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Server Rebuild Feedback

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As we rebuild the server we need everyones feedback so we can tell what is causing the rubberbanding problems. We need EVERYONES input about this issue because some people might notice it much as others do. Here is the schedule we are going to follow:


(Dates subject to change at any time, depending on how much feedback we get)

Mani will be installed with default settings: April 6th

Mani will be chanaged to our settings: April 7th

PTBx will be installed: April 17th


During these changed we need everyones input on how the server is running, in terms of rubberbandin and lag. Things to look for:


1. Rubberbanding (when you run forward, and then suddenly get pulled back to a previous position)

2. Choke & Loss (use net_graph for this, to enable it type "net_graph 1" in console)

3. Pauses (when the whole game freezes for a seccond, sometimes it almost seems like a lock up)


Please report any and all problems that have to do with the servers performance. Looking forward to hearing from EVERYONE!

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I'd say you could go ahead after one day with simple cvar settings (such as forcecamera) that a2g has chosen to set one way or the other in their default. This would help make this transition more tolerable for your clients.




Also, on the 3rd, will default settings include reserves for the members?

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Also, on the 3rd, will default settings include reserves for the members?
unfortunately not. we've got to test mani out of the box as-is for at least a full day with a full server. reserves (and admin) are at the top of the list, but i hope everyone agrees that a better performing server is more attractive than a warping server with reserves.
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we're on a super sexy hot new server from a2g. the server is going to stay unmodded for at least a day, just so we have a frame of comparison. new hardware, new install, new os, new everything. well, not new network, but almost literally 90% of socal GSP's use mzima AND are in the same datacenter as the a2g racks.


in other words, this should be the trick. bear with us, another day of testing, and things should start going back to normal.




(you caught the "should" right?)

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Guest _hitman_
Guest _hitman_
Guest _hitman_

Good to hear, with the "naked" servers, gc server is almost just like...other servers, blah. Can't wait to have things up and running again. BTW, still enjoying playing here, just can't wait to be back to normal.

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for the record, this was before any of the addons were dumped back on. this sounds awfully familar to the saturday night fart...which isn't good news. did your guns disappear (like the demo i posted)? at any rate, admins please play with net_graph 1 for the next week. if you see another one of these, take some pictures. THANKS. consider it a late birthday request.



in lighter news, mani *should* be back in a few minutes. all maps, reserves, etc. PTBx and a few other secret ingredients are still out. need to test this, and go from there.


...still uploading.

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I'm not sure if it's the clients problem or not but.. A lot of people seem to be getting kicked for "Client Timed Out" messages. It's just.. way too often to be normal. Once a map about for me for the past 2 maps.. Wanderer did too.. and a bunch of other non-regulars are being kicked for it.

Also.. maps skip a lot.. After every map change about.. The next map would start then end and onto next map after that..

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cool, thanks for the feedback.


none of the changes we've made should have any impact on the server connection with steam/vac. there have been some steam/vac connection issues (on their end) which might be causing the client timed out.


for the map change, i think valve built in a map round start detect into srcds at some point and automatically goes to the next map in the cycle.


but then again, that's a "should" and a "think," so feel free to insert your own guesses here:

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