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Did satan influence the Pharoah to kill the first born male child in every Jewish family because he knew Moses was going to be born? Is that why people would accually feel ok about killing a baby? Has satan placed a dark cloud over most of society to make us accept killing babys?

Do you think that maybe satan is right now trying to stop the next prophet?

This is not political, i believe this is more than saying "I dont feel i have the right to tell someone what they do with there body." I feel true evil at work to make people accept what is happening..

It would make a good movie if nothing else.. :)


Oh and do you think Cain is still walking around?

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No, just thought it was interesting... Why did the Pharoah order the killings? You know when Moses's mom saved him by putting him in the river.. Then the Pharoh's wife finds him...

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X you're mixing two different things.

when Moses was born Pharaoh ordered all the sons of Isreal to be killed at birth because the Jews were his slaves and he wanted to keep the possible fighting population down.

Moses mom hid Moses for 3 months then when she couldn't hide him anymore she put him in a little boat and sent him down the river in hopes that his life would be saved (because he was surely dead if she kept him) and by chance the Pharaohs daughter found and raised him as her own.

Later when Moses was trying to free the Isrealites God was sending plagues against Egypt because they wouldn't let the Jews go free...one of those plagues was the Angel of Death killing the Firstborn son of each family...any Isrealites that didn't put the blood of an unblemished lamb over their door would have their child killed as well...but if they put up the blood they would be passed over (i.e. the Passover celebration)

Moses never ordered any killings of firstborn nor did he have that power

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you explained it much better. I left out the whole pass-over thing. But yeah that's what i meant. I'm getting lotsa things mixed up. Like when Herod ordered the death of all boys under a certain age, Pharoh ordering death and The plagues. So similiar but yet so different.

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In cases you didn't notice watch, the events of Moses are paralleled with Jesus'.


When Jesus was born Herod sent his soldiers to the cities to kill all the male childs 2 and under to try to kill the messiah.


Same thing with moses.


Both are deliverers of God's people.


In effect (im not a dispensationalist) Isreal is a type of "man kind" who God calls out of darkness. Moses in effect is a type of Jesus.


That was not refrencing the issue just a side note:


now as for who did what. Who makes who do what is a soar subject with me. but one thing I will say concerning your point is this. The other day I was riding home listing to kkla (christian radio in los angeles) and they played a live abortion on the radio. It's a recording of a doctor training others. GAWWWWWDDDDDD how screwed up in the head are these people. Mind you this was not a 4 week embryo.

It was an 7 mo. old parital abortion being performed and MY STOMACH ABOUT TURNED INSIDE OUT!!! He explained every step and finally gets to "now we need to puncture the skull.....then taking the -whatever he called the tool- and suction the tissue from the head...." and then people start clappin and I about yelled the F word as loud as I could.


When I heard this I actually cried and thought how better off dead we are. Remember that line in Aliens when she tells that busniess guy "at least they don't screw each other over for a share" isnt that the truth.

Thats why the matrix made sense to me when in the first movie he explains to him how men were so destructive. Then he says they are the next step in evolution and I thought well at least they arent liar and cheaters I think I'll join em.


This whole partial birth thing just kills me inside.



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just so you know Auggy they actually didn't do anything...that's an old radio scam to increase listeners for a certain block...it's a publicity stunt


but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be as tinkled as you were...I nearly got fired from my job one day because my boss said something to the effect of "partial birth abortions can't be THAT bad"

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Yeah, the people clapping would have clued me in.. I get your point tho.. Glenn Beck was building up to "playing the first live abortion" on public radio all week(couple weeks ago). When he was supposed to do it, he went to clips of "Air America".. I think he spurred all the other stations to get in on this.. Marginalizes the issue if you ask me..


However I don't see the connection unless you are saying Satan is powering these people to do this.. But if I know God is omnipotent and almighty, then I know this is his plan. Not Satans.

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I don't totally agree Watch

currently Satan has control of the "world" and it is his time to reign...not everything that happens is God's plan...if it was then we'd be flesh colored robots...but God himself said he made us for companionship and that can only come about through free will...

oh crap...I don't know if we want to open THAT one up do we?

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Yes, God is omnipotent. The only thing that can limit Him in anyway is His own word, because God is Truth as well. He gave dominion of this world over to Adam, who subsequently gave it over to Satan. The earth is now in a fallen and decaying state and this is partly why bad things happen to good people.


But, as the Bible states, "what Satan meant for bad, God can turn to good". So, as Playaa said, not everything that happens is "God's Plan" for you (universal, non-specific "you"), God can use it to your benefit. Take for example someone who is severely abused as a child. This is certainly not God's plan for that person's life but God can use it. He can heal this person of the hate and bitterness that can take root in this person and help them to learn how to deal with all the emotions that result from it (bitterness, anger, self-accussation, self-hating, victim mentality (meaning, "I probably did something to deserve this", "I am a bad person for making mommy/daddy do this to me", living his/her whole life just waiting for the abuse they know will come and often poisoning otherwise healthy relationships because they "know" how it will turn out, etc.)) and become a whole person again. Now that person can use that knowledge and information to reach out and help others who have gone/are going through the same thing.

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