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Everything posted by Clueless

  1. Must have been Bean , I dont think I killed anyone there last night, at least that wasnt on my team And was it just me, or did it seem like Lunk had a whole box full of grenades?
  2. Yeah, and have the reflective stripes like the city workers have, I think we're on to something.
  3. Personally, I did'nt care for this map at all, way too small and close quartered. I was playin T side and there were times that the CT's were in our spawn before we could get out. Never even figured out where the bomb sites were, but I know they're not in spawn, that's about all I saw. Another thing to note, for us admins, tryin to get a quick ban in at spawn is CERTAIN death. Let alone be able to warn someone. But then again, I couldnt stay alive more than 10 seconds so I guess I could do my banning then
  4. I was in Project Mayhem tonight and it felt like I was speedhacking. Not quite as fast as they go but I was definately haulin donkey. I had it before in Recrude, but when I asked if anyone else noticed they acted like I was nuts. Tonight ConGregation was in and he asked me "hey man you speedhackin?", just kidding of course, but finally someone else noticed. Any way to find out what the heck is going on? I'm having to run in short bursts just so I don't have an unfair advantage. This is intermittent by the way.
  5. To add, being a regular or a member doesnt give you extra slack, it gives you a tighter rope, you know the rules as well as our members, you should set an example, not make one of yourself. Arguing in server with an admin is not a good display, you should have brought all of that in here. The other point everyone seems to forget is, Admins, which I think are more consistant than you give them credit for, are trying to play also, we may miss a thing or two, were just people. Personally, i've played with you alot and have never seen anything like this out of you, so I am a bit taken back by all of this. Hope this all gets worked out.
  6. If I were you I would get that out of your PC, even if you don't use it, and were just messing around. When VAC2 is implemented, your STEAM account would be permanently banned by Valve if detected. Then you would have to re-purchase your games. Also, do a good spyware check, who knows whatelse those scumbags would try to slip in your system.
  7. Hey man, safe journey!!!!! Military? If so, thanks for the work man!!!!!
  8. I had an absolute blast in there tonight, things were real fast paced, and alot of fun. Not having to worry about a sniper looming somewhere was like a weight lifted and it was just plain fun. What do you guys think?
  9. It was different when I got it, almost was'nt sure if i'd like it, but now that I'm used to it, I won't go back to just the keyboard.
  10. No scopes, any map, EVER! <wakes up and realizes he was dreaming> I don't know why you would want to restrict certain teams, maybe maps, but take something from just one side and we'll have Kleenex workin triple shifts to fill the orders. Why not just gone all-together? Then it's even. A good team with skilled players can win without sniping on any map, either side. I truly believe that. But, I'll take whatever I can get, I'm looking forward to some real skill-building without the distraction of wondering where a sniper might be hiding a 1/2 mile from my position. I'm still working on just consistantly trying to aim and hit my targets under different conditions, when I'm satisfied, then i'll be ready to take on the snipers again. Last question, will Recrude admins have full admin on this server as well? Thanks guys, this is gonna be cool.
  11. I heard one bad thing about it, 700 BUCKS!! Holy crap mister moneybags! It should be a sweet card, I use an X800XT PE and it does everything I need it to, so I'm sure youll be happy. The best thing about ATI is the support, I originally bought the X800 pro, but it was defective out of the box, and for my trouble, they sent me the XT PE at no extra charge, even shipped it before they got mine back, awesome people.
  12. I liked it also, well as much as one can like assault, I do think the other assault we tried last night with the sewers and stuff has a slight edge, maybe take some inspiration from that and like Fatty said, get creative. The other thing I noticed was that on the right side of the garage door (from the inside looking out) you cant get inbetween the boxes and the wall to cover the door like the other versions, maybe just widen that a bit. But all in all, pretty cool, must take alot of work to do a map like that, I always thought it would be cool to try, but I don't know if I have the patience. Swinging lights = cool
  13. Hey look, Fatty will even get the glass roof he's been missing!
  14. Yeah, you can bind whatever you want, my jump is actually up on the pad part, crouch is left, and talk is down, it's real comfortable for me like that. The n52 has the spacebar, but i find it awkward and dont use it at all.
  15. I use an n52 and it's the best controller i've ever bought. I don't know what you mean about the mouse thing, elaborate. I don't use the keyboard at all except for chat and banning people, I just use the n52 and my mouse.
  16. How can you be screwed over by them bad enough to ruin something for other people? Sounds like an excuse to me. I dont get how you can be screwed over, they sell a product, you buy it if you want it, if you are unhappy, dont buy future offerings, thats it as far as I can see. Ive bought tons of games that sucked or didnt work right, big deal, 40 to 60 dollars has never made me want to be that malicious, especially, when you can make other people feel they have wasted their money by your actions. And if hackers really wanted to hurt a company, i'm sure that there are better ways to do it, and they sure seem to enjoy themselves owning everyone in the name of "justice". I respect you and your opinion, but i don't buy it, I dont think its really that deep, people just wanna be better than everyone else, and when they can't, they cheat.
  17. Oops, lost track with all the mapvotes, we don't get around the rotation anymore.
  18. Any decisions on the final format as far as scoped weapons, custom maps only, etc?
  19. I liked it, and I have'nt liked any assault map yet, this on forces everyone to move around a bit instead of T plan of : camp with awp, wait for ct, kill ct, move on to next round. Another cool thing beside all of the obvious stuff, is th roof vent is now part of the building and can't be spammed with bullets. Those guys are very talented mapmakers, if we keep using their stuff, we may want to build up a voluntary collection to make a donation. My vote is to keep it and replace current assault with this one.
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