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Trade skills

All Kill3r

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What do you guys think.


For a PvP only char are tradeskills really necessary or are they just in the game for the people that are interested in that kind of thing ?


Here's my reason.


I've put atleast 5 hours into my tradeskill's, atleast. And it's not paying off in the least bit when it come's to combat. So what's up ? Why do one ?


Tell me about what you guys are doing, herbalism/alchemy thus far sucks. I run around and collect herbs, im up to like 8 kinds of herbs and about 10 potions i can make. Anything from mana potions, health potions, whatever. Anyway, i can summon 15mana potions for 150 mana, so why waste reagents and a lot of time doing herbalism. I can eat mushrooms for 500hp in a few seconds with no cooldown, opposed to a minor heal or lesser heal potion... boo !


The only upside is the potions are instant and the other stuff you gotta sit, but i loot enough potions and everything since all i do is farm for my XP. And vendor's sell this stuff so i just stock up, lemme get a pic. Am i missing why i should craft ?

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well, i havent been puttin too much into my tradeskills.


i took up tailoring and mining, i believe. for tailoring, im tryin to get to the point of being able to make bags cuz those are handy and people pay like 4 silver for them. so i could imagine that being handy at least for a low lvl player with not much moola.


and for mining, if i see a copper vein while im about ill just mine it and then sell the stuff. i think you can take it and make gold, or copper bars but i havent been able to figure that out.


again, my motives for both of tradeskills is purely for gold. i dont think theyre reallly useful for combat or nothin.

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I think you can undo them...either your trainer can unlearn you (like your proffesion teacher) or when you have 2 trade skills and request a 3rd it might have you disregard a previous one to make room.


Give it a try...


on another subject I got sick of being 112 in line to get on the server so I started an alliance character on central Test 42. I'm still gonna play my undead when and if I can ever log on to it.

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well, a couple of my friends got hooked on this game when i showed it to them, and they wanna be alliance, so i'll most likely have a character to play with them. most likely a paladin.



but if you guys are gonna be horde, i'll make another character to play with y'all. i will be on the PvP server most definitely. i had my first PvP yesterday! it was fun. i was just minding my business in Westfall, killin some boars, then I see a dwarf fighting a Troll and i tried to help em out but we both got killed. it was fun stuff.

Edited by spiralstairs
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all we got to go on from exile is this for now


im lvl 46 atm. and i plan on come retail starting VI into a WoW guild, you all are welcome to join ive talked to batman and a few others. Alliance and most likely PvP. Ill post more details come release or close to release.


i'll go alliance or horde, doesn't matter to me so long as we can try to keep us together. I'm sure your friends could join up with us too !

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tradeskills do indeed pay off my rogue is maxed herbalism/alchemy and some of the potions i could make i would easily sell at the auction house for 1-2 gold. and as far as the health/mana pots vs mage summon stuff. well you cant use food/water in combat you can use pots in combat they are a lifesaver especially for people who cant heal themselves with a spell of some sort. so its a great tradeskill for say rogue warlock something of that nature.


my paladin which i ended up getting to 34 even though he was an alt was a blacksmith/miner. some of the stuff i could make just blew away what i could buy/find. and some of it was sucky but at higher lvls a blacksmith can make serious bank i mean some items could bring 50 gold or so. i was at the expert lvl of blacksmithing so i could make quite a bit of items which brought anywhere from 20silver all the way to 7 gold for an armor i could make.


this game really opens up past lvl 20 or so just stick with tradeskills they will pay off especially at higher lvls. every skill is usefull to nothing really sucks. just pick what you think you would use the most yourself or what you could make the most money at and use yourself and watch the gold rack up.


and lastly you could easily unlearn a main profession such as blacksmithing mining etc. all you had to do is bring up your char screen go to skills then the bar that showed the skill there would be a small circle with a slash through at the end of the bar, you had to click on that to unlearn the skill.

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