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i am living at my friend {GpL}TheGeek998 (otherwise known as sam...) for a while because my parents are going through a divorce...i am 17, and this affects me greatly.


please pray that i do not turn out like my dad did, and that i will be able to maintain a relationship with both of my parents. i called my dad a couple of days ago, and he actually sounded like he was happy to hear from me...which is wierd because usually he can only yell at me. then i called him last night again, and assked him if i could come by and pick up my comp, and he all of a sudden decided that the only reason i had ever called him was to get the computer, and that if he didn't have it, i would have never called him again. :( this hurts because by the tone in his voice, he thinks everyone hates him, and i really don't know what he's gonna do...pray that i can still talk to him, and that maybe this is what he needed to finally see what really goes on...i think that he might actually be able to listen to me about christian stuff...which would be totally sweet. he is a nonbeliever btw...so yeah. also, as i previously posted, i met a cool girl last sunday, and gave her my e-mail address, so pray that she e-mails me, as i have no other way of contacting her. i kind of need a girl-friend...not a girlfriend you understand, as my last relationship went down the poop-chute. she is definitly someone that i would like to get to know however, and would really like it if she e-mails me...so pray for that. thanx guyz.

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My parents went through a nast divorce but it was when I was much older.


But when I was your age my mom had an affair with a guy. What made it really bad was my dad was a pastor of a church. They ultimately stayed together for about 12 more years til she did it again, but we still had to move and was a very difficult period.


Hang in there! I will pray that you can 'share' with your Dad. He obviously has issues. Any Dad that resents being 'used' has lost the art of being a Dad. I mean thats what Dad's are for... until your 40 maybe. Might be a good idea to send him a letter and tell him how you want to maintain a relationship and ease his mind that you really don't want to take advantage of him. Letters are a wonderful way to communicate in difficult situations.


And why in the world are you waiting for a girl to email you when you can just talk with us? :D

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Well I'm going to try and explain it the best way I can.


When someone is going through something as dramatic as a divorce can be, they tend to think more negatively about everything in life. I personally don't believe anyone wants to be miserable, it's just a way of dealing with something dramatic. So like you said you were calling your father to keep in touch and see how he is holding up, he is in a negative viewpoint right now and will look for an excuse to stay that way so that's why he said you just called him to get your computer back. This is something he is going to have to get over and your help will mean alot to him but at the moment he may not be showing it. When things are all said and done, and he is viewing things on a more positive note, he will look back and realize you were trying to help and will greatly appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hold no worries to that bro. Like Con said you have friends on here. I know it isn't normal to believe what an ethug like me says but there ARE people out there for you. It's just a journey you have to take. Take it into perspective. You're a gamer and I'm sure you've played alot of games before you found the one you can really play all the time. It's the same with life. You'll find people you think you like and it turns out they may think differently. All perspective. Maybe THEY don't deserve to know you.


All that matters is what you do, anything that you do, you can look inside yourself, religious or not, and have a feeling of pride. I'm not a man to like many people, heck I've been here for 3 years and there are people who don't know who the heck I am. But I get along with you? Isn't that odd? I don't know who you are and how you think but hold you to what you say you believe. Perspective. Anytime you want and you have a problem and feel no one is listening, PM me. I'm not an achiever and I'm not a gold medalist or a music producer or a teacher, but I do know what it's like to go through stuff I don't understand.

Edited by CowboyFromHell
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  • 2 months later...

arg she still hasn't e-mailed me. :( im kinda worried.

hey who cares?

look at me... no girls email me, lol

xcept marissa. shes crazy



Hey that not nice to talk that way about my Girlfriend.

She may be crazy, but she's still my GIRLFRIEND.


calm down.. its a joke


eph, you dont need a girl, your strong emotions are only telling you that. TRUST ME, thats how i got into my last relationship. I thought i needed a girlfriend because of things going on, only the opposite is true. Wait for things to calm down. I do hope she e-mails you, if she doesnt, then she's an uber noob

Edited by {GpL}TheGeek998
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