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Do they love you?

Guest ZDamage

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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
heh, its it kinda funny if u have an open mind about it and don't take it seriously.

It's kind a smack at those people that act black yet they are the whitest people you know. lol. that is all. just some satire. Yet a touchy subject i am sure.

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Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb
Guest UberNewb

Right on! I couldn't have said it better myself, Playaa, you mad phat pimp you. Its like trying to stomp that roosterroach that won't die. It'll want to live even more. Same goes with everything bad. So deal with it.

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Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane
Guest The Hurricane

btw...it's called racial profiling...and which ever way you cut it..it's not something to joke about..


zd, please tell me, how do "black people" "act"?


sigh -_-

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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
btw...it's called racial profiling...and which ever way you cut it..it's not something to joke about..


zd, please tell me, how do "black people" "act"?


sigh -_-

Dude, do not let political correctness mess with you. There are differences and always will be. Do we let that be a reason to hate? no. It doesn't take a professor to know that there are fundamental differences in just behavior and humor and etc. TO explain it here would probably take a long while or would not be possible in writing. There are cultural differences that will always be there Hurricane. And as long as the Politically Correct insist people be called "African-American" and "Asian-American" and etc, there will never be an end to it all. Why can't we all just be Americans? Nobody wants to be racially profiled but what do you think calling someone "African-American" instead of just American does?

Just in case no body noticed, a single white racist male did not make that website.

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im not racist at ALL but imma give my 2 cents...


the stereotype of black people is loud, annoying, always singing, speaking in slang.. ect...


black people can be smart have great jobs ect.. JUST LIKE WHITES because WE ARE THE SAME!!!! BUT when black people take it upon themselves to act the part of the stereotype.. then they are gonna get people who hate them because of their skin color.


I'm not racist at all, honestly i don't have a problem with anyone for any reason, but when i walk down the hallways at school and the "black crowd" stands in the middle of the hallway and gets mad and starts calling me white trash because i walked through their circle to get to class.. then i get mad. I don't get mad at the entire race, or i don't stereotype.. but i do get mad at those CERTAIN people. They are being hypocritical.. they don't want us "whites" to be against them for any reason, yet they say that to me..



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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage

this topic has gone way off, but heartless has a point here. It is ok if blacks are racist. No one criticizes Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton about their bigotry. There can be a miss black america and a Black entertainment television but just imagine the outrage if there was only a white miss america or a White Entertainment Television. (wet).


That is my opinion on the matter and whether you like it or not, it happens to be the truth of the matter. I just want us all to realize racism is wrong, no matter who is the racist or who it is against.

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Z, Heartless....

I'm right behind you guys on this one....

I have an acquaintence (not friend cause we're not close) who is white...she has 2 adopted black brothers...she is the most politically correct person I've ever known...and while her brothers are the only 2 black students at a private school they ONLY stand out because she is always trying to get them treated "how they deserve to be"...

if it wasn't for her ppl would just accept them as humans...but because of her want for "uber-political correctness" they are seperate and different...


I say we're all humans....different skin color means nothing...

there is as much difference between a pasty white redheaded person with green eyes to me as there is to me and a black person....yet no one even bothers with thinking that pasty white person is a different race than a tan white person....why? Because they're not....


I no longer believe in race...only different tans...


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back on topic....for any of you that read that page and got angry because it was "mocking blacks"....REREAD IT!!!

that page is making fun of white ppl who are overly politically correct....

though I guess maybe that's why you didn't think it was funny....cause you're being overly politically correct



this whole thing also shows another stupid trend when racism is involved....

ppl assume automatically that whites are more racist....

well guess what?


when racism is involved....it's not the whites fault...it's not the blacks fault....it's not the Asian's fault....it's not the Jews fault...it's not the Hispanics fault....




ah...I feel better...

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Get off yur high horses ppl


We are ALL racist to a certain extent.


Anyone who tries to say otherwise is not only a racist in the closet but is also ignorant.


I'm not advocating racism. I am just stating fact.


It's in human nature to band with those that are familiar and be at least curious about those that are different.


The world is not utopian. As long as the racism level doesn't exceed the "curiosity" threshold, I think we're all in the safe zone.

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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
We are ALL racist to a certain extent.


Anyone who tries to say otherwise is not only a racist in the closet but is also ignorant.

I disagree completely. We may profile which is different than racism. But we are not all racist. Oh yes, everyone profiles or stereotypes, but that isn't the same as racism. That is a very bold claim that should be reconsidered.

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