to Stow but there are many Champion shirts in the batch too. Again, unless accounted for it;s first come, first served. Next year this will be mucho betters as this FFO thing is also a test run for the GC store. 230PM Eastern now, chillin with some food, will start shipment packing soon, then an errand or two before making sure this hits FedEx by 430 or so for pickup. Worst case scenario it arrives on Friday. Xtra shirts can be returned my way after the contest, some shirts feel free to use as prizes - there are a few GC so you get an idea of what they will be like in the store (but bigger). Like Mass Effect? Do you yearn to manufacture YMIR mechs? Well ok then.
  20. It's 6pm Eastern and a ton of shirts have shown up at my doorstep. Currently producing badges, then I hit the shirts. I'll post pics of how it flies. Theoretically this stuff ships out tomorrow for arrival Thursday, worst case it shows Friday. Thursday mid-afternoonish the doors open for setup at Black Wolf Hall. This would be a grand time to post up who's showing up when and so on. Renegade is showing up, he has the wires and such. Someone out there (mom? Renegade?) has the networking switches. Fatty has the cable modem. Seating is wherever you like. Like last year, you'll have a ton of room. AC has been assuredly working. Good luck! I'll try, by late tonight or tomorrow, to get the waivers sent out. make sure you bring a signed one with you. There will be extras to sign on site. Do your fellow LAN folk a solid by printing out a virus scan report before packing up and bring it with you? I'll also need someone to semi-coordinate collection of money from people who are incapable of using the storefront and getting that back to me. Or, maybe they can use the interwebs and a CC and just do the deed onsite? Please take pictures (and vid if you feel it). No reason not to. We've lost a year or two already of FFO pics to the hoary mists of internet time (some possibly on Flickr but walled off in now-private accounts and probably forgotten). Anything else? Bank and ATM a few feet away from the venue for those that may have forgotten or haven't been there before. Uhhhh.... Yeah. -Fk PS: Food Friday night might be taken care of. If you like pizza.
  21. Did what I could with those that contacted me. Gonna be tight getting these there on Thursday but should happen. Limi. So, you are apparently flying across the ocean for this? Everyone should treat this person as unto a GOD. He drinks for free.
  22. BTW, noticed CrunchyOrphan has returned to the land of Steam after 1.5 years away

    1. MasterTalpa


      holey shnikes, youre right

    2. Flitterkill


      Well the man bought a 100 Bucks Box and then disappeared before I could ship it. Been watching his Steam account for a loooong time now.

  23. http://store.steampowered.com/app/304930/ Hosting our own server would be quite easy.
  24. Last call for FFO! Shirt order going in asap. See latest post for details.

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