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Everything posted by MajorKonig

  1. not for awhile at least. such as pdo once said, not up until CAL makes a division devoted to the source engine.
  2. well. looks like the end for the .gc 1.6 wise doesn't it? that's too bad, i've enjoyed four years in this community. i'm sad to see it go to source. and i'll say, that it's been great. hopefully it'll be great in the future also.
  3. then by all means jiffy lets take it else where, pm me on aol instant messenger, sn cancereatcancer. i have loads of demo's you can watch. by the way. can't you read? it says "changed his name to insult me" insult being the key word there.
  4. for the record, this so called clanmate of yours changed his name to insult me before i said anything, i know it sounds childish to point out, but it's for the record. check the logs if you'd like. also, for this so called player, i never had a grudge against him, or your clan, i've always enjoyed playing with you guys. even back in the day with m33r and tape's shotgun duels, or mosses and sexy awp battles on aztec, it's always been fun for me. and i'd hate to leave it in this manner, or leave it at all for that matter. it's not just an addiction to the game, it's an addiction to the people you play it with(this community).
  5. there's been a lot of rumors going around that i'm not, well, legit. well, i am, so everyone can just cut the name calling. there's no reason for it, if you don't like me, thats fine, but take it up with me in private, not in some public server where people come to have a good time. i've been playing with and around you guys long enough(around two years), i've owned, and been owned. i have my bad days just like everyone else. i have a wonderful time on your servers and come for the good competitive play and golly good fun we have. i don't think there's a need for any of this. ps.. for the record, i play just as well on lan as i do at my home computer. i have more than serveral people that can verify it. and if you'd like, i'll record as many demos as you want just so i can keep playing on your server.
  6. i dont have a mic, so i cant use it! that means.. i cant be banned!
  7. i keep getting repeatedly kicked for "hacking" or shooting thru walls. um, am i missing something?
  8. MajorKonig

    Diablo 3

    Wailing Claws -1 - 4 Damage Complain (2/2 charges) they have obviously been watching me play. hm, oh well.
  9. yeah, sorry to bother mmmm's forums with this matter, but i just cant seem to do anything on th3fall3n's forums. now thats out of the way. yeah, i got banned from th3fall3n, and i was quite stumped to as why. i dont recall any warnings nor do i recall doing anything wrong. of course i could be having some kind of memory laspe. ya know, only remembering the things you want to. if someone would please give me a reasonable explanation to as of why i was banned, it would be most appreciated. And if you'd like to unban me, i'd be most grateful. name using at the time: Solar^Winamp wonid: 2071750, at least i think those above are correct, if not, i'll check again.
  10. hong kong , and after that its GODZILLA!
  11. Happy Birthday hope its good.
  12. Yeah that second one was pretty easy to predict. The first one...yeah thats all I can... yeah...right.
  13. Above 100 thats impossible my sister got a 97 which was hilarious cause my whole family started calling her forest
  14. "Chanukah Smurf" but if you put in my full name "Son Of Smurf" and if you put in my middle name you get "Litigious Smurf"
  15. Respected eh... well i guess that counts me out
  16. 1989 Toyota Torcil EZ It might be crappy and lound but when i'm getting 48 miles to the gallon it doesnt bother me abit
  17. 1st - CsLs 2nd - Th3Fall3n 3rd - DOH Man i dont even want to think about playing CsLs this year, thats how much talent they got under their belt.
  18. Just Uncheck the box that reads "play cd music" and just use winamp it works great for me
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